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Seems That There's A Little Problem With Qq International


Hi, I've installed bitdefender free edition, but when i wanna to install qq international(, it says the qq is a threaten and destroyed it. I wonder to know is it a bug of bitdefender or qq international is a threaten soft?

(Please don't cheat me, I know qq in Chinese is a malware for scanning user's disk secretly.)

Thank you!


  • azavoianu
    edited January 2013


    Can you tell us more details about this issue?

    1. What operating system are you using?

    2. What files where deleted/quarantined by avfree?

    3. What is the version and signature number of virus signatures (you can find this in main view -> Logs: last "Virus signatures updated" event). In logs you have "export" button to copy these information in a text document.

    4. You can also export the event from Logs which says what files were found malicious.



  • Hello,

    Can you tell us more details about this issue?

    1. What operating system are you using?

    2. What files where deleted/quarantined by avfree?

    3. What is the version and signature number of virus signatures (you can find this in main view -> Logs: last "Virus signatures updated" event). In logs you have "export" button to copy these information in a text document.

    4. You can also export the event from Logs which says what files were found malicious.



    Thanks for reply. Os: Windows xp sp3, bitdefender antivirus free edition(downloaded from your website), qq international v1.6. I'm sorry I can't offer you more infor because after deleted those files, my system can not start up and finally I reinstalled it and downloaded avast instead. But what I'm sure is the icon of qq's installation file lost after cleaned from bitdefender. I just wanna know if the qq international is malicious?(qq in Chinese is as we all know).