Bitdefender Hinders Windows System Restore

edited February 2013 in General

I am using Bitdefender Total 2013. I tried to disable all services in the AV module. Somehow it still hinders the system restore to fully work completely restore fully and it fails to restore. I am using Windows 8 Pro 64-bit.

What is causing this?


  • ozziebear

    Hi...If I'm not mistaken, system restore will only work if you run it from Safe Mode.

  • columbo
    edited February 2013

    Here is the post ozziebear is referring to:

    It has been a known issue, and maybe still is on Windows 8. I haven't tried a restore with the BD W8 version on my W8 64-bit, and may try it this weekend to see how it responds, otherwise running it from safe mode. also follow the links in the thread, for more on this issue.

  • ozziebear
    Here is the post ozziebear is referring to:

    It has been a known issue, and maybe still is on Windows 8. I haven't tried a restore with the BD W8 version on my W8 64-bit, and may try it this weekend to see how it responds, otherwise running it from safe mode. also follow the links in the thread, for more on this issue.

    Columbo old buddy, I knew you would be along sooner or later with a link to this discussion.

  • columbo
    edited February 2013

    lol :D what are friends for :)

  • coolcool1227

    Just for information

    How antivirus software and System Restore work together

    To my experience, System Restore/Repair wont work with any Antivirus installed. In Bitdefender case IDS or AVC drivers may be the cause.

  • Georgia


    What happened, why did you try to perform a system restore? Did you try to recover your data from a virus or catastrophic crash?

  • I was looking around this forum as I am considering Bitdefender for my next AV solution and I registered just to reply to this thread.

    I just HAD to correct the misinformation.

    1) In all the years I have been using an OS with System Restore (SR), I have never had a problem using it because of any anti-virus software I have had installed nor has SR behaved or had to be used differently.

    2) The Microsoft link above does not apply to the general usage of SR with an AV installed.

    3) SR is an often overlooked and **very** easy way of getting rid of viruses etc. that auto-load via the registry. Restoring to a pre-infection state will stop that and allow the AV to clear any remnants. This is often much easier than using any AV solution on a running and infected OS.

    4) SR does not restore data as is inferred in post #7 above.



  • Last week I tried system restore. It wouldn't work in normal mode when trying to restore the computer or safe mode. I had to take Bitdefender Internet Security off the computer for it to work.

    Windows 7

    I was just testing it to see if it worked with Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 right and it didn't.

  • TheNit

    Has anyone found a workaround for this yet? Has anyone been able to do a System Restore while BDIS is installed, normal or safe mode? Maybe there is a "bad" file in the restore copy that BD doesn't want to restore but if BD isn't running, how does it stop the restore?

    When you people who got the 0x80070005 error after a System Restore attempt in normal mode tried it in safe mode did you get the same error code and message. By safe mode I think you are referring to Windows Recovery Environment (F8 on boot) and the documentation says that if you do a restore in WinRE there is no possible rollback although you can restore to another set point but there is no rollback set point created like in a normal restore. Did this cause any problems or did it just not update anything? I want to know before trying safe mode.

  • werby3


    To my experience, "System Restore" works fine when is performed in Safe mode.

    BUT you MUST reboot in Safe mode again for "System restore" to finish its work. Otherwise, BD prevents again restoring.


  • TheNit

    To my experience, "System Restore" works fine when is performed in Safe mode.

    BUT you MUST reboot in Safe mode again for "System restore" to finish its work. Otherwise, BD prevents again restoring.


    Thank you so much. I have read in so many forums that you should do the system restore in safe mode (including this forum from BD personnel) but no one has ever said that when the system does it's restart you should go to safe mode again to let it finish. Maybe they think that it should be obvious.

    I was almost in tears when I saw that it worked. I didn't have to stop (or uninstall) Bitdefender. I don't have to do a Repair Install. What a relief.

    Thanks again.

  • columbo
    edited March 2013
    +5 Nice job werby3, I did not know that one either.
  • werby3

    Glad and wish you never need it.


  • werby3

    ...and one more thing...

    After a successful restoration BD needs anyway update and perhaps a repair.
