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Hide The Close X For The Widget?


Is there a way to hide the close x by the security widget?

Since I can right-click on the B in the system tray and select "hide security widget" I see no need to have an X there...


  • I found it pretty useful, however I see how some people might not want to see the X

  • I found it pretty useful, however I see how some people might not want to see the X

    Yeah, to me, it's just an eyesore. I mean I would like to keep the widget on my desktop, but the X just ruins the cleanliness of the appearance....

  • columbo

    Hi SkyEagleAndrew :)

    You can also put this preference in the form of a Feature Request, where it can get "voted" on as community. To have it auto hide would be nice, and hovering over it would bring up the X for a second option in disabling it?



  • alexx69
    alexx69 ✭✭
    edited September 2012
    Yeah, to me, it's just an eyesore. I mean I would like to keep the widget on my desktop, but the X just ruins the cleanliness of the appearance....

    Hello SkyEagleAndrew,

    You are absolutely right if we look at it from an aesthetic point of view, the widget is definitely more beautiful without X (my opinion).

    As long as you did not posted this topic, i'm not paying attention to X :), it is a matter of taste, but I do not like it at all.

    If you decide to post your suggestion in the Feature Request, out of me you will get positive vote. :D

    Thank you.

  • rootkit

    Hello :)

    The original activity bar from older Bitdefender products didn't have a (X) button implemented, bu this one has because some of the users don't want to go to the product to close the security widget.

    For now, it will remain like this, but we will see what can be improved.

    Take care.