Nag Window (message From Bitdefender)

I've been using BitDefender free edition for a while now, and I'm mostly satisfied. I've also recommended it to others.

But in the last couple of days it keeps popping up a small window in the bottom right corner:


I understand that this is free software and I should put up with just about anything it shoves in my face, and I was patient with the first 2-3 occurences, but it seems I have to see this ad every day. I do not have an android device, and I'm not interested.

Before BitDefender free edition I used Avira free antivirus, and I switched precisely because of the nagging commercials.

The BD webpage promised just the opposite: it says "NO NAGGING COMMERCIALS".

So what's up with that?


  • I agree with you 100%. The reason i tried it, was because it said no nagging commercials!

  • +1 from me!

  • The ads is only supposed to present other products available.

    They were disabled for now but might appear again in the future.

    There was also an issue that the ad was appearing every day instead of only once in its lifetime. It was fixed in the build.

    Whenever a new ad will appear again it should be displayed only once then never again.

    An ad every 3-6 months or a year.. is not that bad for a free product.

  • I see.

    Like I said, my problem was with the frequency of the popup.. It is not happening anymore.

    A rare, one-time notification is of course understandable and not even annoying.

  • I totally disagree!!

    When a company like this, promises "no nag screens" must keep it that way.

    It should not appears a single advertisement!

  • I totally disagree!!

    When a company like this, promises "no nag screens" must keep it that way.

    It should not appears a single advertisement!


  • Goodbye Bitdefender Free. See you in the future! <_<
