Internet Browser(?) Slowdown

edited September 2012 in General

[Edit]: This is not just a general computer problem. This only started to occur when i purchased and installed Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013.

I will begin by say saying that my computer is in a "like new" state. There is nothing wrong with the computer. It is an HP Media Book laptop.

I use the latest updated version of Firefox. My uploading and downloading speed is fine, I don't think it has slowed down my overall connection speed. Having said this... Every time I go to any address or website, it will not load. If it does load, it takes an inordinate amount of time.

BUT... when i click on a website link or type in an address and press enter, if I press the stop button, and stop the page from loading, and then hit the refresh button, it will load instantly as it should.

Thoughts or suggestions?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!




  • columbo
    edited September 2012

    Hi Andrew, and welcome :)

    Just for curiosity's sake, try surfing with IE or Chrome, and see if it's any different. I'm on a desktop using FF 14.0 with 2013 AV+ with no problems. Try another browser, just for testing sake.



  • Hi Andrew, and welcome :)

    Just for curiosity's sake, try surfing with IE or Chrome, and see if it's any different. I'm on a desktop using FF 14.0 with 2013 AV+ with no problems. Try another browser, just for testing sake.



    Well I can't now. I restarted my computer to install updates and now I get an error message saying that "Bitdefender services are not available". It tell me to restart my computer and try starting the program again. I have restarted 4 times and still does not fix it. So with Bitdefender being inactive I'm not having this problem right now. When and if it gets fixed i will definitely try and report back my results.

    I appreciate you trying to help but it seems that I have a bigger problem on my hands now, yet again.

    Look at my response to this thread to see a "brief" history of my short time using Bitdefender. So far I am extremely upset and unimpressed. How can Bitdefender, the top rated antivirus company, have so many problems with their product. It does not make sense to me.

    Thank you for the welcome Columbo! Nice to meet you!

    However as of right now I can't tell you how long I might be here. :wacko:

    Thanks again!



  • columbo
    edited September 2012

    Thanks for your reply back and your kind words :)

    Sorry to read about how things have been going, I and others here will try to do what we can.

    For the issue you're having now, try running a repair, or have you already tried that?

  • Thanks for your reply back and your kind words :)

    Sorry to read about how things have been going so far, we and others here will try to do what we can.

    For the issue you're having now, try running a repair, or have you already tried that?

    To be honest, I have not even thought of that!

    It's late for me and I am upset about my situation, so I haven't really been thinking clearly about the problem at hand or on how to go about trying to fix the problem myself.

    I appreciate and thank you for your suggestion. I will go try that right now.

    I will get back to you and post my results in just a few minutes.

  • Thanks for your reply back and your kind words :)

    Sorry to read about how things have been going, I and others here will try to do what we can.

    For the issue you're having now, try running a repair, or have you already tried that?

    I cannot believe I didn't think of doing that until you said something about it...

    That fixed it! It booted up and is updating. Also as i got on Firefox to tell you my results, It seems that did not slow down my browser.

    So now the problem is finding out why this happened in the first place. Just right of the blue... No warning or problems to suggest that a failure, or a fatal error was eminent.

    What would cause this problem after it was running seemingly fine for 3-4 days? All that happened was a system restart to install updates.

    I don't get it.

    Thanks so much Columbo!

    I appreciate it very much!


  • You're welcome, glad it worked :)

    It could have just been one of those things from the previous install/uninstall attempts with MSE, and thus one of the latest updates conflicted? as they are gearing up to a new build version. So, sometimes it's hard to say what happened...thank goodness for their Repair option :)

    Glad to also then hear that FF is running "normally", as remember, Bitdefender is still scanning web pages, but not to the point of annoyingly slow, in fact, I really don't even think about it as slowing down my browsing.

    If there is anything else you may need, be sure to ask :)

    Kind regards,


  • Hello :)

    Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Take care.