Pc Will Only Now Function With Bitdefender Total Security Turned Off!

edited December 2007 in General talk

Hi all,

Since yesterday evening my PC has refused to work with my BitDefender Total Security turned on. Firefox and Explorer hang on load up and then nothing can be done except to press the PC off at the button, which isn't good!

However, if I boot up the PC and go straight to the BitDefender Panel and turn it all off, the windows open fine AND noticeably quicker than when the windows opened with BitDefender working. I say that bit because I bought BitDefender having been told it doesn't slow down things like a lot of security does.

Obviously this is my experience and although I have no security (Turned Windows firewall back on) to post this, I'm quite liking the 'instant pages', like it should be on a brand new higher end Dell PC.

Anybody else having the same problem? Live chat sent me a couple of exercises to perform to help them evaluate the problem BUT if I can't do anything when I get the problem then I'm pretty sure I can't take screen shots of non existent error codes. :-)

Then there's the other issue of the consistent messages telling you 'BitDefender is turned off' and the red X's, but I see that already mentioned a few times. :-(


  • Hi all,

    Since yesterday evening my PC has refused to work with my BitDefender Total Security turned on. Firefox and Explorer hang on load up and then nothing can be done except to press the PC off at the button, which isn't good!

    However, if I boot up the PC and go straight to the BitDefender Panel and turn it all off, the windows open fine AND noticeably quicker than when the windows opened with BitDefender working. I say that bit because I bought BitDefender having been told it doesn't slow down things like a lot of security does.

    Obviously this is my experience and although I have no security (Turned Windows firewall back on) to post this, I'm quite liking the 'instant pages', like it should be on a brand new higher end Dell PC.

    Anybody else having the same problem? Live chat sent me a couple of exercises to perform to help them evaluate the problem BUT if I can't do anything when I get the problem then I'm pretty sure I can't take screen shots of non existent error codes. :-)

    Then there's the other issue of the consistent messages telling you 'BitDefender is turned off' and the red X's, but I see that already mentioned a few times. :-(

    I was getting the exact same thing yesterday. I had to reboot several times to get the PC(s) out of a non-responsive state. Actually, I have two idenical PC's here that I just built recently and put Bitdefend AV 10 on both and they both started doing the exact same thing on the same day, so I assume it has something to do with a BD update. They where both running perfectly fine untill yesterday.

    Having said that I havn't noticed any unresponsiveness from either PC yet today while web browsing. Crossing my fingers it won't happen again as I like BD and don't want to have to uninstall it.

  • Well it seems I still have this problem on at least one of my PC's as I had to reboot again due to it becomming very slow and unresponsive. What is strange though is that I can bring up "Windows Task Manager" with Ctrl-Alt-Del (although it can take up to a few minutes for it to come up) and it doesn't show any unusually high CPU usage. Only around 3-4%. But everything is as slow as ###### till I reboot.

    Both of my PC's started doing this seemingly randomly on the same day.

    I don't want to disable BD to check if it is the cause because I don't want to leave my PC's open to attack from dodgy web sites. But I am almost certain it is BD that is the cause as it is the common link between my two PC's that both showed the same exact problem on the exact same day...

  • Well it seems I still have this problem on at least one of my PC's as I had to reboot again due to it becomming very slow and unresponsive. What is strange though is that I can bring up "Windows Task Manager" with Ctrl-Alt-Del (although it can take up to a few minutes for it to come up) and it doesn't show any unusually high CPU usage. Only around 3-4%. But everything is as slow as ###### till I reboot.

    Both of my PC's started doing this seemingly randomly on the same day.

    I don't want to disable BD to check if it is the cause because I don't want to leave my PC's open to attack from dodgy web sites. But I am almost certain it is BD that is the cause as it is the common link between my two PC's that both showed the same exact problem on the exact same day...

    it IS BD.

    I got the exact problem- computer frozen, Windows Task Manager did not report anything out of ordinary-then every 1-2 minutes popups with "BD is disabled".

    The popups are gone now, but I first Repaired, then re-installed BD...it was extremely annoying

  • Re-introduced BD today and all seems well. :huh: