English Not Spanish

I have mentioned this 3 times to Bitdefender in 2007 via email support and phone calls to corporate.

Still NOTHING! :wub:

My company represents bitdefender in the provence of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. 100% of my clients speak english. When customers click on the banner on my website or www.bitdefender.com while in Costa Rica they get information and downloads of products in "Spanish". WTF is that? Your web site bitdefender.com continues to show up in latin/spanish in Costa Rica. I assume that your webmaster has programed the web site to base languages on ip addressess and not what the client needs.

when I download kits for English speaking customers they end up in spanish. WTF is that? I never ordered it Spanish.

you need to put "easy to understand" language buttons on your web site and for the downloads.

visit my web site - www.gtemw.com

I would like to hear from other people who have this same issue.


  • you can change the settings of the website to US or UK and everything will be in English even the downloads

  • jconeill
    edited January 2008
    you can change the settings of the website to US or UK and everything will be in English even the downloads

    thanks but you have totally missed the point and what you say is not true either. Please only comments from people who know of this situation living in forien countries. I hope BD's webmaster is taking notes too.

  • thanks but you have totally missed the point and what you say is not true either. Please only comments from people who know of this situation living in forien countries. I hope BD's webmaster is taking notes too.

    I have been facing the same problem. It was very very irritating... and I notice it still is today !

    Even if you visit the Corporate website www.btidefender.com it is very likely that you will be redirected automatically to a local website in another language, according to what is detected on your own PC.

    In my case it was even more frustrating because in Belgium, the majority is speaking Flemish, which actually is the same as Dutch language, but with a totally different accent (compare it to English and US-english). So I was redirected to the Netherlands ! Besides the Flemish/Dutch issue, I might be redirected to France as well, because French is also spoken here !

    As a result I had some irritating mix of English-Dutch-French webpages, while surfing to the expected CORPORATE www.bitdefender.COM

    All attempts to download a product resulted in a Dutch installation, whatever I tried to install it in Engish.

    So, I advise you to do the following :

    1. Clear all cookies from your PC. Clear all history from your browser;

    If you use the spam toolbar, save your settings (spammers list) on a USB stick or somewhere safe.

    2. Uninstall Bitdefender completely. See instructions elsewhere.

    You could attempt to download and use the Bitdefender Uninstall tool first. This tool is supposed to clean every bit of BitDefender , but actually fails to do this. There will be some leftovers.

    3. Restart but first block your Internet connection for a while

    4. Trace any remaining crap related to BitDefender in the Windows register.

    5. Trace anything (folders and files) left on your harddisks, related to BD and delete them all.

    6. Make sure that all Windows settings are English only.

    7. Connect to Internet and download BitDefender. This MUST be from he US website !

    This is the only location where you are sure not to be redirected to any other download page in a "foreign" language.

    THE SAME FILENAME is used for any download, regardless the language that will appear when you start to installation.

    But the downloaded files are however NOT the same !

    If your installation starts in Spanish, your downloaded setup file might have the same name as the English one, but it is NOT containing the correct English setup file.

    8. Install and register your product with the product key (license key) or whatever name they like to use at Sotwin for this ###### thing.

    Make sure to "uncheck" previous installations from your personal account at BitDefender.

    ATTENTION: if you purchase a new licence key , WAIT 30 days before to use it for registration.

    Just keep it active USING IT as a trial version. This way you will benefit 30 days of free "trial" time with a fully operational product, ADDED to your expiration delay !

    Assistance from BitDefender Support might be better, indeed. But anyway it is VERY much better compared to NO support at all !!

    (Try Symantec Support !) Much effort was made over the years, and "Support" improved in response time and quality. However the service seems to slow down. I agree with you.

    I fear that BitDefender is more concerned with releasing yearly "NEW" products with FANCY NAMES 2008-2009-2010

    than with efficient "working" release versions with ordinary dull names such e.g. Version 14.0.

    Hope I didn't miss the point ? B)

  • Marel,

    You are right on and I thank you for your comments.

    I douched the computer as suggested in steps #1~6. What a hassle (I hope BD webmaster's BOSS is looking in). However, most customers WILL NOT have the patients or computer savvy for this process. :wub: Who’s going to pay for my time to explain this resolution to prospective clients? Is BD going to send me a check! I can't possibly go to all my clients’ houses or explain over the phone fixing this problem on their computers without some cash in advance from BD.

    As for #7 quote;

    #7. Connect to Internet and download BitDefender. This MUST be from he US website!

    This is the only location where you are sure not to be redirected to any other download page in a "foreign" language.

    This is not my findings nor with 1 client on a different computer. We found that all we had to do was navigate away from the US site and Spanish took over again.

    I am thinking that a real solution would be to have a cookie recognize what language you want if not English (instead of ip addresses) for all downloads $ navigation (like Sony’s web site)

    Is the Ole Mighty BD Webmaster listening? No he’s in the break room eating donuts. Does BD corporate care about increasing their foreign sales? As you say Marel, management is probably focusing all attention on fancy names for new products. For me - the last 365 days trying to sell BD with this web problem has cost me time & embarrassment. :wacko: BD has ignored my concerns, yet at the very most all I got was customer service BS. If you call that service ???

    I think I will start representing ESET NOD32. No web site problem there. They have also passed up BD according to PC World.

    As for element 5, ESET NOD32 uses another CC service that took my credit card - the very first try.

  • thanks but you have totally missed the point and what you say is not true either. Please only comments from people who know of this situation living in forien countries. I hope BD's webmaster is taking notes too.

    Well I live in a foreign country and it works in the way I described.

    Please don't treat me as I am some sort of lunatic

  • jconeill
    edited January 2008
    Well I live in a foreign country and it works in the way I described.

    Please don't treat me as I am some sort of lunatic

    :ph34r: Neo – I didn’t mean to offend you, but by the same token, we don’t need to turn this into a p i s s i n g match either! I have invested a lot of time – recommending Bitdefender to clients. There are people like, Marel & my clients experiencing problems with navigation, downloading, ordering and reordering license keys from Bitdefender’s web site who currently live in foreign countries. The language toggles back and forth causing chaos! Element 5 is also a pain in the glutious. :wacko: So …

    If you’d like to help resolve the problem, please tell us and others looking in (hopefully BD webmasters boss) the following;

    1. What county are you from and what is the national language there?

    2. Is your ISP local or foreign?

    3. What IP’s does your ISP use – static or automatic?

    4. Do you know others using Bitdefender’s website in your country? If so, what has their experience been while navigating, downloading or ordering licenses keys?

    And again - Please only comments from people that are experiencing problems as the original 1st post has stated. :rolleyes:

  • :ph34r: Neo – I didn’t mean to offend you, but by the same token, we don’t need to turn this into a p i s s i n g match either! I have invested a lot of time – recommending Bitdefender to clients. There are people like, Marel & my clients experiencing problems with navigation, downloading, ordering and reordering license keys from Bitdefender’s web site who currently live in foreign countries. The language toggles back and forth causing chaos! Element 5 is also a pain in the glutious. :wacko: So …

    If you’d like to help resolve the problem, please tell us and others looking in (hopefully BD webmasters boss) the following;

    1. What county are you from and what is the national language there?

    2. Is your ISP local or foreign?

    3. What IP’s does your ISP use – static or automatic?

    4. Do you know others using Bitdefender’s website in your country? If so, what has their experience been while navigating, downloading or ordering licenses keys?

    And again - Please only comments from people that are experiencing problems as the original 1st post has stated. :rolleyes:

    Any Root Administrators, Moderators, Bitdefender Support or the Ole Mighty Webmaster himself care to comment about the web site problems posted? ######, if I was reporting a virus you’d all be on it like stink on … Does anyone care about forign sales at Bitdefender?

  • Another day - still no reply?

  • Another day - still no reply?

    ... and I can't sell it if you dont support it. NOD32 - Here I come

  • ... and I can't sell it if you dont support it. NOD32 - Here I come

    This is what I cannot understand about Bit Defender, they are willing to sell the product, but are either unable or unwilling, to even attempt to support it.. I would guess that close to 90% of the complaints on this forum are about lack of support..

    They have some very loyal moderators on this forum, doing thier best to support a product that, in my opinion, dosn't deserve even five minutes of their time.. I'll bet if BD doen't do something SOON, even these guy's are gonna throw in the towel, and quite trying to fight a loosing battle..

    I have been, still am, looking for something that will work with Vista, and I do thank BD for setting up this forum, because if I've learned one thing here, it's to NOT buy anything without doing a lot of research on it first.. I have been to many forums, which I'm not allowed to name here, and all have some problems with thier software, but nowhere do I see the number of complaints about lack of support like there are on this Bit Defender forum..

  • claudiu
    edited January 2008
    Any Root Administrators, Moderators, Bitdefender Support or the Ole Mighty Webmaster himself care to comment about the web site problems posted? ######, if I was reporting a virus you'd all be on it like stink on … Does anyone care about forign sales at Bitdefender?

    Costa rica Official language = Spanish. Period. Nobody cares about what your clients in your province speak as long as the official language of the country is spanish. Its like creating websites and products based on the provinces and not the countries. This is stupid. Is like ... creating the bitdefender website for the us customers in chinnese just because there is a China Town province in San Francisco.

    s4u was right and he recommended to you the easiest method. I think you're just trying to make bad advertising. And .. yeah .. go with nod or whatever. They have the same spanish version available when you click Costa Rica for your "clients"! <img class=" />

  • Niels
    edited January 2008


    You can try this go to start,my computer,double click on the harddisc or partition where you installed windows or your software,documents and settings,the folder with your username, now go to the tools menu,folder options,display (view),check show hidden files and folders uncheck also hide system protected operating system files and press on apply now you will see a folder called cookies. Now use the windows search option and enter bitdefender as search term. Now copy that text file open it and change country_id if you want it in English type us save the cookie. Close your browser and place back the cookie into the cookie folder confirm the replace message.

    Best regards


  • Costa rica Official language = Spanish. Period. Nobody cares about what your clients in your province speak as long as the official language of the country is spanish. Its like creating websites and products based on the provinces and not the countries. This is stupid. Is like ... creating the bitdefender website for the us customers in chinnese just because there is a China Town province in San Francisco.

    s4u was right and he recommended to you the easiest method. I think you're just trying to make bad advertising. And .. yeah .. go with nod or whatever. They have the same spanish version available when you click Costa Rica for your "clients"! <img class=" />

    Hey Claudio,

    You know what’s stupid? That you call yourself a “Member”! Stupid is - what stupid does – right? Read the original Post. No really read it. I sell Bitdefender. And I’m talking about sales in a foreign country. My clients have the cash to buy it and so we are all stupid because we struggle with your “D u m b a s s” website? Bitdefenders webmaster is eating donuts all day in the break room and we are stupid according to you! What are you going to do about - Forest? You jerk!

  • Dear

    You can try this go to start,my computer,double click on the harddisc or partition where you installed windows or your software,documents and settings,the folder with your username, now go to the tools menu,folder options,display (view),check show hidden files and folders uncheck also hide system protected operating system files and press on apply now you will see a folder called cookies. Now use the windows search option and enter bitdefender as search term. Now copy that text file open it and change country_id if you want it in English type us save the cookie. Close your browser and place back the cookie into the cookie folder confirm the replace message.

    Best regards



    Thank you for your comments. With thousands of posts, I know that you are truly dedicated to Bitdefender. I like the product or I would not advertise it - www.gtemw.com. I will try your resolution & with my clients as a temporary resolution. This problem is in Bitdefender’s Webmasters hand. FYI, if you go to Sony’s website (while in a foreign country) it asks you; “do you want the language in?” scrolls to English … and then, “do you want to remember this website preference?” (in English), if so - click yes. It sends a cookie to the computer so all transactions remain in English even while navigation continues. Do you hear what I’m saying – Claudiu & s4u? China has 7 billion people ($$$). There are more Spanish speaking countries than English speaking countries ($$$) However, the English speaking countries have money to spend!… So read between the lines! Bitdefender’s’ Webmaster needs to get on it! (fix the website). And that concludes the point I’m trying to make!

  • Dear cuincr,

    I will try to contact somebody but I can't guarantee that they will add the possibility to change the language. I am also in the same situation. I also have to edit the cookie to be able to view the website in English.

    You can also contact the webmaster by using this form. Select webmaster. More you can't do.

    It worked for me. But you have to edit the cookie again once you have cleared your temporary internet files but I suppose that you already knew that.

    Glad that I could help you.

    Best regards


  • jconeill
    edited January 2008
    Dear cuincr,

    I will try to contact somebody but I can't guarantee that they will add the possibility to change the language. I am also in the same situation. I also have to edit the cookie to be able to view the website in English.

    You can also contact the webmaster by using this form. Select webmaster. More you can't do.

    It worked for me. But you have to edit the cookie again once you have cleared your temporary internet files but I suppose that you already knew that.

    Glad that I could help you.

    Best regards


    I’m not being understood here. I’m not asking BD to change the language or create new languages or even flip a bran new web site. Jesus! I’m telling all that the web site needs to give foreigners a choice of language and downloads. That can be done like Sony’s, Microsoft’s, HP’s … website. Cookies do the trick. BD’s website is clearly based on IP addresses. At Sony, cookies initiate the languages instead of ip addresses. However, I’m not saying that it will be easy to code this website. That will take alot of work. Awe! Poor Webmaster has to work … But it needs to be done!

    Contact the webmaster form ... Ha Ha Ha ... Yea right. I used that one 3X ... Lets not fool ourselves the webmaster "is" watching but his boss is out screwing the Foreign sales manager. Ha Ha Ha

    Now if you can get rid of element 5, you and a friend got a place to crash if you want to visit CR. My treat! (1 week max).

    Good Luck.

  • claudiu
    edited January 2008

    cuincr , i suggest you watch your language. i have not insulted you althou` it comes hard for me not do respond in the same manner

    i know your problem very well and my answer stands. i visited bitdefender's website (bitdefender.com) from Romania , France , Greece and it NEVER auto-redirected me on the romanian , french, greek version of the site! NEVER! and diplayed the default english version. That means the website is not using IP's for redirecting but cookies and scripts AFTER you click one country from the list and not auto.

  • Dear cuincr,

    You didn't understand me. What I said was that I was going to ask to add the possibility to only choose the language for the entire website instead of the country detection. How can I now that you already used that form 3x times? I am also a normal user so I don't work for BitDefender (Softwin).

    Best regards


  • cuincr , i suggest you watch your language. i have not insulted you althou` it comes hard for me not do respond in the same manner

    i know your problem very well and my answer stands. i visited bitdefender's website (bitdefender.com) from Romania , France , Greece and it NEVER auto-redirected me on the romanian , french, greek version of the site! NEVER! and diplayed the default english version. That means the website is not using IP's for redirecting but cookies and scripts AFTER you click one country from the list and not auto.


    My language upsets you … while you call others “liars”? Get off this post. Go help someone else with your “I’m Right & you’re Wrong genius”.

  • Dear cuincr,

    You didn't understand me. What I said was that I was going to ask to add the possibility to only choose the language for the entire website instead of the country detection. How can I now that you already used that form 3x times? I am also a normal user so I don't work for BitDefender (Softwin).

    Best regards


    I understood that you knew people-OK. I mentioned contacting people at BD on the first post. The form was used actually 2X and the responce was, well - sad to say the least. However it is funny that I just recieved another responce to an old ticket from 2 months ago - today. I did mention that the webmaster or his boss is probably watching us!!!

  • jconeill
    edited January 2008

    Another potintial customer said - "No Way"! Why? Because he visited the wb site and all was in Spanish! What <edited> is wrong with BD Managemint? Fix the web site! Hello!

  • I just visited bitefender.com with a costa rica (.cr) proxy and there is no redirecting to costa rican spanish version of the site. bitdefender.com visited and presented in the default english version.

    You are not lying , you are just beeing melodramatic. This is all i have to say.

    Good luck.

  • jconeill
    edited January 2008
    I just visited bitefender.com with a costa rica (.cr) proxy and there is no redirecting to costa rican spanish version of the site. bitdefender.com visited and presented in the default english version.

    You are not lying , you are just beeing melodramatic. This is all i have to say.

    Good luck.


    Dont return to this post. This is the second time that I've told you. You are <edited>. That's all I have to say.


  • alexcrist
    edited January 2008

    Hello cuincr,

    Please stop insulting other members of this forum and stop using vulgar words!! Consider this a warning!

    Now, about your problem: it is 100% related to cookies and the regional settings of the computer you are working on.

    First of all: The browser has to be set to search for the English language. If it is set otherwise, it's absolutely normal that it will display that language (if available).

    Second: Once you sett the language of the BitDefender site, next time you go there it will be in the same language (provided that you don't clean up the cookies left behind by the BitDefender server).

    Third: You can change the site language in one-easy-step, by using the drop-down list located at the top of the site (right next to the Search field).

    Fourth: Another alternative is to access a direct link to an English version. One alternative would be http://www.bitdefender.co.uk/, which takes you to the United Kingdom site, which is in English.

    If you want to adapt all the internet to your needs, then I have a bad news for you: you won't get this. So calm down! What is so hard to just change the language of the site?!?!


  • Hello cuincr,

    Please stop insulting other members of this forum and stop using vulgar words!! Consider this a warning!

    Now, about your problem: it is 100% related to cookies and the regional settings of the computer you are working on.

    First of all: The browser has to be set to search for the English language. If it is set otherwise, it's absolutely normal that it will display that language (if available).

    Second: Once you sett the language of the BitDefender site, next time you go there it will be in the same language (provided that you don't clean up the cookies left behind by the BitDefender server).

    Third: You can change the site language in one-easy-step, by using the drop-down list located at the top of the site (right next to the Search field).

    Fourth: Another alternative is to access a direct link to an English version. One alternative would be http://www.bitdefender.co.uk/, which takes you to the United Kingdom site, which is in English.

    If you want to adapt all the internet to your needs, then I have a bad news for you: you won't get this. So calm down! What is so hard to just change the language of the site?!?!


    Hello cuincr,

    cuincr> Hi Cris

    Please stop insulting other members of this forum and stop using vulgar words!! Consider this a warning!

    cuincr> :huh: OK. I’m glad that someone really cares.

    Now, about your problem: it is 100% related to cookies and the regional settings of the computer you are working on.

    cuincr> Are you sure? Have you looked at the cookies to verify their content? Can you analyze the code of the home web page?

    First of all: The browser has to be set to search for the English language. If it is set otherwise, it's absolutely normal that it will display that language (if available).

    cuincr> My point, I don’t see a friendly way to control this. I’m also following your instructions right now with a laptop as backup proof that has never seen the BD website. The site comes in Spanish when typed in the address line = http://www.bitdefender.com then automaticly changes to http://www.bitdefender.com/latin. IE7’s are set for English only as are all my clients. I do not know about Neil or Merel who have reported having the same problem on this post. So obviously there is an IP related issue don’t you think?

    Second: Once you sett the language of the BitDefender site, next time you go there it will be in the same language (provided that you don't clean up the cookies left behind by the BitDefender server).

    cuincr> No it does not. Both computers after closing IE7 and reopen - computers go back to the latin site when typing in http://www.bitdefender.com

    Third: You can change the site language in one-easy-step, by using the drop-down list located at the top of the site (right next to the Search field).

    cuincr> No. This as not working correctly either. The site will navigate and toggle back and from Spanish to English. This is very frustration when downloading a product trial from the English web page … after 10 minutes of downloading it shows up in Spanish. It just did it again on the laptop. This costs time and money with clients to fix. I really don’t make any money of selling an antivirus program. This is just service to clients needing big repairs. I like the product. Now what?

    Fourth: Another alternative is to access a direct link to an English version. One alternative would be http://www.bitdefender.co.uk/, which takes you to the United Kingdom site, which is in English.

    cuincr> In fear of using bad language….I will try that and get back with you

    If you want to adapt all the internet to your needs, then I have a bad news for you: you won't get this. So calm down! What is so hard to just change the language of the site?!?!

    cuincr> My Ponit exactly. I wont get this fixed because BD’s webmaster is in the break room.


    cuincr> thanx :wacko:

  • Dear cuincr,

    Cris meant that you must have an English version of Internet Explorer installed. You can't just change the language of IE.

    I already examined the content of the cookie. Once you change what is written after change country_id and save it the website will always be load in English if you write us. So long you didn't clear your cookies and temporary internet files.

    I already contacted somebody but the response was negative.

    Best regards


  • Dear cuincr,

    Cris meant that you must have an English version of Internet Explorer installed. You can't just change the language of IE.

    I already examined the content of the cookie. Once you change what is written after change country_id and save it the website will always be load in English if you write us. So long you didn't clear your cookies and temporary internet files.

    I already contacted somebody but the response was negative.

    Best regards



    I surfed to the Spanish BD site, for the record and for the last time, I scrolled and entered to United States (English) – then I deleted the temporary internet files & deleted the cookies then “refreshed” the English webpage to insure a cached cookie. Oh and CRIS the UK site – same thing – no help. The language interface fails in this country.

    All laptops and computers have English IE7. No additional settings like ES on keyboard ect. All computers have English OP systems = XP and Vista. In fact, 90% of the laptops of my clients were bought in the USA.

    Niels you said you examined the cookie. Are there are no problems with the web page(s) code connecting to this cookie? also i quote "I already contacted somebody but the response was negative." what does that mean? Negative refering to what?

    So why do I continue to state that a problem exists? Because it's a real problem that needs fixing. Weather you care or not. I’ve done all the logical things to do. I’m not a webmaster and obviously no one else on this post is either. But then why should AV geniuses to the average Joe jump through hoops to correct this error or even want to correct this issue? Ask yourself; How many times have I been to a website to buy something I wanted or needed? – then, while in the search, navigation or payment process – you get so frustrated that you look else ware to buy it. I must be a sadist representing this product line (ie this sad support)! Am I melodramatic, whining for attention or thinking that I can get my way (whatever that means) with the internet? One thing I know for sure – there’s nothing more permanent than change. BD “could” do something about this problem besides ignore it and pass it around as “operator error”. Remember when Norton got lazy and too big for their britches? People started looking for another product thus BD became #1. Hello! Look now ... DB #4 and falling

    Can anyone else resolve how Spanish trial versions of BD products get downloaded via the English site while in a fireign country? Cookie errors?

    Can anyone else resolve why the site (via from a 6 pack of computers using different op platforms) toggle from English to Spanish to English to Spanish to English to Spanish while specificly in Costa Rica? IP errors!

    Can anyone else resolve, while clicking the United States language location, while in a foreign country doesn’t leave a more permanent cookie that will stay stored in your browser - so the next time the site is visited it will be in the English and remain in English? Little green men from mars?

  • Dear cuincr,

    I meant that I contacted someone who is responsible for the BitDefender site (not the webmaster) and the forum for adding the option to choose the language of the entire BitDefender website instead of using cookies. But he doesn't want to add that feature.

    I could be that also a ****** searches for the operating system language and local settings on your computer. I could visit all subsites of BitDefender in English once I edited the cookie and saved it. Once you delete your cookies it's normal that you see the page again in Spanish.

    Best regards


  • Dear cuincr,

    I meant that I contacted someone who is responsible for the BitDefender site (not the webmaster) and the forum for adding the option to choose the language of the entire BitDefender website instead of using cookies. But he doesn't want to add that feature.

    I could be that also a ****** searches for the operating system language and local settings on your computer. I could visit all subsites of BitDefender in English once I edited the cookie and saved it. Once you delete your cookies it's normal that you see the page again in Spanish.

    Best regards


    Thankyou Niels,

    You summed it up. ("he" - yes "he" doesn't want) <img class=" />

    So the BD website is managed by a guy who !ives in the US, speaks English and could care less about foreign sales! He sounds like the director of customer service at BD and has shares at Symantic!

    Why would any manager push to fix a problem that doesn't effect him/her directly? -_- Ha! We need his daddys phone number! We need to tell his daddy whats up. So who's his daddy?

    Who cares if scripts are causing it. It's happening on all computers here - not just 1, 2 or 3. :wacko:

  • alexcrist
    edited January 2008

    First of all, that guy doesn't live in US. BitDefender is made by BitDefender S.R.L., a company which has it's HQ in Romania (Eastern Europe, if you haven't heard about it). So the mother language of this product is Romanian.

    Second of all, it works just fine to me (and I'm not the only one). When I first enter the site, I am redirected to bitdefender.ro. Absolutely normal. After that, I don't need to make difficult edits to the cookies or anything like that. I just change the site language using the drop-down list to...let's say...English (US). Next time I visit the site it's in English!. And all pages I go to are in English. The site works just how it was meant to.

    However: if I clean the cookies, these settings are forgotten (absolutely normal!) and I'm redirected to bitdefender.ro again.

    So what happens to you, is one of these:

    - either you have some automatic cleaning options, which deletes cookies when you exit your Browser. Maybe the cookies aren't even stored, which could explain why you are re-directed everytime you click a link!

    - either your ISP has something to do with this. If you are using a proxy to connect, that proxy makes the requests for you, and if that proxy is not configured to accept the cookies, it will always get the wrong pages (which is normal, because the settings are not remembered!).

    So let me sum it up for you: it works just fine! Furthermore, you say that the direct link to bitdefender.co.uk doesn't work either. Well...that's impossible. These direct links were made for this exact reason: to access a specific language without using cookies or scripts. If that page also re-directs you to the Spanish site, then the problem is NOT on the server, but it's somewhere between the server and you.


  • I concur. I do not live in the US, and I can change (and make it 'stick') between all the available languages.

  • So let me sum it up for you: it works just fine! Furthermore, you say that the direct link to bitdefender.co.uk doesn't work either. Well...that's impossible. These direct links were made for this exact reason: to access a specific language without using cookies or scripts. If that page also re-directs you to the Spanish site, then the problem is NOT on the server, but it's somewhere between the server and you.


    Respectfully Cris,

    Hey Pal. It doesn't work. this situation with several computers, several servers and several clients "here" in Costa Rica is not just me. Furthermore, I dont think you are qualified to answer a web design issue. <_< anymore!

    Tes! I've had enough of this "it's my problem" and "I'm a Liar" KRAP. I dont care if BD's webmaster designed and built it on the moon. It needs to be fixed / upgraded to a modern configuration that is solid - not flaky.

    Hide this post in the unsolved mystery files or in the trash because it proves once again the support that BD provides. I will not be representing BD anymore and I will advise my small handful of cleints to try another AV.

    and that stinks because i liked the product.


  • claudiu
    edited February 2008

    you are either incompetent in configuration issues or you're just playing dumb.

  • you are either incompetent in configuration issues or you're just playing dumb.

    Hey, hey... enough with the hard words! <_<

    Claudiu, please stop using such words. Next time, it will be a Warn increase. Who knows? Maybe there really is a bug somewhere...

    @cuincr: we never experienced this problem. As you see, multiple users confirm this point of view: it works. I have no idea what to say right now, because you really insist about this behavior, when it's clear that we cannot reproduce it.

    By "we", I mean the users around here. In a couple of weeks, I'll have the opportunity

    to talk to some BD Officials. Maybe they can shed some light about this.
