Please Post Here The Bugs You Found In The 2008 Line



  • I have been getting alerts saying BD Threat Scanner and BDBdcon has encountered a problem and needs to shutdown for the last few days. I have been running BD IS 2008 on 3 PC's in my house. Two are Vista Home Premium and one is XP Home, but only my PC is getting the alerts.

  • The Beast
    edited December 2007

    I've been using BitDefender v10 for more than a year, and I've been very pleased. But the 2008 release is simply crap.

    The first problem I encountered was right after I installed it, when the wizard pops up asking you to register the software or continue the evaluation version. I can't select any of the radio buttons, but when I click them or anywhere on the form a checkbox with no label appears above the "Continue evaluating....." radio button. I can't check or uncheck this checkbox either. Even more, all the texts on this form appear truncated.

    After I managed to install it, I found other problems. The main windows works fine, but when I click the Settings link on the bottom right of the window, the Settings screen is also garbled. I can see no image on the Antivirus, Firewall.... buttons (I saw some screenshots and that's how I know there should be images there), all the checkboxes cannot be checked or unchecked (or at least I don't see any visual feedback), the texts appear truncated, and so on.

    The third problem is related to the firewall. I set it to the highest level, and it's supposed to ask me about every program that tries to connect to the internet. It never asks me anything (the dialog windows with Accept/Deny don't show up), and it simply rejects all the programs. If I add the programs manually to the Traffic tab, they work, until the rules reset, as stated in some of the previous posts. The internet connections completly shuts down after a while, as other people said before.

    I'm a romanian and I used to be proud that a Romanian security software is the best security product in the world, but Softwin blew it BIG TIME with this release. After two days of installs & uninstalls I finally gave up and installed Kaspersky and Comodo Firewall :(

    P.S.: I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit with Romanian Language Pack installed on an Intel Core2Duo E6750, 2 GB RAM, and a Gigabyte motherboard with a P35 chipset.

  • Niels
    edited December 2007

    Dear The Beast

    Things you could have done to solve your problem

    Did you used the BitDefender uninstaller tool? Which you can download here This necessary before installing the new version. Most of te problems are caused by remaints of older BitDefender versions.

    For your other problem you had with the graphics user interface : go to start,run,type

    regsvr32 C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender2008\bdguictl.dll press enter.

    Download and install also the latest .net framework.

    BitDefender firewall will still use it's white list even if you enable to ask everything.

    Best regards


  • Thanks Niels.

    The only thing that I haven't done is that "regsvr32...." instruction. I'll try it when I get home and give a reply if it works. Although I'm affraid to try it again, I've wasted enough hours trying to fix this release. I'm realy dissappointed with Softwin for releasing such an "unpolished" version. A good installation ****** should register all the required libraries, without asking me to regsvr anything.

    Anyway, that's not your fault, thank you for your help. I'll be back shortly with a reply.

  • Yes, the GUI works fine now, and the firewall alerts DO show up. I hope I won't have any other problems...

  • Niels
    edited December 2007

    Dear The Beast

    Only a few people have problems with the gui (graphics user interface) not registered correctly. I base this on the few people who had this issue on this forum. I don't work for Softwin.

    Glad that I could help you.

    Best regards


  • I'm experiencing a lot of crashes recently. The error message in the event viewer is:

    The BitDefender Threat Scanner service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 5 time(s).

    Looks like it started 12/4 at 12:57pm CST. I've also received the following error since installing the application a month or so ago:

    The BDSelfPr service failed to start due to the following error: 
    The system cannot find the file specified.

  • I have been getting alerts saying BD Threat Scanner and BDBdcon has encountered a problem and needs to shutdown for the last few days. I have been running BD IS 2008 on 3 PC's in my house. Two are Vista Home Premium and one is XP Home, but only my PC is getting the alerts.

    Did you ever receive any response to this? I've been having exactly the same problem.

    I installed BitDefender 2008 months ago and never had this problem until a few days ago - I suspect that SoftWin may have done some update to BD that's trashed things. I'd love to see a fix for this.

  • Did you ever receive any response to this? I've been having exactly the same problem.

    I installed BitDefender 2008 months ago and never had this problem until a few days ago - I suspect that SoftWin may have done some update to BD that's trashed things. I'd love to see a fix for this.

    There have been responses but nothing with a fix. Heres a link

  • My problem is with Outlook Express. Since installing TS2008 a couple of weeks ago I have had problems intemittantly.

    I click on reply to an e-mail - Outlook Express crashes and I cannot get it to appear again unless I reboot. I get the same problems if I try to switch e-mail accounts or sometimes if I just try to open a message to full page. This happens at least twice a day, some days are worse - 7 times today so far.

    I have had this computer for 2 years and never had this problem until I uninstalled ZoneAlarm and installed TS2008 .

    Any ideas why this may be happening - please keep in mind I have a very basic knowledge of computers.

    Oh yes - the Backup button remains yellow no matter what I do - I have tried to fix it by doing both types of Backup with no effect it still tells me I have either not done a backup or it is more than 14 days old.

    Why does it not tell you what you have to fix instead of leaving you to guess? <img class=" />

  • I don't know if this bug was mentioned, but, if I try to update BD by right-clicking on the tray icon and then clicking on "Update now", the update hangs on "Checking for update". The only way I can sucsefully update it is by opening Advanced Settings, going to Update and clicking Update now.

  • Installed BitDefender Internet Security 2008. Most immediate problems are with Outlook 2003 and support for same. With regard to Outlook issue, the toolbar comes and goes: sometimes it's present when Outlook is started. Sometimes is absent. Also, when BD toolbar is present, I am unable to use the wizard to add friends. Instead an error message displays stating that the plugin has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. Completed the repair install process with no effect.

    With regard to Support, several attempts to communicate with BD support over the last several days via LiveChat, phone, e-mail, error reporting with log and sysdump files, and screenshots have yielded no reply whatsoever.

    Both of these issues are most disconcerting for a company and a product touting Internet Security. Would appreciate recommendation on any possible solutions for either or both issues.



  • I too first contacted them through livechat - slow chat might be a better name. I am sure the person was dealing with several people at once as it took him 5 minutes to respond to any statement/query. I actually made a cup of tea while waiting for him to type a 4 word response! He finally sent me an e-mail telling me to send in an error report with log and sysdump files - so I sent them to him. Not even an acknowledgement that he had received what I had sent- perhaps I sent them to the wrong place but the instructions about what to do with the files once you have them is very vague.

    Where do we send these files? is there a specific e-mail address for them ?

    Has anyone sent these files in and had a response - if so how long did it take?

  • Dear Lizhatescomputers

    If you replied on that mail and send your attachments to that address then you don't have to do anything.

    What is your problem maybe I can help? This is only a user forum. But post your problem into a new topic.

    Best regards


  • Dear Lizhatescomputers

    If you replied on that mail and send your attachments to that address then you don't have to do anything.

    What is your problem maybe I can help? This is only a user forum. But post your problem into a new topic.

    Best regards


    I posted what my problem was here on 8th December at 8.45pm. My main big problem is with outlook express crashing but I find the whole system difficult to understand. You need an in depth knowledge of computers to use this system, which I do not have. My firewall keeps being switched off and if I ask it to fix it nothing happens. But if I reboot - problem solved.

    It has just happened again - no firewall!!!!!1

  • I have got windows xp and have also been having problems on Bitdefender Total Security 2008 with the firewall switching off. In addition the real time virus protection has switched off at the same time.

    Opening the BD security centre and clicking on settings then going to

    Antivirus - shield - shows an unchecked tick box and 'Bitdefender real time protection is disabled'

    Firewall - shows a check box which is unchecked and 'Firewall is disabled'

    clicking on the checkbox then opens a window with the following 'Failed to initialize Bitdefender Firewall divers Firewall disabled'

    Clicking on the Fix for these items does not fix the problem - a restart normally solves it for a short period (from minutes to an hour or so)

    I have tried a reinstall - took three attempts for successful reinstall and problem still the same

  • I have got windows xp and have also been having problems on Bitdefender Total Security 2008 with the firewall switching off. In addition the real time virus protection has switched off at the same time.

    Opening the BD security centre and clicking on settings then going to

    Antivirus - shield - shows an unchecked tick box and 'Bitdefender real time protection is disabled'

    Firewall - shows a check box which is unchecked and 'Firewall is disabled'

    clicking on the checkbox then opens a window with the following 'Failed to initialize Bitdefender Firewall divers Firewall disabled'

    Clicking on the Fix for these items does not fix the problem - a restart normally solves it for a short period (from minutes to an hour or so)

    I have tried a reinstall - took three attempts for successful reinstall and problem still the same

    I am new to the forum and I joined because I am having this problem too.

  • Det
    edited December 2007

    Hello my problem is somewhat similar. After an update from build 11.0.14 to 11.0.15 my Real Time protection and Identity protection was disabled with no option to reenable. I don't have the firewall so I don't know about that. Clicking fix would do nothing. I also could not run any kind of scan. Also my file zone window on my desktop disappeared and the anitphishing option in IE is disabled. Once I reverted from 11.0.15 back to 11.0.14 all works great. I disabled auto updates for now. There seems to be something wrong with the new build. Any ideas? thanks.


  • After the nightly full system scan this morning, I suddenly have "1 threat(s) that affected 2355 objects require(s) your attention". All 2355 items are listed as "infected" and "password protected item - no action taken". In at least some of the cases the "infected" report is clearly bogus - for example, some of the files reported as infected are plain ASCII text files (not Word or other documents; plain ASCII!) that I can simply view with Emacs. They're obviously not infected with anything.

    The same files scanned as clean yesterday, which may or may not prove anything. However, I see that BD downloaded an engine update last night before the scan, which certainly seems suspicious to me.

    What does "password protected items" refer to?

    Is there a way revert the BD engine to a previous version after an auto update?

    Is there a way to disable auto updates to the engine while keeping auto updates for virus signatures?


    Bob Armstrong

  • Dear det,

    Please try this go to start,run,type services.msc press enter. Now left click on each service that has BitDefender in the name and press on start.

    Best regards


    Dear Bob Armstrong,

    password protected means for example password protected archives. No antivirus can scan these kind of archives and will always mark them because till execution infections can be invisible. For the simple fact they can't know the used password. You can ignore it if you have password protect them.

    Please make a new topic in this forum section. Upload the files that are being detected in a password protected archive with infected as password. You can do this when you create a new topic go to the attachments section press on browse and navigate now to the location of your archive but there is 2 mb single file upload limit.

    Can you pleas attach the scan report also?

    No you can't revert to an earlier version.

    Yes you can disable automatic updates but that I wouldn't recommend that. Open BitDefender press on settings once you are in the BitDefender Security Center click on the update section,press on settings you can select one of the other options that BitDefender must inform you when you want to install an update.

    Best regards


  • Dear Niels,

    I did what you suggested. All services where already running except one. Bitdefender Virus Shield. I tried to start it but it states the following: The Bitdefender Virus Shield on local computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs. Any ideas?



  • password protected means for example password protected archives. No antivirus can scan these kind of archives and will always mark them because till execution infections can be invisible. For the simple fact they can't know the used password. You can ignore it if you have password protect them.


    You misunderstand - the files reported as infected and "password protected" aren't archives of any kind. Many of them are simply plain ASCII text files (e.g. .C files, .H files, etc). BD is certainly wrong in identifying them as any kind of archive, password or not. I don't know why it does that.

    If you still want the log, I can upload it for you.

    I spoke to tech support earlier today, and apparently this is a known problem with the latest BD2008 update. This is twice in as many months that an automatic BD update has gone bad; I don't think the good people at SoftWin are testing these updates as carefully as they used to. That's sad.

    I'm thinking it would be a good idea to turn off the automatic updates so any BD updates from SoftWin can "soak" for a while to get the bugs worked out before I download them.


  • denisea3465
    denisea3465 ✭✭
    edited December 2007

    1) After minimizing the scanner while running a Full Scan, the scan window has disappeared. There are signs that it is still scanning (for instance, I am not able to update because it says there is a scan in progress), but I can not see the scan window, nor stop or pause it or take care of any issues it might have found. I don't think I can do anything but restart the computer and start the scan over again.

    2) Not necessarily a bug, per se, but if I forget to turn off the Game Mode before shutting down the computer, when I restart, it is still in Game Mode. I would think better security would be for it to default to the "regular" settings, i.e. not Game Mode if a computer restart is done.

    3) Have been showing a red X in the Net zone on and off for 4-5 days. Windows Security Center tells me that my antivirus is disabled, although all indications are that it is running, and then I will get a red X in the Net zone. When checking all settings, everything appears to be enabled and running properly, but something is triggering this security alert in both BitDefender's Scan Activity Bar and Windows Security Center.

    4) I have also been getting "false positives" in objects that say they are password protected zip files, although they are not zip files. For instance, an ad-aware exe file. Being that the message I get after scanning these objects is something along the lines of "Possible threat, could not be scanned because of password protection", wouldn't they be better suited for the "Suspect" items list rather than the "Infected" items list? It isn't a big deal, granted, but I'd rather see them in the suspect list than a great red message telling me my computer is unsafe because I have 58 infected files, when in reality, I do not.

  • I've noticed that I can't enable the Exceptions at all, and my Custom level-scan is just blank, except for the OK and Cancel buttons. Running 11.0.15 here.

    Though I never checked these two options out before, so maybe it has been broken a while for me.

  • I recently bought BitDefender Internet Security 2008 and am having MAJOR problems with it. First of all, I installed correctly by uninstalling BD 9.0 and then installing the new one. But my problem is that NONE of my features will work. I open the BD Security Center and it shows ALL of the features not working. And when I press "Fix all" it doesn't do anything. I've tried changing the update.bitdefender thing but it didn't do anything. Also, I've tried to run the two DOS patch files in the BD site and they didn't fix the problem. Here is a screenshot of my problem:


    As I said, when I press Fix now, it won't do anything. Also, I can't do any kind of scan, or turn on the firewall; it just tells me it failed to do it.


  • wanderlust7
    edited December 2007

    soft win developers please look into this matter very seriously as i can see that a lot of people are having this problem.

    the problem:

    i had BIS 2008 (not the trial) but recently i reinstalled my vista home basic.when i tried to install bis2008 it told me that a newer version is available so i downloaded it from the bit defender site,installed,restarted,registered with my old serial.but when i tried to connect to the internet for update it couldn't connect.then i disabled the BIS firewall,tried to connect but in vain.then i restarted my pc & tried to connect again with BIS firewall disabled i was successful.then i enabled BIS firewall & updated it.after the successful update & successful installation of the same when i open advanced settings i see the following things:

    bitdefender real time protection is unavailable,anti virus scan exceptions are disabled & there is no way i can turn it back on.

    firewall is disabled but when i try to turn it on it shows me this message:failed to initialize bitdefender firewall drivers.firewall disabled.

    bitdefender antispam module is unavailable,privacy control service is not available, parental control in unavailable but automatic update is enabled.

    then i did a clean uninstallation & reinstalled in trial mode it with latest bis2008 setup that i previously downloaded & faced exactly the same problem stated above,then uninstalled it & reinstalled with the old BIS 2008 setup,registered & again faced exactly the same problems.then i uninstalled it,downloaded the latest BITDEFENDER TOTAL SECURITY setup from bitdefender site,installed it in trial mode as i dont have the BTS2008 KEY & again the same now my pc is unprotected & i have the trial BTS 2008 INSTALLED.i am attaching all the screenshots.plz look into the matter seriously as many of us are having almost the same kind of problems & fix it.i still have 340 days of BIS 2008 subscription remaining & i am in one heck of a problem.waiting for quick response.thanx in advance... :(











  • ericwm
    edited January 2008

    soft win developers please look into this matter very seriously as i can see that a lot of people are having this problem.

    the problem:

    i had BIS 2008 (not the trial) but recently i reinstalled my vista home basic.when i tried to install bis2008 it told me that a newer version is available so i downloaded it from the bit defender site,installed,restarted,registered with my old serial.but when i tried to connect to the internet for update it couldn't connect.then i disabled the BIS firewall,tried to connect but in vain.then i restarted my pc & tried to connect again with BIS firewall disabled i was successful.then i enabled BIS firewall & updated it.after the successful update & successful installation of the same when i open advanced settings i see the following things:

    bitdefender real time protection is unavailable,anti virus scan exceptions are disabled & there is no way i can turn it back on.

    firewall is disabled but when i try to turn it on it shows me this message:failed to initialize bitdefender firewall drivers.firewall disabled.

    bitdefender antispam module is unavailable,privacy control service is not available, parental control in unavailable but automatic update is enabled.

    then i did a clean uninstallation & reinstalled in trial mode it with latest bis2008 setup that i previously downloaded & faced exactly the same problem stated above,then uninstalled it & reinstalled with the old BIS 2008 setup,registered & again faced exactly the same problems.then i uninstalled it,downloaded the latest BITDEFENDER TOTAL SECURITY setup from bitdefender site,installed it in trial mode as i dont have the BTS2008 KEY & again the same now my pc is unprotected & i have the trial BTS 2008 INSTALLED.i am attaching all the screenshots.plz look into the matter seriously as many of us are having almost the same kind of problems & fix it.i still have 340 days of BIS 2008 subscription remaining & i am in one heck of a problem.waiting for quick response.thanx in advance... :(

    Hey Wandelust7, consider yourself lucky that you have some computer skills, as opposed to me and countless other millions out there who just want a product to work without having to be a professor in computer science.

    I previously posted such rude letter that they saw fit to erase it from this forum. So be it. I won't be rude any more but I will get this off my chest because I am spitting mad.

    1) The new version of BD 2008 is only one step away from consumer fraud.

    2) It is unacceptable that this product did not undergo intensive quality control so that pc laymen, like me, can just load the program and pretty much forget about it.

    3) I encourage everyone who has posted here to ask for your money back.

    4) I recommend that you join me in informing everyone you know how bad this BitDefender 2008 version is.

    5) I would kindly suggest that you quit posting here and helping BitDefender to sort out the bugs that they should have sorted out themselves in the first place.

    I see it like this;

    As a small businesman, I use my PC (HP w/ XP Pro) to keep records, put together estimates and do some accounting. Like all PC owners my daily fear is getting a virus that could cause this vital business tool to crash, which could cost me both money and time I can't afford.

    When I purchase an anti-virus system, I expect it to be designed to be installed with a minimum of fuss. I would even go far as to say that I expect it to be so easy to install that it could honestly be labeled "consumer friendly".

    I do not know who designed this extremely "consumer unfriendly" version of BitDefender. No doubt it was designed by a whole army of so-called experts who are paid top money to write programs. Whether it was one person, or ten, or hundreds is not this issue. The issue is quality control. How would these PC experts, who designed the BD 2008, like it if they bought a new car and found out that they had to be a top level mechanical engineer just to get it started in the morning? How would they like it if their new car refused to start, or the wheels kept falling of, or if it wouldn't switch gears properly? Worse yet, how would they like it if, to add insult to injury, the manufacturer of the new car they just bought put up a website and asked them to "post here the bugs you found in the 2008 sedan line"? I would go out on a limb and say that they wouldn't like it at all.

    I find it incredible that this product was launched, to be sold to the hapless consumer to sort it out on a blog. Are the people at Soft Win that lonely?

    I will not rest until I get my money back for this defective software. As it is, I will now have to bring in, at my expense, a professional IT to scrub my PC of this so-called anti-virus software and install a real anti-virus program that was actually designed by competent grown-ups with a sense of honor.

    If I can help it, I will never purchase another product from Soft Win again.


    i can't agree with you more.i have used bitdefender product earlier & was quite satisfied with it.i never had problem with its controls but this bitdefender2008 is getting on my nerves.u were right...they should give our money back if they don't care to address customers problems.yesterday mailed them after following the steps from the following link:

    lets c what they do & above all this forum is really good for nothing.

  • After installing BDIS 2008 some internet connection problems occured.

    I'm using the program NetLimiter with disabled firewall.

    System WinXP Pro

    3.4Ghz, 3.0Gb RAM

    When I limit the overall connection bandwidth to whatever value, even beyond my max transfer speed, the page loading while using the webbrowsers IE and FF is terrible. My mouse pointer is stuttering all over the screen if I'm moving it.

    Somehow BDIS 2008 is causing my System.exe to need 100% of my CPU.

    After looking for solutions and searching anything related, I decided to roll back to v10 today. This solve the problem

    Nothing found that will help me solve the problem while using BDIS2008.

    Anyone aware of this problem? A way to solve it?


  • Anyone aware of this problem? A way to solve it?


    Hi Bluelion,

    I am sure that everyone who made the unwitting mistake of buying this trash is aware of "this problem" , as well as the thousands of other "problems" that come with the sterling BitDefender 2008 program. A good way to solve it might be to to set your hard drive on fire, or, failing that, plug your PC into a 480 volt out_let. These might not be the best solutions, but they cannot possibly be any worse than installing the BD 2008 version in the first place.

    No offense Bluelion, but only a masochist with the tenacity of a one legged mountain climber could wish to sort out what is possibly one of the worst anti-virus sofwares to hit the market in years. The only thing that could possibly improve the BD 2008 would be a class action suit against Soft Win.



  • instead of creating a fresh thread, i will just add it in here.

    i also keep seeing a ****** error when i open the 'main GUI' (see attached pic)

    slow loading spam toolbar windows mail:

    I have BitDefender 2008 installed, unfortunately I purchased 3 licences and after installing one, I will not be bothering to install the others on other machines.

    When I try to open BitDefender I just get a blank white screen. I have clicked on the AntiPhishing label and I'm told its unavailable. I re installed and received an error code which I sent to Bit Defender and to date I have received no reply to my 3 mails sent to suppport. Not impressed and wont be using BD again!!

    The file and net zone are not active and its stopping me from downloading from web sites shown as safe on the list of "approved" down load websites i.e. Apple

  • Anyone aware of this problem? A way to solve it?


    Hi Bluelion,

    I am sure that everyone who made the unwitting mistake of buying this trash is aware of "this problem" , as well as the thousands of other "problems" that come with the sterling BitDefender 2008 program. A good way to solve it might be to to set your hard drive on fire, or, failing that, plug your PC into a 480 volt out_let. These might not be the best solutions, but they cannot possibly be any worse than installing the BD 2008 version in the first place.

    No offense Bluelion, but only a masochist with the tenacity of a one legged mountain climber could wish to sort out what is possibly one of the worst anti-virus sofwares to hit the market in years. The only thing that could possibly improve the BD 2008 would be a class action suit against Soft Win.



    Totaly agree with you one hundred percent. Its the worst Anti Virus software I have ever experienced and now I know why I dont get any replies from support - they are probably too busy!

  • Totaly agree with you one hundred percent. Its the worst Anti Virus software I have ever experienced and now I know why I dont get any replies from support - they are probably too busy!

    Too busy you say, mate?! No chance of that Mleake. More likely they are celebrating in style in Phuket, or Hawaii...spending all those ill-gotten millions they made off us suckers.

    Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for my 11 dollar CD that was force fed into my shopping cart the day I ordered the on-line download of the BD 2008. It's been nearly 2 weeks now. Why is it I have this sinking feeling that the CD will never arrive?...

    BTW Mleake, check back into this blog from time to time, since I intend to keep a written account of what I had to do to get my money back, and post it here. It may be easy, or it may be an obstacle course. That remains to be seen. Right now I'm looking for a phone number where I can talk to a real human being at Soft Win. I'll keep this thread posted.



  • I've been noticing the "Internet Explorer ****** Error" that's been occurring for some people. It happens intermittently when I open the "advanced settings" of BD. I'm using BitDefender Total Security 2008, if that makes a difference. The error I get is exactly the same as the one that's been mentioned before:

    The main bug I've found involves the "Scan Activity" bar. When the graphs are disabled in the advanced settings they will switch themselves on occasionally, usually whenever I change the options of another program, despite the option being unchecked in the aforementioned settings. I'm assuming that this is a bug, but I'm aware of the possibility that maybe some other option I've set has overridden my original setting.

    Thanks muchly :D

  • inoukdemers
    edited January 2008

    Hello all,

    I was installing BD Total Security 2008 onto my PC, running Windows XP, SP 2. Halfway through there is an alert that the product has not received Windows XP Logo validation. Yet this product does list Windows XP SP 2 as an operating platform. Ignore or be concerned?


  • Hello all,

    I was installing BD Total Security 2008 onto my PC, running Windows XP, SP 2. Halfway through there is an alert that the product has not received Windows XP Logo validation. Yet this product does list Windows XP SP 2 as an operating platform. Ignore or be concerned?


    Hi there,

    You can ignore the Windows XP Logo validation message... very few software on the market do have windows Validation!

    However, if you only installing today, best of luck, I have yet to find a happy customer of BD2008...

    I have been battling for a week trying to use Remote Desktop connection, still with no luck!

    AND off course, BD's costomer support have all calls diverted to some support people in India, not making it easy find help in english :(

  • Thanks to odhinwarrior for the tip.

    Now here's another problem that came up: Firewall and Stealth Mode show up as 'critical', but when I click on "Fix" nothing happens.

    In fact they both show up as Disabled. And when I go to Settings to turn on the Firewall, I get this message: "Failed to initialize BitDefender Firewall Drivers. Firewall disabled."

    I have IE working fine, the internet connection works, and whether Windows Firewall is on or off I still get this message.

    What gives?

  • Thanks to odhinwarrior for the tip.

    Now here's another problem that came up: Firewall and Stealth Mode show up as 'critical', but when I click on "Fix" nothing happens.

    In fact they both show up as Disabled. And when I go to Settings to turn on the Firewall, I get this message: "Failed to initialize BitDefender Firewall Drivers. Firewall disabled."

    I have IE working fine, the internet connection works, and whether Windows Firewall is on or off I still get this message.

    What gives?

    <_< Same problem here. The software is pretty worthless if it deactivates itself after you install it ! I tried uninstalling and going back to the trial version and it actually started working again for a few hours .... then for no apparent reason it basically deactivated itself (Two red X's showed up in the monitoring box) with no way to "fix" the problem. I restarted and then even the monitoring box with the red-X's went away.

    So I then I started over from scratch ... uninstalling and re-installing the full version and told it to do all the updates etc. during the install. Result: Big nothing - it "installs" an immediately reports the same errors (Firewall and Stealth Mode show up as 'critical') and it appears none of the "fix" or "scan" buttons work. It's like there's a user interface with no code actually running behind it.

    Quite sad - I used BitDefender 10 for quite a while and it was great ... now stuck with BD 2008 do-nothing software and an unprotected system.

  • Hello user, odhinswarrior and exubri,

    I was installing BD Total Security 2008 onto my PC, running Windows XP, SP 2. Halfway through there is an alert that the product has not received Windows XP Logo validation. Yet this product does list Windows XP SP 2 as an operating platform. Ignore or be concerned?

    That warning is not about the software itself.

    BitDefender Firewall installs network card drivers to be able to monitor the traffic and/or requests. Those drivers haven't been validated by Microsoft and that's why you get that warning.

    But just because the Firewall drivers weren't validated by Microsoft doesn't mean that they are not working correctly. Probably BitDefender just didn't send the drivers for validation...maybe because the drivers are updated quite often, so it would be kind of useless to validate a driver that next month will be different ;)

    Hi there,

    You can ignore the Windows XP Logo validation message... very few software on the market do have windows Validation!

    However, if you only installing today, best of luck, I have yet to find a happy customer of BD2008...

    I have been battling for a week trying to use Remote Desktop connection, still with no luck!

    AND off course, BD's costomer support have all calls diverted to some support people in India, not making it easy find help in english :(

    As I said before, it's not about the software. It's about the firewall drivers.

    As for the happy customer...I am one of them, Andrei (also a Moderator) is one of them and there are other examples on this forum and outside of it.

    But this forum is open for problems discussions, so it's normal that you mostly see problems here.

    About your issue... I see you posted also here:

    I had no idea that you didn't solve the problem yet. I will post an answer there.

    Now here's another problem that came up: Firewall and Stealth Mode show up as 'critical', but when I click on "Fix" nothing happens.

    In fact they both show up as Disabled. And when I go to Settings to turn on the Firewall, I get this message: "Failed to initialize BitDefender Firewall Drivers. Firewall disabled."

    In what conditions does this error appear? Usually, it appears after the firewall driver has been updated and the system needs to be restarted to load the new drivers. This is how Windows works (you know that after you install any driver in WinXP, it won't work until you reboot).

    <_< Same problem here. The software is pretty worthless if it deactivates itself after you install it ! I tried uninstalling and going back to the trial version and it actually started working again for a few hours .... then for no apparent reason it basically deactivated itself (Two red X's showed up in the monitoring box) with no way to "fix" the problem. I restarted and then even the monitoring box with the red-X's went away.

    So I then I started over from scratch ... uninstalling and re-installing the full version and told it to do all the updates etc. during the install. Result: Big nothing - it "installs" an immediately reports the same errors (Firewall and Stealth Mode show up as 'critical') and it appears none of the "fix" or "scan" buttons work. It's like there's a user interface with no code actually running behind it.

    Quite sad - I used BitDefender 10 for quite a while and it was great ... now stuck with BD 2008 do-nothing software and an unprotected system.

    First of all, the difference between a trial and a full version is absolutely 0. They are exactly one-and-the-same product and the only difference is that the trial is activated using a 30-day license key. To get the full version all you have to do is change the key with a full one (which can be done easily from the Security Center).

    Also, as I said before, the firewall problem appears after it has been updated (via Auto-Update) and it gets fixed with a reboot. If the problem is permanent, I suggest you to start a new topic about this issue.


  • ^_^ Potential Solution for the Firewall and Stealth Mode show up as 'critical' and 'fix' buttons not working etc (Actually Got mine working / see below)

    To begin with, the obvious "restart" after an update had no affect on the problems of either the firewall nor monitoring being critical/deactivated. So here is what I did (on Dell w/ Windows XP SP2 32 bit).

    1. Removed "everything" using uninstall: Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs

    1a. Note that I had done this numerous times before and re-installed with same big-nothing results.


    2. I checked the registry to make sure no remnants were left using: Start - Run - then type in 'regedit' into the 'Run' box and hit enter

    Note at this point we're just looking to see if the de-installation of Bitdefender went OK...We are looking for current version or previous version junk that got incorrectly left behind ... this junk could interfere with a new installation.

    3. Now in the regedit screen that has popped up: Edit - Find and type in 'bitdefender'

    3a. and then do Edit - Find Next to continue a few times to get an idea of how much junk is still in your registery

    3. Note that the found file shows up on the left side of the regedit screen and should be highlighted

    4. Now do the same Edit - Find and type in 'Softwin'

    RESULT: I was shocked to see close to 100 entries for Bitdefender V10, 2008, and one for Softwin. Obviously Bitdefender seems to have some major uninstall issues!

    If you get the same result after uninstalling, it is quite probable this junk is preventing a clean new installation of BD2008.

    ACTION - Manual Method :

    6. Using regedit, which you have to be VERY CAREFUL about when you are modifyiing things, use the find & find-next like you did above to find each occurance.

    7. As you find each occurance, look at the open folder icon on the left-hand side directory (in which the found resistry file is residing).

    8. You want to delete each found file -and- Potentially the folder it resides in. Be Very Careful about deleting the whole folder - look at the other files in it, and if some do not appear to be related to just Bitdefender then Do Not delete the whole folder. If not sure, play it safe and just delete the individual 'bitdefender' entry.

    8. I noticed there were 3 or so entries toward the end of the registry that could not be deleted by regedit. Don't worry about those / doesn't seem to matter in fixing this.

    9. OK, so after you have deleted the 'bitdefender' and 'softwin' entries, exit regedit then Restart


    10. Finally re-install (32-bit for me & I did full with "update engine" during installation and provided my registration key etc.)


    System originally came up with everything good except the firewall, But at least the monitor box showed up and indicated the RED-X for the firewall. System ALSO correctly put up a box saying Restart was necessary to get everything working, so I followed that before doing anything else.

    Once system came back up everything was working fine.

    Currently I have turned off the automatic future updates for now since I'm afraid of what will happen when this updates and I have to re-start (...after spending so much time getting this to work).

    I'll report back if subsequent updates & restarts make it deactivate again. Just enjoying that it is finally working after 1 month.

    Hope this helps someone! (I hear Bitdefender also has a uninstall clean-up tool available, but I went for the "riskier" manual method above rather than use another Sofwin program ... if you know what I mean)

    Best Regards,


    Hello user, odhinswarrior and exubri,

    That warning is not about the software itself.

    BitDefender Firewall installs network card drivers to be able to monitor the traffic and/or requests. Those drivers haven't been validated by Microsoft and that's why you get that warning.

    But just because the Firewall drivers weren't validated by Microsoft doesn't mean that they are not working correctly. Probably BitDefender just didn't send the drivers for validation...maybe because the drivers are updated quite often, so it would be kind of useless to validate a driver that next month will be different ;)

    As I said before, it's not about the software. It's about the firewall drivers.

    As for the happy customer...I am one of them, Andrei (also a Moderator) is one of them and there are other examples on this forum and outside of it.

    But this forum is open for problems discussions, so it's normal that you mostly see problems here.

    About your issue... I see you posted also here:

    I had no idea that you didn't solve the problem yet. I will post an answer there.

    In what conditions does this error appear? Usually, it appears after the firewall driver has been updated and the system needs to be restarted to load the new drivers. This is how Windows works (you know that after you install any driver in WinXP, it won't work until you reboot).

    First of all, the difference between a trial and a full version is absolutely 0. They are exactly one-and-the-same product and the only difference is that the trial is activated using a 30-day license key. To get the full version all you have to do is change the key with a full one (which can be done easily from the Security Center).

    Also, as I said before, the firewall problem appears after it has been updated (via Auto-Update) and it gets fixed with a reboot. If the problem is permanent, I suggest you to start a new topic about this issue.


  • Teaa
    edited January 2008

    Pleas help me, after reinstal bitdefender not working ? :(

    I have bitdefender total security 2008.

    It has worked fine, then i uinstaled it, and decided to instal it again, but now bitdefender is not working ?

    Whay, pleas help me ?


  • Hello BD

    I have used BD Versions 9 and 10 and took advantage of your free upgrade to IS 2008 recently, although my license does not run out until May 2008.

    I have always been pleased with BitDefender, after having tried most of the competition over the years, you have never let me down yet and I would like to stay with you, so being able to evaluate IS2008 before my renewal is good.

    My first immpression was that the main interface was a bit of a copy of Norton 360, with the four green or red status circles.

    The first issue I had was a deep scan found a couple of password protected files which it did not know what to do with. This matter has been well covered in this forum. They were old Spybot files which I just deleted with no problems and the issue disappeared in the next scan. This did not happen in BD v.10.

    Next issue was when surfing and going backwards and forwards in my browser, the parental control kicked in and would not let me toggle pages. Nothing had been set up in Parental Contol, so I'm unsure why it did this. I turned it off as it is of no use to me anyway. But I don't really know what had triggered it, as it was only an online electronics site.

    The last more worrying thing, was when surfing, the Net zone had a red cross in it and warnings appeared with PC Security, Identity Security and Identity Control icons all at RED. I knocked off my LAN connection and saw that the firewall was off and the other items were unble to fix. I must admit I did panic a bit and did a reboot, then all was o/k.

    I hope this feedback can enable issues to be solved and I look forward to an upgrade to fix these things, as I am afraid at the moment I have lost some confidence in IS2008 and I'm on XP Home, what is it like on Vista?



  • Hello Micky,

    The first issue I had was a deep scan found a couple of password protected files which it did not know what to do with. This matter has been well covered in this forum. They were old Spybot files which I just deleted with no problems and the issue disappeared in the next scan. This did not happen in BD v.10.

    I assume you read this topic but, in case you didn't, read it:

    It has all the answers you need about this and, if you have other questions about this, post there.

    Next issue was when surfing and going backwards and forwards in my browser, the parental control kicked in and would not let me toggle pages. Nothing had been set up in Parental Contol, so I'm unsure why it did this. I turned it off as it is of no use to me anyway. But I don't really know what had triggered it, as it was only an online electronics site.

    Maybe the heuristic page blocker was enabled and it blocked the page because it seemed suspicious.

    If you think that some legit pages are added to the Webpage Blacklist, please provide the links.

    The last more worrying thing, was when surfing, the Net zone had a red cross in it and warnings appeared with PC Security, Identity Security and Identity Control icons all at RED. I knocked off my LAN connection and saw that the firewall was off and the other items were unble to fix. I must admit I did panic a bit and did a reboot, then all was o/k.

    This happens when BD updates. The red alerts appear because BD restarts it's services to be able to install the new updates.

    Usually, the updates should take place very fast, but sometimes (in case of product updates), it might take a few seconds. Normally, the red alerts should dissapear on their own, after a few seconds.


  • Shroomy726
    edited January 2008

    I tried everything to get IS2008 working but I could not. All of my status are red and when I try to click "fix" it won't do anything.




  • I have been following this forum to see how people are getting on with IS2008 as I would like to put it on my desktop (XP) and laptop (Vista) when I renew my licenses.

    As I said before in this topic, I have used BD for many years in all it's guises and my experience has been, I must say, fairly good. I have worked in the service/support industry most of my working life (now 55 and grey) and it is a thankless job, nobody writes or tells you they are happy, therefore most contact is of a negative nature. Most forums tend to be negative and you have to sift through the information to make your own decision about what the problems are.

    I've used most of the other AV solutions and Anti-spyware products (paid for and free) and found one dedicated solution is best. I found Panda to be a nightmare, doing it's own thing with no control and no tech support at all.

    I upgraded to BDIS2008 and had a few problems, which are mentioned above, similar to other peoples experience. But after I deleted the old Spybot files and learnt a bit about the interface, it is running as sweet as a nut and I think people should know that this product does work.

    Clearly a few people are having terrible problems and Tech. Support should be in close communication with these people to find a solution for them, or refund them if no solution can be found - for them.

    I can only speak as I find and the very few occasions I have had to email Tech. Support they have replied quickly and always solved my problem. In the most recent (with IS2008) within 24hrs and with follow up courtesey emails. I have had only two infections in years and BD got them and the firewall blocked them instantly, I really have no major complaint at the moment, but I'm still not confident about using it with Vista yet, the jury is still out on that one.

    To my mind the idea of these forums is as feedback and not just a slanging match, things can get very nasty and personal because, understandably, people are not getting satisfaction and need to take it out somewhere.

    Maybe the reason my system seems to be running O/K is because I have no trace of any other protection software running that could conflict with BD, it has total control of the firewall, spyware/malware etc. I notice that the password protected files that appear on deep scans are usually to do with these other programs.

    So, I would say to any people reading this forum, who are running BD and are happy with it, to register and share any positive feedback they can contribute to this topic, I really think until you can get a more balanced view, it is impossible to really judge this product.



  • I am running Bitdefender Internet Security 2008 in Windows Vista and every time I restart the computer I am getting the registration wizard.

    My license key is valid and expires in about 650 days. Now the wizards remembers the ke, but keeps bugging me to confirm if it is that one to be used or if I want to type a new one.

    After this, it asks me to login, create account or to create account later. My registration always finishes with success, but when I reboot the computer wizards starts again.

    I didn't find anything suspicious in the start -> run -> msconfig -> startup. All I have there is ieshow and bdagent

  • I've recomended BD IS2008 to a friend of mine. He's using Win2K professional SP4 and Outlook express as email client. While installing BD i had to interrupt the quick scanning of the install because it was stopped. Once I've rebooted the computer everything seemed fine. All was installed and BD has done an update.

    The only problem is that when receiving emails in Outlook express with pop3 accounts, the client find the number of emails in the server, but it cannot download the emails to the computer. Outlook Express always displays a message saying the maximum time of the server was reached. Anyway, deactivating the scan of incoming messages in the antivirus as well as the antispam module mades the mails to be recieved and everything works fine... but protection.

    Another friend of mine has updated to BD IS2008 with Win2K SP4 and haven't this trouble.

    How can I solve that????

    PS I've downloaded the software to get reports from the BD webpage, but can't find where to send it but the standard email box

  • Niels
    edited January 2008

    Dear danish_spa,

    Go to tools menu in outlook,email accounts,click on the current account and press on edit,more settings,advanced tab and put the slider for time-out server to the right press on ok.

    Best regards


  • Dear danish_spa,

    Go to tools menu in outlook,email accounts,click on the current account and press on edit,more settings,advanced tab and put the slider for time-out server to the right press on ok.

    Best regards


    Hi Niels,

    I've already tried this. If i set the time to 3 minutes, after 3 minutes i get the same message. Setting it to 5 minutes just mades me wait 5 minutes to get the pop-up window of maximum time reached! What else can i try?

  • Dear danish_spa,

    It could also be a problem with the isp. I am also just a normal user just as you. Are there attachments with mails? Or happen it also with normal mails without attachments? If with attachments how big are they? If you disable scan incoming mail you will still being protected because the realtime protection will automatically scan attachments once you open them. If you want real support visit myaccount website

    Best regards


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