Video Streaming Bug

So... strange issue... not sure if its BitDefender or Bitdefender + an incompatible driver/program

If i load up say, a 1 hour video on YouTube, then close my browser, my computer will continue to stream it until its fully done loading - even though my browser is now closed.

Bitdefender uninstalled and the issue doesn't happen.

This is quite a bad issue so I've temporarily switched to another anti virus product, but I hope this can be resolved.

Strange that it's happening to be honest, free doesn't even have a firewall - must be the web filter causing it


  • Hello,

    This issue is known and fixed. It will be available in the next product update.

    Thanks for feedback,


  • Hello,

    This issue is known and fixed. It will be available in the next product update.

    Thanks for feedback,


    I Have the Intenet Security 20013 and now is April, Error is still there :blink:

  • Hello,

    This issue is known and fixed. It will be available in the next product update.

    Thanks for feedback,


    How long to wait for an update? We hear just promises, it can perform them?!

  • This seriously isn't fixed yet? This was a pretty crippling bug.. ######, glad I switched to another product.