Bugs Report...

I've been trying Bitdefender Free AV for a week now, but it was almost immediately apparent that the software is quite buggy...

Version on Windows XP SP3:

***1. When switching the 'Virus Shield - Off/On' - most of the time there is no task bar pop-up warning/alert from the Windows XP Security Center. Sometimes it does produce the expected alert, but most of the time it does not. The only way to have the system produce the expected alert, is to reboot the PC (and that doesn't always fix the issue - it's just pot luck).

2. Very often, clicking on the 'Logs' button/text link (bottom left of the user interface) does not produce any response. The work-around to fix this problem is to right-click and 'Exit' the BD item from the task bar/notification area, then restart the BD user interface from the start/program menu (or desk top short cut).

Less of an issue, but still minor irritation...

3. The date format of the items in the 'Logs' listing is wrong/does not match the localised system setting - i.e. 23 October 2013 appears as 10/23/2013 whereas it really should be displayed as 23/10/2013 (day/month/year).

Curiously, when I first installed it appeared that the order of items in the 'Logs' were sometimes in incorrect time sequence - but mysteriously this bug looks as if it has gone (I'm not sure whether some update may have been applied shortly after first installation).

That first bug ***1 above concerns me the most - as it is not clear whether the 'Virus Shield' protection is On or Off - and XP Security Center thinks it is on all the time, even after switching it Off in the BD interface.

I'm not very impressed with this free AV - I don't think it does Bitdefender's reputation any good at all releasing such buggy/poorly tested software. Regardless of it being free, it doesn't appear to work properly - it's really only 'Beta' quality, at best.

Another thing bothers me - there appears to be no response/very slow response to several other bugs/problems reported on this forum?

I really wanted to like BD Free, as the BD protection/detection 'engines' appears to be one of the best - but I may shortly be reverting back to using Avira (or might try Avast).


  • Update: Just in case anyone might be interested - I've decided to persevere and am giving Bitdefender Free another chance.

    Here are a few things I can report...

    I uninstalled my first Bitdefender Free without any problems or issues, just by using the Windows XP 'Add and Remove Programs' route (didn't need the special BD uninstall app). The only noteworthy observation was a slightly unusual "Please wait......." message from Windows on rebooting immediately after the uninstall. A few registry keys and files/temp folders were left behind, but nothing of any concern.

    I briefly reinstated Avira Free anti-virus for a day (no problems there either) but then decided to give Bitdefender Free another chance - partly out of curiosity to see if any of those bugs detailed in the previous message might have been fixed by the latest update to BD version

    I watched more closely this time, while reinstalling Bitdefender - I noticed that the download link initially installed version (which is several versions/months old) before then auto updating itself to the latest version shortly afterwards (so now That certainly seems a bit convoluted and inefficient, but I suppose it doesn't really matter much.

    As for the bugs I reported previously (with version under Windows XP SP3) - at least two of those are still present in the latest version

    ** The 'Logs' button still doesn't work first time (even with repeated pressing) - and work-around requires 'Quit' of the BD user interface and re-running it from Programs/Desktop shortcut, then the 'Logs' button works.

    * The date format within still doesn't match the system settings - the day/month figures wrong order (which can confuse).

    *** I can't say yet about the (sometimes lack of) Windows Security Center notification issue when switching the BD 'Virus Shield' ON/OFF , because I've only rebooted the PC twice since reinstalling, and so far the WSC notification has worked OK - but it's too early to say whether there is still an issue there or not.

    I hope that was of some interest/use to someone - it would be nice if someone at Bitdefender would acknowledge the reporting of the bugs - 'hello..... anybody there.......?'.

  • Is it easy & safe to uninstall Bitdefender without using any special app for it?

  • Is it easy & safe to uninstall Bitdefender without using any special app for it?

    Well it 'ought to be' - although there's always a possibility that there might be some undocumented issue that using a specially provided tool helps with.

    I recently uninstalled Bitdefender Free Edition from Windows XP-SP3 using the normal 'Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs' facility, and it uninstalled without any problems (as ideally it should).

    Sometimes running a special tool is designed to avoid/fix issues, or maybe cleans up more left over files/folder/registry entries (many programs leave junk behind).

    One possible advantage of a special tool is that it can be run more than once (although shouldn't need to), whereas the Windows uninstaller generally is no longer there after unistallation.

    It probably wouldn't hurt to run the special uninstall tool even after the regular Windows 'Add or Remove Programs' uninstaller (as I did).

    N.B. One tip: Perhaps create a manual 'System Restore Point' before uninstalling, then at least in theory you might be able to revert 'back to square one' (ideally you should do the same before installing new programs - but that might be too late advice now).

  • Update: Just in case anyone might be interested - I've decided to persevere and am giving Bitdefender Free another chance.

    Here are a few things I can report...

    I uninstalled my first Bitdefender Free without any problems or issues, just by using the Windows XP 'Add and Remove Programs' route (didn't need the special BD uninstall app). The only noteworthy observation was a slightly unusual "Please wait......." message from Windows on rebooting immediately after the uninstall. A few registry keys and files/temp folders were left behind, but nothing of any concern.

    I briefly reinstated Avira Free anti-virus for a day (no problems there either) but then decided to give Bitdefender Free another chance - partly out of curiosity to see if any of those bugs detailed in the previous message might have been fixed by the latest update to BD version

    I watched more closely this time, while reinstalling Bitdefender - I noticed that the download link initially installed version (which is several versions/months old) before then auto updating itself to the latest version shortly afterwards (so now That certainly seems a bit convoluted and inefficient, but I suppose it doesn't really matter much.

    As for the bugs I reported previously (with version under Windows XP SP3) - at least two of those are still present in the latest version

    ** The 'Logs' button still doesn't work first time (even with repeated pressing) - and work-around requires 'Quit' of the BD user interface and re-running it from Programs/Desktop shortcut, then the 'Logs' button works.

    * The date format within still doesn't match the system settings - the day/month figures wrong order (which can confuse).

    *** I can't say yet about the (sometimes lack of) Windows Security Center notification issue when switching the BD 'Virus Shield' ON/OFF , because I've only rebooted the PC twice since reinstalling, and so far the WSC notification has worked OK - but it's too early to say whether there is still an issue there or not.

    I hope that was of some interest/use to someone - it would be nice if someone at Bitdefender would acknowledge the reporting of the bugs - 'hello..... anybody there.......?'.

    I'm giving up - time to get rid of this Bitdefender Free (again).

    Despite the update to the version, and despite the 3 further 'product updates' that each require a system reboot, all the problem I first reported still remain AND I've observed even more problems....

    ***I've noticed that when Bitdefender is in its 'bad' state i.e. where switching the 'Virus Shield: On/Off' doesn't produce the expected Windows Security Center warning, then the on demand 'right click > Scan with Bitdefender' context menu function does not produce any response or action either.

    I've also noticed that even where the 'Virus Shield: On/Off' WSC notification is working at start up, it appears to stop working after the PC goes into then re-awakes from 'standby mode' (and the on demand context menu 'Scan with Bitdefender' will have stopped working too).

    Also, in this later faulty state, the last item scanned (listed beneath the 'Virus Shield' in the user interface) becomes static and no longer changes - which raises a huge uncertainty as to whether or not the core AV and HIPS protection is still working, there is simply no way to be sure.

    Further to this, if I right-click and 'Quit' the Bitdefender interface from the taskbar notification area, then re-start it from Program/Desktop shortcut, the user interface permanently shows, next to 'Virus Shield', "Nothing Scanned Yet" - and for some unknown reason, beneath the 'My Bitdefender' it permanently says "Trying to Login..." despite the fact that I have not yet entered any registration details (it normally just says "Not Logged In, 21 days left").

    Some final criticism (which might not bother me so much if it actually worked properly)...

    Why on earth does such a basic/reduced functionality product need to install some 860 files in 45 folders (that's just in the Programs\Bitdefender folder, and not counting other files in local settings and temp folders?!!

    I've also noticed that the program is continually writing log files - that's generally OK, except that one such called 'gziface.log' is writing (appending) almost the same 5 lines of text, over and again, every 10 seconds!

    I will shortly be uninstalling Bitdefender Free Version - for a second time.

    This has been a hugely disappointing experience, that has only served to put me off using any Bitdefender product.

    [Note: For the avoidance of doubt - my system otherwise runs very smoothly, and full scans by both Avira AV and even Bitdefender show the system to be entirely free of any malware.]

  • I'm giving up - time to get rid of this Bitdefender Free (again).

    Despite the update to the version, and despite the 3 further 'product updates' that each require a system reboot, all the problem I first reported still remain AND I've observed even more problems....

    ***I've noticed that when Bitdefender is in its 'bad' state i.e. where switching the 'Virus Shield: On/Off' doesn't produce the expected Windows Security Center warning, then the on demand 'right click > Scan with Bitdefender' context menu function does not produce any response or action either.

    I've also noticed that even where the 'Virus Shield: On/Off' WSC notification is working at start up, it appears to stop working after the PC goes into then re-awakes from 'standby mode' (and the on demand context menu 'Scan with Bitdefender' will have stopped working too).

    Also, in this later faulty state, the last item scanned (listed beneath the 'Virus Shield' in the user interface) becomes static and no longer changes - which raises a huge uncertainty as to whether or not the core AV and HIPS protection is still working, there is simply no way to be sure.

    Further to this, if I right-click and 'Quit' the Bitdefender interface from the taskbar notification area, then re-start it from Program/Desktop shortcut, the user interface permanently shows, next to 'Virus Shield', "Nothing Scanned Yet" - and for some unknown reason, beneath the 'My Bitdefender' it permanently says "Trying to Login..." despite the fact that I have not yet entered any registration details (it normally just says "Not Logged In, 21 days left").

    Some final criticism (which might not bother me so much if it actually worked properly)...

    Why on earth does such a basic/reduced functionality product need to install some 860 files in 45 folders (that's just in the Programs\Bitdefender folder, and not counting other files in local settings and temp folders?!!

    I've also noticed that the program is continually writing log files - that's generally OK, except that one such called 'gziface.log' is writing (appending) almost the same 5 lines of text, over and again, every 10 seconds!

    I will shortly be uninstalling Bitdefender Free Version - for a second time.

    This has been a hugely disappointing experience, that has only served to put me off using any Bitdefender product.

    [Note: For the avoidance of doubt - my system otherwise runs very smoothly, and full scans by both Avira AV and even Bitdefender show the system to be entirely free of any malware.]

  • MH2
    edited November 2013
    I'm giving up - time to get rid of this Bitdefender Free (again).

    Despite the update to the version, and despite the 3 further 'product updates' that each require a system reboot, all the problem I first reported still remain AND I've observed even more problems....

    ***I've noticed that when Bitdefender is in its 'bad' state i.e. where switching the 'Virus Shield: On/Off' doesn't produce the expected Windows Security Center warning, then the on demand 'right click > Scan with Bitdefender' context menu function does not produce any response or action either.

    I've also noticed that even where the 'Virus Shield: On/Off' WSC notification is working at start up, it appears to stop working after the PC goes into then re-awakes from 'standby mode' (and the on demand context menu 'Scan with Bitdefender' will have stopped working too).


    [Note: For the avoidance of doubt - my system otherwise runs very smoothly, and full scans by both Avira AV and even Bitdefender show the system to be entirely free of any malware.]

    Since I haven't quite got around to uninstalling yet - I've used the opportunity to watch things even more closely, and I've narrowed down further to where things go wrong...

    Same as reported before: The 'Logs' button does not work on a freshly booted system, even after allowing 5~10 minutes for everything to settle/update etc - the Windows Security Center notification works OK at this stage (when switching the 'Virus Shield' On/Off).

    Same as before: An 'Exit' of the user interface (from the taskbar right-click) and re-starting it from Start>Programs or Desktop shortcut will get the 'Logs' button working - and at this stage everything will usually be working OK (the WSC warning notification is still working).

    Now this is where it appears goes wrong again...

    It's not to do with standby/resume at all - but when Bitdefender appears to be doing a 'Quick Sweep' scan (typically shortly after one of the virus definitions updates) - it's immediately after the apparent 'Quick Sweep' when the WSC warning notification will now fail to appear (when switching 'Virus Shield On/Off') and the last scanned item beneath 'Virus Shield' also becomes frozen and no longer changes.

    At this stage, something has clearly gone wrong, and nothing will fix the issue except for a reboot of the system - and it is impossible to tell whether the system is still being protected or not.

    At this stage, an 'Exit' and re-starting the BD user interface only results in a permanent 'Nothing Scanned Yet' below 'Virus Shield' and a permanent 'Trying to Login...' below 'My Bitdefender' - ironically, the 'Logs' button still works [Note: I've noticed it normally does some kind of default login even without any registration details entered].

    Further significant recent observations...

    In the week or so of use, even with all the bugs/faults, the Logs normally listed a 'Quick Sweep' event occurring typically once a day - but for some unknown reason, there have been no 'Quick Sweep' events listed in the 'Log' for the last 5 days (the last listed was 30 October).

    However, I strongly suspect that these 'Quick Sweeps' are still occurring based on my hearing the attendant 1~2 minutes of unusual hard drive seek activity, and at exactly the same time observing the raised 'gzserv.exe' (a Bitdefender service) CPU activity in Windows Task Manager (and this usually happens shortly after one of the virus definition updates).

    The fact that the user interface/WSC notification appears to fail immediately after the suspected 'Quick Sweep', together with the fact that recently there are no longer are any 'Quick Sweep' events in the 'Logs' - this leads me to believe that this where there is some big problem.

    I also am wondering whether the recent disappearance of the 'Quick Sweep' events from the 'Logs' might be the result of some recent update, perhaps in trying to fix the underlying issue(s)? (although if so, it hasn't worked).

    I'd really like somebody at Bitdefender to respond and acknowledge these serious problems/failings, and provide some insight as to whether or not any fix is currently being worked on?

    Meanwhile, back to researching and reading up on Avast!, AVG and Ad-Aware 11, I guess...

  • MH2
    edited November 2013

    Right - I've established a clear, and reproducible, sequence of events....

    1: A few minutes or so after freshly booting-up the PC, Bitdefender checks for and applies any new 'virus definitions'.

    2: Approximately 1 hour later, Bitdefender checks again for any new 'virus definitions' and then almost immediately afterwards it certainly 'appears' to probably be doing a 'Quick Sweep' scan, although there is no pop-up indication nor any progress indication in the user interface, nor any 'Logs' record made (but I can always hear the disk activity and see the 1~2 minutes of raised 'gzserv.exe' activity).

    3: Almost immediately after the suspected/probable 'Quick Sweep' ends, this is when the Windows Security Center notification warning no longer occurs when switching 'Virus Shield' Off/On, and the last scanned item remains unchanging/frozen.

    4: At this point no further updates are seen, and 'Exit'ing and then re-starting the user interface only results in the fixed display of "Nothing scanned yet" and "Trying to login..." - both of which will stay there permanently.

    5: At this point it is very uncertain, absolutely no-confidence as to whether or not the PC is malware protected - so the only safe option would be to re-boot the PC (yet again!!!!).

    As for the 'Logs' button not always working...

    i) I've noticed that the BD 'User interface' does not fully load into memory until some 5~10 minutes after the PC is first booted - the taskbar/notification area ['B'] icon is there to click, but it is not yet fully loaded into memory [Note: This may be 'by design'].

    ii) Even though the BD interface isn't at first fully in memory, clicking on the taskbar ['B'] icon will make it load immediately (albeit after a short "Bitdefender: Loading user interface..." wait) and earlier than it would otherwise do - and when this early intervention is done, the 'Logs' button actually works first time.

    iii) If the BD user interface is left to load into memory in it's own time (5~10 minutes after booting-up, then the 'Logs' button does not function - in which case the user interface needs to be 'Exit'ed and then restarted (via Start>Programs or desktop shortcut) , then the 'Logs' button starts working.

    N.B. Alarmingly, it's quite possible that thousands, most probably many thousands, of people are using this 'protection' software completely unaware that right now it just isn't working properly (and they may not be 'protected' properly, if at all) - because without regular and repeated testing/interrogating of the user interface, logs and WSC warnings (the lack of) the software gives no obvious indication that anything is wrong!

    ...so there it is - quite possibly the worst/buggiest software I've come across since the bad old days of the 1990's.

    Bitdefender should be quite shamed - not least for their total lack of any response, despite my having posted the first message in this bug report thread almost 2 weeks ago now - and it feels like I'm doing more work here than anyone at Bitdefender!

    [P.S. Right this very moment, I can see that Bitdefender appears to be doing the predicted '1 hour in', 'post 2nd definitions update' (post boot-up)' 'quick sweep scanning' - and yes, just as I predicted, the WSC notification/warning has stopped working, again, straight after - etc, etc].

  • MH2
    edited November 2013

    A final warning/advice - that could save some people even more potential problems...

    Do Not try to 'Repair or Uninstall' the Bitdefender software while it is actually running in the semi/malfunctioning state that I've previously described.

    I would strongly advise - whereever possible, it would be better/safer to re-boot the PC first - then, after allowing say 10~15 minutes for everything to settle - and whilst Bitdefender and everything is still working normally, only then should you perform any 'Repair or Uninstall'.

    The Repair/Uninstall routine can 'Fail' (in my case, with an error message) whilst the software is in it's semi/malfunctioning state, and caused my 'Add or Remove Programs' window to 'hang' leaving the software still installed, but not loading/running after re-booting [at which point a 'Repair' did actually restore it, but didn't make any difference (unsurprisingly) re all the bugs].

  • Reboot the system prevent some errors that can cause due to malware attack.

  • MH2
    edited November 2013
    Reboot the system prevent some errors that can cause due to malware attack.

    There was no 'malware attack' - just the bugs in the Bitdefender AV Free Edition software.

    My PC had been fully scanned, in depth, by both Avira AV and the Bitdefender AV (the later by both 'Deep Sweep' and a manual full scan), and there never has been any suspicion of any malware.

    This same PC is now happily running Lavasoft's Ad-Aware Free AV+ (their new version 11, that uses a Bitdefender AV engine) and it's running without any issues or bugs, just as it was using Avira Free AV - quite unlike Bitdefender's own AV Free.

    My previous advice was simply to avoid trying to 'Repair/Uninstall' the BD Free software whilst it is in a malfunctioning/hung state - wherever possible, only try to repair/uninstall while it is running OK (before any bugs/malfunction/hang condition occur), which may require a system re-boot (and maybe in some cases requiring re-boot into Windows' 'Safe Mode').

  • Wow. I'm reading this thread almost three years after it was posted and guess what... all the described problems are still there!!!

    Virus Shield says "Nothing scanned yet", Auto Scan says "Idle" and My BitDefender says "Trying to login..."

    Thank you for that, I guess I'm done with BitDefender.


This discussion has been closed.