[resolved] Proper Action Im So Ticked Off....

WHAT THE ###### BIT DEFENDER!?!?!? <img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" /> :angry:

So I come home and find out that my new install of bit defender has taken "approriate action" on about 30 of my files. which means it DELETED THEM. didnt ask me, just did it. I understand your protection is top notch but this is unacceptable. what your software considered to be a threat was helpful software for my job. Not only did it just Delete the files, they are no where to be found! not in the recycle bin, not in quarantine.. just gone.

#1 how do i get my files back. i sincerely hope they are not gone for good as some of them are OLD and cant be gotten anymore and would have to be re-written.

#2 in order to give this software a fair shot, how do i make this not happen again. I just came from comodo which ask you about every little thing. its annoying to begin with but at least you dont have to worry about something like this happening!!!! the software could of at least asked me BEFORE it deleted them, not AFTER the fact.


  • WHAT THE ###### BIT DEFENDER!?!?!? <img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" /> :angry:

    So I come home and find out that my new install of bit defender has taken "approriate action" on about 30 of my files. which means it DELETED THEM. didnt ask me, just did it. I understand your protection is top notch but this is unacceptable. what your software considered to be a threat was helpful software for my job. Not only did it just Delete the files, they are no where to be found! not in the recycle bin, not in quarantine.. just gone.

    #1 how do i get my files back. i sincerely hope they are not gone for good as some of them are OLD and cant be gotten anymore and would have to be re-written.

    #2 in order to give this software a fair shot, how do i make this not happen again. I just came from comodo which ask you about every little thing. its annoying to begin with but at least you dont have to worry about something like this happening!!!! the software could of at least asked me BEFORE it deleted them, not AFTER the fact.

    Wow, now that is messed up. There is software you can purchase that allows you to retrieve deleted data. I think one is called "NTFS Get Data Back" or something. Look for software that recovers deleted files--even permanently deleted files. They shouldn't be gone until the hard drive rewrites 0s and 1s over the data. Then make sure to immediately back that data up to external media so you don't lose it again. Nonetheless, this is quite disturbing news and I might consider going back to 2012 to live out the rest of my days on this license and later (unless major flaws are fixed) switch to another product.

  • Wow, now that is messed up. There is software you can purchase that allows you to retrieve deleted data. I think one is called "NTFS Get Data Back" or something. Look for software that recovers deleted files--even permanently deleted files. They shouldn't be gone until the hard drive rewrites 0s and 1s over the data. Then make sure to immediately back that data up to external media so you don't lose it again. Nonetheless, this is quite disturbing news and I might consider going back to 2012 to live out the rest of my days on this license and later (unless major flaws are fixed) switch to another product.

    i ran every recovery i had! LUCKILY my pc had written a revocery image a couple weeks ago so i was able to put that on a old pc and get most of my stuff back. i can not fathom why bit defender would completly delete a program without prompting. i also downloaded a couple of known bad key gen files to see what happened and it did the same thing with them. as soon as they were down loaded ai got a little red 1 in the box that said notifictation and the notification said "approriate action was taken" and again.. they were completely gone. i need a way to be prompted on which files are bad and which are good. a lot of the PLC programs i write for work show up as "strange" software so this has got to go. im going back to comodo for now. ill take my chances on the lax coverage. malwarebytes can tidy up any misses.

  • Thanks for that message. I feel your pain. Just as well you backed everything up before.

    I changed the antivirus settings to 'send to quarantine'. At least I'll be able to find any recklessly deleted files.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    There is a subject related to this here:


    I have made a feature request to change these for our desktop products.

    As a workaround, you can set to quarantine all the threats instead of letting the product to take the proper decisions.

    The steps are below and are quite simple:

    1. Open the Bitdefender using the desktop icon > click on Settings > Antivirus

    In the Shield tab click on Modify. In the new window, under Actions set to Move files to quarantine.



  • columbo
    edited July 2012
    Thanks for that message. I feel your pain. Just as well you backed everything up before.

    I changed the antivirus settings to 'send to quarantine'. At least I'll be able to find any recklessly deleted files.

    Same thing I had done, yet for an unknowing new user, this is an issue. Thankfully we have Christian in our corner putting in the good word for us to give us some better options, especially on a fresh install for a less aggressive threat setting.

  • Same thing I had done, yet for an unknowing new user, this is an issue. Thankfully we have Christian in our corner putting in the good word for us to give us some better options, especially on a fresh install for a less aggressive threat setting.

    Indeed, Christian has been a great help.

  • Wow, now that is messed up. There is software you can purchase that allows you to retrieve deleted data. I think one is called "NTFS Get Data Back" or something. Look for software that recovers deleted files--even permanently deleted files. They shouldn't be gone until the hard drive rewrites 0s and 1s over the data. Then make sure to immediately back that data up to external media so you don't lose it again. Nonetheless, this is quite disturbing news and I might consider going back to 2012 to live out the rest of my days on this license and later (unless major flaws are fixed) switch to another product.

    Recovery of deleted data is not so easy. If you copied some other data on the same location of the deleted data, recovery is almost impossible. There are many recovery softwares available. But the concern is that if the Bitdefender detect the infected files and delete them and if they are recovered by a Recovery Software, then Bitdefender deletion routine is not thorough e.g not shred type.

  • It's still happening even after choosing quarantine under on-access scanning. It just deleted a password recovery tool I use off a usb stick. It says it took the proper action on the notification screen. I went back and checked the setting which is still set to move files to quarantine. I use lots of these tools that aren't around anymore.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Please make these settings in the product.

    When prompted to scan the USB device, just uncheck the option.


    The scanning process for USB devices is a custom on demand scanning process and does not take exclusions in consideration for security reasons.

    As I mentioned earlier, the situation was escalated to our developers.

    Take care.

  • Hello,

    i can't find anywhere that the problem of Bitdefender auto-deleting founded threats was solved, so I'll just post here again.

    First i did a complete custom system scan and BF IS 2013 found a threat and deleted it without asking me, the when i changed the settings in BF Shield from "take proper action" to "move to quarantine" and did the complete custom system scan one more time, again the same thing BF found a threat and deleted it without asking and DID NOT move it to quarantine like I set it to! so how can that be possible still, because as i have seen here several people had the same problem and the only solution provided was move threats to quarantine, wich is obviously not working or at least not in my case.

    But in first place i can not understand that there is not a default option in BF to ask the user what to do with found threats instead of deleting them automaticly.

    hope for an reply

  • Almir
    edited August 2012

    I just can't believe what is going on with BF and how such things are even possible, because i was really expecting much and now I'm more than disappointed!

    first that problem one post over this and now the following: i downloaded something via torrent and BF recognized that as a potentionaly malicious application and deleted it, again without asking what to do or move it do quarantine as it is set to!

    so i set the bittorrent.exe as an exclusion in processes and i set a whole folder, where i download my applications, as an exclusion(on-demand and on-access) in the file/folders exclusion. Then i downloaded that same file once again, and BF DELETED IT AGAIN EVEN I SET THE EXCLUSIONS!

    that's just unbelievable!!! I'm mean basically BF does what ever it wants to, no matter what settings the user puts on!?!? Has anyone an explanation for this, because this behaviour is UNEXCEPTABLE! I really want to stay with BF but not with such a behaviour, so Christian I know you have a lot to do, but i hope for a soon reply of yours, and if I'm wrong or doing something wrong I'm really sorry in advance, but I need an answer any kind of.


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Before providing you an answer, I will need the scan logs so I can take analyze them.

    Download this file:


    Save the file prior to running it and to continue you need to accept the terms of use.

    At the end of this process an archive will be created on your Desktop starting with bdamst.

    Upload that file on




    and send me a PM with the download link.

    Also, so I can check the settings from the product, I will also need a Support Tool.


    Have a nice day.

  • I have to add a comment here after reading this thread. The "Modify" button you point out in the screen shot above is now called "Custom." The button is in the same place

    and it does the same thing.

    Also the concept of "Take Proper Action" is somehow a bit gray to me. That almost sounds like a driving instruction "When you see the dog in the road, take proper action."

    Before going home with that girl you picked up at the proper bar "Take Proper Action." j/k

    Wouldn't it be better to say "Remove From System" "Delete It?" Just a suggestion.

  • I have to add a comment here after reading this thread. The "Modify" button you point out in the screen shot above is now called "Custom." The button is in the same place

    and it does the same thing.

    Also the concept of "Take Proper Action" is somehow a bit gray to me. That almost sounds like a driving instruction "When you see the dog in the road, take proper action."

    Before going home with that girl you picked up at the proper bar "Take Proper Action." j/k

    Wouldn't it be better to say "Remove From System" "Delete It?" Just a suggestion.

    Woops, now it reads Modify... LOL Uh, I have a state changing button.. :unsure:

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited August 2012

    Hello :)

    The Custom/Modify button was in this state since the beta version.

    When pressing that button for the first time, it is named Custom. After that it will change to Modify, so in your case is normal behavior.

    Thank you for your feedback.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    This issue was resolved in build 16.22.******

    You have all the details over here:


    Take care.

This discussion has been closed.