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Firewall: Can't Browse The Internet


I had dial-up and my Internet was working fine with Bitdefender Internet Security 2008.

Now I have broadband, and I can't browse the Internet if the firewall is set to 'Allow' or 'Ask' levels of Protection! But the Internet works fine in 'Game' mode! In fact BitDefender has stopped asking my permission before connecting to the Internet for 'Allow' and 'Ask' levels of protection in Firewall. What could be the reason? How to solve this? Please let me know...

Many Thanks for your time...



  • s4u

    Once you have allowed things. asking is not needed anymore

  • Hi

    it is not asking me if I want to 'allow'!


  • alexcrist
    edited January 2008

    Hello hemanth,

    When you had dial-up, I assume you were using a modem, right? And now you are using a network adapter.

    Did you have this network adapter before (when you had dial-up), or you just installed it now?

    I'm asking this, because there might be a possibility that the BitDefender Firewall driver wasn't installed correctly for your network card.

    Try this:

    Here is a procedure in order to manually install the Firewall module:

    1. click OK on the error message about Firewall not being loaded, close the

    BitDefender console with right-click -> Exit on the icon in system tray and

    stop the service "BitDefender Virus Shield" from Control Panel ->

    Administrative Tools -> Services

    2. go to Start > Run > type: ncpa.cpl [ENTER] > right-click your "Local Area

    Connection" -> Properties. In the list of items, it is possible that you have

    "BitDefender Firewall NDIS Filter Driver". If you see it in the list, click on

    it and then click on "Uninstall" -> click Yes to confirm that you want to

    remove it. Wait a few moments and it will no longer be shown in the list.

    3. In the same place, click "Install" -> "Service" -> "Have Disk..." ->

    "Browse" and go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Softwin\BitDefender Firewall.

    Click OK and it will show you "BitDefender Firewall NDIS Filter Driver".

    Select it, click OK and it will be install. Now "BitDefender Firewall NDIS

    Filter Driver" should appear in the list of protocols for your network

    connection. Click Close

    4. Reboot the computer

    5. Make sure that you run the Firewall Wizard before you start surfing.

    At step 3, Windows might give you an alert that the BitDefender Firewall NDIS Filter Driver is not digitally signed. Just click Continue anyway.

    As it says at step 5, after you reboot open BitDefender, go to Firewall -> Traffic and click Reset Profile.

    If it doesn't fix it, try this:

    Please post if you fixed the problem.


  • Hi

    many thanks for your quick reply... I appreciate it...

    I tried reinstalling BitDefender before following the procedures you have mentioned. In fact after reinstallation the firewall and all other components of BitDefender seem to be working fine. :rolleyes:


  • did U use the patch or simply reinstall NDIS drivers?

  • Hi

    I uninstalled BitDefender Internet Security, rebooted and then re installed BitDefender Internet Security.
