What Do These Inbound Firewall Rules Refer To ?

Hi - I edited the Firwall profile to see what rules were in there, and came accross these.

(Please see image).

What are they ?

Are they safe ?

Thanks in advance.

Internet security 2008 - on XP SP2




  • Hi - I edited the Firwall profile to see what rules were in there, and came accross these.

    (Please see image).

    What are they ?

    Are they safe ?

    Thanks in advance.

    Internet security 2008 - on XP SP2


    Don't have anything like that. Delete them and watch for any alerts. Try Google for the ports in question, for information.

  • Hello,

    Those ports are included in the default list of BitDefender Firewall rules, so I guess they're safe.

    @KenW: you DO have those rules. The reason why you don't see them might be because you look in the standard Traffic list. In that list, the rules that are defined for all applications (such the rules we are talking about here) are not listed. These rules appear only when you click Edit profile.

    I searched the internet for those ports, but I couldn't find much information about them. The only thing I found, is about port 389 (first rule in the screenshot). It's related to the NetMeeting. Read it here.

    About the rest of them... I'll keep looking. Anyway, a very summary explanation about them are these: 47, 50, 51. My guess is that they are only used in some by some applications, so there's a high chance that you won't feel any difference if you delete those rules and if you don't use those particular applications.

    So, bottom line: the rules are safe (they are included in the default Firewall list). If I find more info on them, I'll post. If anyone else knows more about these ports, please post.


  • OK I will look again.