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[resolved] Can't Use My Pc At All To Access The Internet


I'm new to Bitdefender. And I've only just learned that these forums exist. I purchased it last week and tried to install Bitdefender Internet Suite 2013 last Saturday. After installing the software on my PC it asked me to fill out the information to register the product, as well as give me a username. Once I filled all of that information out, I clicked on the submit button. From that point onward I could no longer access the Internet from that PC, except in a very restricted manner. When I clicked on that submit button the page never came back with anything. The browser (I'm using IE9) just sat there, attempting to bring up the confirmation page, but it never did. After waiting for almost 30 minutes for something to come up, I finally closed my browser. I've tried going to local websites (some local TV news stations, etc), but they never come up. I have some of my own websites on my PC, so I decided to go to one of those, using http://localhost/myLocalWebsite/ and that failed. It wouldn't bring up any page at all. I even tried bringing up the web interface to my home router, which sits 2 feet from my PC. That failed. By failing to bring up a page I mean that I put the URL into the address bar of the browser, hit refresh, and then nothing happens. The browser sits there, attempting to bring up the page, but nothing happens. No error messages, nothing.

Next I found that my email has been crippled as well. I can receive emails, but I cannot send any email.

Getting back to what happened on Saturday. I went to my wife's PC, logged onto the Bitdefender website and filled out the online form for support. Never heard from them. This was Saturday.

Yesterday (Tuesday) night I finally found a phone number on Bitdefender's website, for technical support (that wasn't easy for me to find, BTW). I called them, and got a fellow who sent me instructions on how to run a diagnostic program. (He sent it to me via email, and since I can receive emails, that was OK.) I think the name of the program is supporttool.exe. I ran it, went through the 4 or 5 steps that it needed and reproduced the problem by bringing up the browser and attempting to go to a couple of websites as well as attempting to do email, and then when I got to the last item, which is to finalize the logging of whatever supporttool.exe is watching, I clicked on it to finish it up. I then waited for it to finish writing to the log it was writing to. I waited for 3 hours for it to finish writing whatever it was going to write. 3 hours! It never appeared to finish, nor did it give me any idea as to how long it would take, what the progress was of writing the data it was trying to write, etc. I had to stop it, because it appeared to me to be hung.

So, I've got several questions: First, how do I get my ability to browse working again?

Second, how do I get the ability to send email working again?

Third, why has this happened?

Fourth, how long does the supporttools.exe program typically run, when finalizing data by writing it to the files it writes it to? Is 3 hours or longer typical? Might it run for half a day? Might it run for a whole day? I need guidance here so that I have some idea as to how long supporttool.exe will run, some idea as to how it is progressing, and how I'll know when it's finished. Does it just close? Does it pop up a dialog box that says, "Finished"? What happens?

I've been without the ability to access the Internet, pay bills, do business, for 5 days. I really cannot afford to let this go on much longer, so I'd appreciate help and resolving this issues. Thank you, all, very much for your help.


  • rootkit

    Hello :)

    A product update was released. Your build should be right click on Bitdefender icon from system tray-near the clock-and choose "About". You should see in the left side the build number).

    In order for the product update to be installed, you need to reboot your machine(you should see in the Events -> "Reboot required" under the Update module).


    Let me know if the situation is solved.

    Have a nice day.

  • Hello :)

    A product update was released. Your build should be right click on Bitdefender icon from system tray-near the clock-and choose "About". You should see in the left side the build number).

    In order for the product update to be installed, you need to reboot your machine(you should see in the Events -> "Reboot required" under the Update module).


    Let me know if the situation is solved.

    Have a nice day.

    I've now that build I think it is much better now, thank you!

  • rootkit

    Hello :)

    I am glad to hear that.

    Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Have a great day!

This discussion has been closed.