Give Me Key For Free Edition V10

please give me latest key of bit defender free edition v10


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Welcome to the forums!

    Please uninstall that version from your PC, reboot and install Bitdefender 2009 Free from here:

    Have a great day!

  • I just recently downloaded BD Free. I have never used any BD product before. I was shocked to see that it was the 2009 version.

    For anyone who does not have a calendar, it will be 2013 in a couple of weeks!

    The BD Free download-webpage does not show the version/year of the product that will be downloaded.

    But the BD Total Security webpage clearly says 2013.

    And the BD Internet Security webpage clearly says 2013.

    And the BD AV Plus webpage clearly says 2013.

    The BD Free webpage does not disclose that it is four years old. Why?

    What are the differences between the products, exactly?

    The Product Comparison webpage fails to compare BD Free's features to other BD products.

    Other companies comparison webpages _do_ have their free product shown in the comparison table. I'm sure that you can think of _many_ companies that do.

    Four years old? I need someone to help me understand what is going on.

    The marketing guys at BD need to stop a minute and consider a new approach. They need to think like a person who has never used any BD product before.

    And please notice that this subforum is titled "BitDefender OLD Products".

    No kidding.


    Rahi "please give me latest key of bit defender free edition _v10_"

    Christian "Please uninstall that version from your PC, reboot and install Bitdefender _2009_ Free from here"

    This is exactly the kind of thing that I don't understand.

  • Hello :)

    Please check this post:

    Merry Christmas!