Quick Autoscan Has Not Run Since 10/21

Windows XP SP3; BDAVF

Update and virus shield seem to be working. No quick autoscan since 10/21; no deep autoscan since 10/15. Another post indicated that quick scan should happen at least daily.

Any suggestions?


  • MH2
    edited November 2013
    Windows XP SP3; BDAVF

    Update and virus shield seem to be working. No quick autoscan since 10/21; no deep autoscan since 10/15. Another post indicated that quick scan should happen at least daily.

    Any suggestions?

    It may be happening, but not being 'logged'. (?)

    Have you read my later message posts in this thread, regarding various bugs I'm seeing with Bitdefender Free Version (on Windows XP SP3)... http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=49584

    Please try these checks...

    After allowing at least 10 minutes after booting & logging into your PC to pass - (N.B. Not before 10 minutes has passed) - when you then click the '' Bitdefender icon in the taskbar notification area, and then click on 'Logs' - does the 'Log' panel open/work or not?

    Then, also, periodically check for your correct functioning of 'Windows Security Center' notification warning pop-up/dialog-bubble by toggling BD's 'Virus Shield OFF/ON (it should alert with "Your Computer might be at risk - Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition is turned off (etc)" - does it.

    Check it every 15 minutes or so.

    Also, carefully watch the text of the last item scanned (listed directly below 'Virus Shield') - check whether or not this is still changing, or whether it is frozen?

    Please let us know what you find - thank you.

  • It may be happening, but not being 'logged'. (?)

    Have you read my later message posts in this thread, regarding various bugs I'm seeing with Bitdefender Free Version (on Windows XP SP3)... http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=49584

    Please try these checks...

    After allowing at least 10 minutes after booting & logging into your PC to pass - (N.B. Not before 10 minutes has passed) - when you then click the '' Bitdefender icon in the taskbar notification area, and then click on 'Logs' - does the 'Log' panel open/work or not?

    Then, also, periodically check for your correct functioning of 'Windows Security Center' notification warning pop-up/dialog-bubble by toggling BD's 'Virus Shield OFF/ON (it should alert with "Your Computer might be at risk - Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition is turned off (etc)" - does it.

    Check it every 15 minutes or so.

    Also, carefully watch the text of the last item scanned (listed directly below 'Virus Shield') - check whether or not this is still changing, or whether it is frozen?

    Please let us know what you find - thank you.

    Log panel button works. I have had problem with that in the past and am aware that others have had constant problem, but I have not.

    Turned virus shield off and Security Center does not register a problem - no popup and SC indicates protection is on. Log registers virus shield being turned off and on.

    Last scanned item has not changed. I have not noticed that before.

    Updates still are occurring. No autoscans. No indication of context-menu scans being done.

    I have also had BDAVF start up with old version, then indicate new version available after restart. This has been happening occasionally since I first started using BDAVF.

    Thanks for you interest. At this point, I will reinstall to determine if that solves problems. Like you, I want to believe that this is a good AV, but I am skeptical - just does not appear to be stable. I certainly could not recommend it to someone who is not willing to check its operation periodically, which is exactly against the purpose of its minimalistic interface - install it and forget it.

  • MH2
    edited November 2013
    Log panel button works. I have had problem with that in the past and am aware that others have had constant problem, but I have not.

    Turned virus shield off and Security Center does not register a problem - no popup and SC indicates protection is on. Log registers virus shield being turned off and on.

    On my system the Windows Security Center alert works OK, until what I suspect is the first (and consequently the last) BD 'Quick Sweep' scan - after which, the WSC alert will no longer appear.

    Last scanned item has not changed. I have not noticed that before.

    Updates still are occurring. No autoscans. No indication of context-menu scans being done.

    On my system, after the 1 hour in 'probable' Quick Sweep, I saw no further sign of any updates (nor of any further auto-scans, and context menu initiated scans didn't work, and the last item scanned under 'Virus Shield' was frozen) - but ironically, the Logs button (when made to work) would still bring up the log panel (with numerous entries of my switching of the Virus Shield on/off, but little more).

    Something must have changed in some recent update, because there were earlier logs there of previous 'Quick Sweeps', but none in the more recent days (although I'm pretty sure I could see/hear the 'Quick Sweep' happening at 1 hour after booting).

    I have also had BDAVF start up with old version, then indicate new version available after restart. This has been happening occasionally since I first started using BDAVF.

    I only saw the older version number when I first uninstalled and the reinstalled the software (then the updater almost immediately downloads/updates to latest version) - I have not seen any old version number in normal use.

    Thanks for you interest. At this point, I will reinstall to determine if that solves problems. Like you, I want to believe that this is a good AV, but I am skeptical - just does not appear to be stable. I certainly could not recommend it to someone who is not willing to check its operation periodically, which is exactly against the purpose of its minimalistic interface - install it and forget it.

    Well I had uninstalled/reinstalled once, and also did a 'Repair' after a failed repair/uninstall - but neither made any difference, the bugs still remained.

    I notice that there have been numerous bugs/issues with BD Free for almost as long as it has been available (at least in the 'English' language version); see this very long running thread at Wilders Security Forums... http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread....08&page=107

    ...also notice that there are actually some responses/replies there from Bitdefender developers, in that thread - so why do they not reply here, in their own forums?!!!

    I've now removed BD Free - but I did quite like the 'concept' and I will try to keep an eye on any developments/fixes, and I might try it again in the future.

    I'm now trying out 'Ad-Aware 11 Free Antivirus+' - largely based on its now using the Bitdefender Anti-virus/malware 'engine', and they are 'claiming' this new version has significantly better detection figures than both Avast and AVG, and suggesting it should "... closely match Bitdefender's impressive test results in independant lab tests" ... http://www.lavasoft.com/products/compare.php (it's perhaps interesting to note that Wikipedia says they were previously using AVG's 'engine') - although there is, as yet, no independent testing to verify and support this, so it is something of a 'leap in faith'.

    So far Ad-Aware seems 'OK' - albeit much like many other 'free AV' with several 'greyed out/disabled' features (a subtle scare/up-selling psychology technique), but does have some more configuration options than 'BD Free'.

    Note: Ad-Aware currently also fails to produce any WSC warning warning when 'Real-Time Protection' is switched OFF (I wonder whether this might be related to its use of Bitdefender's anti-malware engine) - but at least Ad-Aware are, according to their user forums, 'aware' ;) of the issue and are "working on a solution" (...or perhaps, might just be 'waiting on Bitdefender'(?)).

  • MH2
    edited November 2013

    Oops, my error...


    I'm now trying out 'Ad-Aware 11 Free Antivirus+' - largely based on its now using the Bitdefender Anti-virus/malware 'engine', and they are 'claiming' this new version has significantly better detection figures than both Avast and AVG, and suggesting it should "... closely match Bitdefender's impressive test results in independant lab tests" ... http://www.lavasoft.com/products/compare.php (it's perhaps interesting to note that Wikipedia says they were previously using AVG's Avira's) AV 'engine' - although there is, as yet, no independent testing to verify and support this, so it is something of a 'leap in faith'.


    ...Wikipedia's reference actually says that Ad-Aware had previously used Avira's AV engine (not AVG as I said) - which may be why they don't compare their new Bitdefender based version against Avira's Free AV - perhaps either out of respect for their former partner, or maybe because Avira's results would be too good/too close for the purpose of their promoting their latest BD based version - who knows(?).

    Incidentally, I had also been using Avira's Free AV for many years (note: happily, without any significant problems), before only very recently trying the Bitdefender based alternative(s) - but having read a lot of more recent independent testing labs results, I saw that whilst Avira was often shown to be up among the best at straight 'detection', the labs results also seem to show that Avira Free AV wasn't so good at protection from 'zero-day' exploits, and 'real world' behaviour based HIPS protection.

  • Thank you for all your comments, MH2. We have had similar experiences. I too used Avira for the last two years and decided to change. Also have uninstalled BDAVF and decided to move on. I like the concept and test results, but install-and-forget security software requires trust which I do not have at this point. Might evaluate again in six months, but as of now BDAVF gets a no-confidence vote.

  • MH2
    edited November 2013
    Oops, my error...

    ...Wikipedia's reference actually says that Ad-Aware had previously used Avira's AV engine (not AVG as I said) - which may be why they don't compare their new Bitdefender based version against Avira's Free AV - perhaps either out of respect for their former partner, or maybe because Avira's results would be too good/too close for the purpose of their promoting their latest BD based version - who knows(?).

    Incidentally, I had also been using Avira's Free AV for many years (note: happily, without any significant problems), before only very recently trying the Bitdefender based alternative(s) - but having read a lot of more recent independent testing labs results, I saw that whilst Avira was often shown to be up among the best at straight 'detection', the labs results also seem to show that Avira Free AV wasn't so good at protection from 'zero-day' exploits, and 'real world' behaviour based HIPS protection.

    I'm not entirely sure whether the more recent versions of Ad-Aware actually used Avira's AV engine (prior to the switch to Bitdefender engine).

    Another source, AV-Comparatives.org, lists Lavasoft, who produce Ad-Aware, as having used the 'Vipre AV' engine (by GTI / ThreatTrack Security).

    That could better explain some comparatively poor test results when compared against Avira, when looking over some 'AV-Test.org' test labs data.

    Perhaps they used Avira's, but more recently switched to Vipre's (?) - before most recently switching to using a Bitdefender AV engine.