Popup Which Directs To Ad For New Bd 2013 Stays On Top

edited August 2012 in General

My wife and I both have BD 2012 Anti-virus and lately have noticed that a large white rectangle which occupies about 1/4 of the screen has been popping up. I take it that it is an ad for the new BD 2013 because when I click anywhere inside it, it takes me to this website:


However, like I said, it is just a plain white rectangle that will not go away and remains in focus above every other application I run, blocking my vision of them. It is extremely annoying.

How do we get this to stop?


  • My wife and I both have BD 2012 Anti-virus and lately have noticed that a large white rectangle which occupies about 1/4 of the screen has been popping up. I take it that it is an ad for the new BD 2013 because when I click anywhere inside it, it takes me to this website:


    However, like I said, it is just a plain white rectangle that will not go away and remains in focus above every other application I run, blocking my vision of them. It is extremely annoying.

    How do we get this to stop?

    Yeah, I'm having exactly the same issue.. on 2 separate machines!


    Big white panel appears just above the system tray.. no content, no method of closing.. but if I click on it I get taken to:


    However clicking on the the panel doesn't make it disappear and it stays 'on top' of everything.. the only way to get rid of it appears to be to log out of windows and back again.. which is really annoying!

    Aside from the problematic implementation I think this I think it's a bit intrusive of Bitdefender to be spamming my desktop with an advertising campaign at all, I purchase security products to prevent this kind of thing.. not for it to go and inject it's own brand of advertisement. Fair enough if it was a free product.. or a free product upgrade... but loading what is essentially adware into software that has been paid for (and might I add at a price more expensive than many competitors) to advertise an even more expensive 'annual' product update is frankly in my opinion pretty disgraceful behavior. I mean how long are we to be subjected to these intrusive pop-ups? Until we upgrade perhaps?

    So firstly I'd like a fix for the problem of the intrusive window hogging my screen, and no ability to close it... and secondly I'd like the option to opt out of being spammed by marketing like this..

  • Same here, very irritating indeed.

  • Well, I figured out that you can close the white rectangle by clicking in the top right corner (where you would expect an "x" to be).

    Now, we just need to figure out how to prevent it from popping up.

  • I have the same problem and I think, it's a cheek to display ads in a payed product!

    Actually for me it's a reason to NOT buy the next version of BitDefender.

  • Having the same issue. What a disgraceful broken shameless company. Fix this now.

  • I also started having this problem few days ago. I was worried it was a virus. I didn't click into the box at first because i thought that would activate some virus. After searching forever, I took the risk and just clicked onto the box. It then took me to the Bitdefender 2013 page. That is what triggered me to come to this forum. And I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem!

    As said by previous posters, the pop up is completely blank, and it stays on top of everything. You can move the screen around, and when you click into it, it takes you to Bitdefender 2013 upgrade page. If you click on the top right hand area, you can close the pop up screen.

    Please fix this.

  • I've contacted Bitdefender Support twice about this. I mentioned that I will not be renewing my licence if this problem persits.

  • STOP this silly, stupid and RUDE way of advertising NOW !!!

    And, tell your (13 years old) developers and managers that this is the best way to make us lose our patience.

  • So what's the fix. I'm so disappointed with this that I'm researching for some other software to take bitdefenders place. If someone from Bit let me know this would be greatly appreciated.

  • So what's the fix. I'm so disappointed with this that I'm researching for some other software to take bitdefenders place. If someone from Bit let me know this would be greatly appreciated.

    Click on the top right corner to get rid of it. This doesn't prevent it from popping up, but it is the best way to make it go away.

  • Bitdefender Support just got back to me. They advise me to take the free upgrade to the 2013 version;

    "... due to the many improvements brought to the 2013 lineup many issues you may have encountered with your 2012 product should be solved now."

    Hope this is of help.

    Don't forget to use the uninstall tool first and follow instructions as advised on their upgrade page.

  • Swampster
    edited August 2012
    Bitdefender Support just got back to me. They advise me to take the free upgrade to the 2013 version;

    "... due to the many improvements brought to the 2013 lineup many issues you may have encountered with your 2012 product should be solved now."

    Hope this is of help.

    Don't forget to use the uninstall tool first and follow instructions as advised on their upgrade page.

    What free update to 2013? The pop up links to an upgrade page that costs GB£54.95

    Oh I just noticed: Free Upgrade To Bitdefender 2013 For All Customers :P <--- made it a bit bigger ;)

  • Just to follow up, yep the free update works fine.. and no pop-ups remaining. Might have been a better idea to spam registered users with a "HEY GET YOUR FREE UPGRADE" though ;)

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello everyone :)

    Welcome (back) to the forums!

    First off all we are really sorry for the current situation.

    My colleagues are investigating why that pop-up didn't function as designed.

    Also, we need to clear some things: those specials offers are for those that want to renew the license. The upgrade is FREE for everyone, but if you accept and renew the license with that offer, another year will be to the current license.

    It's an early renew offer and we want all users to have installed on their PCs our latest products.

    For those that want to simply upgrade to Bitdefender 2013 without renewing the license, please follow the steps from this article:


    Thank you! Have a wonderful day!

  • ...My colleagues are investigating why that pop-up didn't function as designed.

    Hello Christian,

    This is not the point.

    The point is the annoying and rude way you've found to advertise your product.

    We used to have A/V programs to avoid things like that.


    Is it my right or not?


  • Yeah, I'm having exactly the same issue.. on 2 separate machines!


    Big white panel appears just above the system tray.. no content, no method of closing.. but if I click on it I get taken to:


    However clicking on the the panel doesn't make it disappear and it stays 'on top' of everything.. the only way to get rid of it appears to be to log out of windows and back again.. which is really annoying!

    Aside from the problematic implementation I think this I think it's a bit intrusive of Bitdefender to be spamming my desktop with an advertising campaign at all, I purchase security products to prevent this kind of thing.. not for it to go and inject it's own brand of advertisement. Fair enough if it was a free product.. or a free product upgrade... but loading what is essentially adware into software that has been paid for (and might I add at a price more expensive than many competitors) to advertise an even more expensive 'annual' product update is frankly in my opinion pretty disgraceful behavior. I mean how long are we to be subjected to these intrusive pop-ups? Until we upgrade perhaps?

    So firstly I'd like a fix for the problem of the intrusive window hogging my screen, and no ability to close it... and secondly I'd like the option to opt out of being spammed by marketing like this..

    yes, very inconvenient...! =(

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    The idea of this early renewal process is to migrate all the customers that have an older product to Bitdefender 2013. In this way they can benefit of the latest features and modules.

    In that pop-up the offer was only for our products, we do not promote bundled software(adware).

    We are sorry for the inconvenience, that pop-up will be fixed ASAP and it will be displayed properly.

    Have a great day!

  • A quick look at the support forum for BD 2013 was enough to keep me from upgrading.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Why do think that?

    If some of the user have some difficulties with the product(and we are working hard to solve them all), that doesn't mean that some of them will reproduce on your system.

    Take care.

  • A quick look at the support forum for BD 2013 was enough to keep me from upgrading.

    Hello hbarnwheeler,

    There is no A/V app without issues, not the same for every PC.

    Have a look at others A/V forums and you 'll see.


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi :)

    Actually, we can extend this to to real world: nothing is perfect, but it can be improved constantly.

    Thank you!

  • Now I know what a bad company BitDefender is I shall remove their software and warn all my customers about how badly behaved BitDefender software is.

    To be clear: no half-way decent company would ever dream of a producing a pop up window that did not have an X to close it.

  • qmdqwd
    edited December 2012

    Hello Christian,

    This is not the point.

    The point is the annoying and rude way you've found to advertise your product.

    We used to have A/V programs to avoid things like that.


    Is it my right or not?


  • I have this feeling that Christian is being deliberately obtuse, as if the company "recommends" that employees ignore legitimate complaints and just assure us that everything is working as intended... "keep calm and carry on". Well, bombs usually work as intended, but that doesn't mean the result is particularly desirable.

    Regardless, the problem here is simple: Bitdefender's tactics are unethical and inexcusable. When an antivirus program behaves like a virus the thought arises that you're dealing with an unscrupulous company and/or a malicious program. Without a straight, honest response from any company representative we are left to make up our own minds as to motive and intent. From where I sit, the virus-like advertising popups are enough to make me seriously question the motives of the company and the security of a so-called security program. This company is responsible for something happening on peoples' personal property without their consent. But keep calm and carry on.

    And as for the "we want everyone to upgrade to the 2013 version"? No. The company doesn't care in the slightest that a newer version may be "safer" than the older one. It's not going to hurt their feelings if someone doesn't upgrade and their computer gets blitzed out of existence. So why do they engage in such inappropriate tactics? Are they simply trying to keep track of how many previous users they've retained, or are they hoping that some users will be inattentive enough to accidentally click the wrong link and end up with the paid version? As for the first, it's not our job to do marketing research for you, and for the second, you may be better off running a used-car dealership. Or is it something else?

    Luckily I don't have to deal with any of this sickening nonsense - I was casting about for a new AV program and had the foresight to search for the name of the program I was looking into along with the word "annoying". As a result I found this thread (along with several others) and, while the virus-like advertising would have kept me from installing this particular version, it was the suspiciously deliberate sidestepping of such a serious concern which will keep me from ever using any Bitdefender product for as long as I use a computer. You had your chance to address the issue directly and you chose otherwise. I'm calm and I'll carry my business somewhere else. Bitdefender can keep calm and deal with the consequences.

  • Hello :)

    That pop-up was designed to migrate all the users to the new products, for FREE.

    For those that still use an older version of our products, please use these instructions to install Bitdefender 2013:


    This product offers new features and better protection.

    We apologize for any negative experience you have encountered with our products or our support. Your feedback is appreciated, and will be directed to the appropriate team for review, to enable us to improve our support and services.

    Thank you for taking the time and please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further details from us.

    Happy Holidays!

This discussion has been closed.