Bart Pe

hi, only just made the move to Bitdefender total security '08 and so far very happy :D im sure i'll be spending a few bucks within the next 30 days.

Anyway i was browsing bitdefenders ftp site and found bartpe and was wondering how id go about getting it into a reatago setup or similiar. ive tried the recovery cd and would kinda prefer a windows pe or bartpe kind of environment. That way i can set it up how i like.

Thanks in advance for any help available :D


  • hi, only just made the move to Bitdefender total security '08 and so far very happy :D im sure i'll be spending a few bucks within the next 30 days.

    Anyway i was browsing bitdefenders ftp site and found bartpe and was wondering how id go about getting it into a reatago setup or similiar. ive tried the recovery cd and would kinda prefer a windows pe or bartpe kind of environment. That way i can set it up how i like.

    Thanks in advance for any help available :D

    I tried long time ago... no good results anyway....

  • well ive since had some success!

    ive made a VistaPE disk with WinBuilder v72. I havent scripted the BDPE yet, tho i tried running the app manually from within VistaPE. To my surprise it ran beautifully, only prob is that its BDAV8 and expired. it would be great if some newer copies could be made. at this stage i have a fully operating copy of VistaPE, running zone alarm security suite 7.1 as the main security system, i also have kav7, nod32, adaware and spybot. other usefull things like vista recovery module to access restore points and fix startup problems, a tweaked explorer shell with the fancy start menu working properly along with ie7 and the rest working fine, themed with windowblinds so it looks just like the real thing. it also has true image home v11 and ghost v11 and some registry recovery tools n what not. im about to see about getting erd 2005 and the avast pe utilities running also. What id really like to do is get BD TS '08 up and running instead of zone alarm, then i could consider it my ultimate Bitdefender recovery cd.

    anybody else interested in this idea? i could really use either a new pe distro or help with scripting BD TS '08 into VistaPE. this would be awesome!