****** Error Starting Bd 2008

I've gotten the attached error message about a ****** error several times when trying to start BD from the tray icon using option "Open Advanced Settings". Most of the time it works fine - but this msg has appeared perhaps 3-5 times.



  • Hello Newbe34,

    This issue is known. Currently, there's no known fix.


  • Dear Newbie34,

    Try this go to start,run,at the run dialog box type "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wscript.exe" /REGSERVER press enter. You have to change the C by the drive letter or partition where windows is installed on. Do the same for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cscript.exe" /REGSERVER. After you have done that perform a repair installation of Internet Explorer. Reboot your pc.

    Best regards


  • who's right? Niels or Cris?..

  • Niels might be right. I didn't know about this possible fix (and everytime I talked to TechSupport, they never mentioned it).

    If that solution works (or not), please post, for future notice.


  • Dear fabiowilly

    This is my personal possible solution. I didn't get that from technical support.

    Best regards


  • Dear fabiowilly

    This is my personal possible solution. I didn't get that from technical support.

    Best regards


    Thanks a lot ^_^

  • Niels, I tried to complete all the of items you suggested but had mixed results.

    1) The wscript command worked fine

    2) The cscript command failed - see attached for error code. Note the error wasn't visible running from the "Start/Run" but I saw it when using the command prompt. In short, it seems /regserver isn't valid option for that command.

    3) I couldn't find the "repair" installation for IE7. I didn't see it on any IE menu. From Control Panel "Add/Rmv Pgm" I started the uninstall for IE hoping to see a list of options but it only gave me an uninstall option - no repair.

    So, I could only complete one of your items and I can confirm the ****** error is still there.

    Any other ideas or suggestions?



  • try without the " " marks

    please report the outcome

  • Well, the quote marks around a file name should not affect anything but I tried it anyway and got the same error trying to run the cscript command as described. Are you saying it works for you? I'm running XP Pro SP2

    And, for what it's worth, I am still getting the ****** error so there's been no fix from the "factory" yet

  • XP Pro, I get a ****** error every so often. Not constant.

  • It seems that wscript and cscript are interfaces into the same thing (i.e., one GUI and the other command line).

    I think the following MS article describes a similar problem in other software:


    Anyway, has anyone else had any luck besides Niels in applying this to the BitDefender problem? This is a major pet peeve of mine.


  • Just a thought. Could this be caused by using a different default browser other than IE6 or IE7 ?

    I use Firefox and still only get the error sometimes.

  • No, it can't be caused by using something other than IE as I get (got) the error with a current IE7 as the default. I never got it all the time but often enough to be annoying.

    As an aside, I was trialing BD but gave up on it. This and a couple other bugs left me with little confidence in the product. I used to be in the software industry and seeing obvious bugs leads me to think there's plenty of "hidden" bugs as well. That's unacceptable in a security product. I am now a very happy user of F-Secure.

  • G’Day “newbie34”

    This is an Internet Explorer ****** error as per your image file, the cause i.e. ****** errors also occur when a Utility attempt, as part of its load sequence (program start action) to access the internet, which is the case here.

    A little, perhaps unknown, problem that we have notices with IE7 (Internet Explorer v7 also occurred in IE6) is that in the “Internet Properties” -> “Advanced” (tab), sometimes the “Disable ****** debugging (Internet Explorer)” and the “Disable ****** debugging(Other)” are [ ] unchecked by what ever action or bug in or by some other function . This can cause these type of errors that you are experiencing.

    Do the following to check that both these options are ticked. Do not change any other parameters in the Advanced options.

    A good way to ensure that the correct settings are re-established is to click on the “[Restore advanced settings]” button, then the “[Apply]” button and finally the “[OK]” button which corrects these errors and then try opening the program again.

    That should fix it and the other solutions were only partly misguided, but did no harm.

    This problem with IE 6 or 7, is not a bug in BitDefender, in that it also occurs on systems that do not have BD installed.


  • Thanks pcbugfixer. I'm no longer interested in BD products because of various problems (see my previous post) but here's my IE7 settings in case it helps anyone else. I can't test any changes since I don't use BD any more.

    Disable ****** Debugging (Internet Explorer) - checked

    Disable ****** Debugging (other) - Not checked

    Display a notification about every ****** error - Not checked