Pc Slow/unresponsive After Bd Install
I’m experiencing an issue with BitDefender that has been occurring since I purchased and installed it (digital copy) a few weeks ago. My computer has slowed way down since installing the product, and my internet access is also affected. When I click on any icon or start any program there is often a 15-30 delay before the program actually opens. When I open Chrome it takes the 15-30 seconds, plus whatever webpage it’s trying to load will either time out or take a really long time to load. Once whatever program is started it seems to run OK, with the occasional hiccup. While these delays are occurring, there aren’t any other obvious things running, and there is no disk access happening. It’s like everything is just hanging in limbo until something times out and it goes on its merry way.
If I uninstall BitDefender the problem disappears. It reappears when I reinstall the product. I tried this twice.
My system is running Windows 8 64-bit on 16GB or RAM, 4.8ghz I7 processor.
I downloaded and ran the Bitdefender support tool that I saw in another thread while I was researching the problem. I tried to attach it to this post, but it said I'm "not permitted to upload this type of file."
Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. I've been running TS for almost a year with no problems and with this latest version I upgraded to, my wife's Win7 x64 machine and my Win8 x64 machine have turned into snails. I also have the big delays and Firefox my preferred browser, won't run at all since the upgrade.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. I've been running TS for almost a year with no problems and with this latest version I upgraded to, my wife's Win7 x64 machine and my Win8 x64 machine have turned into snails. I also have the big delays and Firefox my preferred browser, won't run at all since the upgrade.
I'm happy to say that I got an update today that has made everything much better. My browsers are snappy again and Firefox actually works now.0 -
I experience seconds of freezing my window both in Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox after I installed the last version of Total Security. I have installed build
It happens when I scroll through emails in my thunderbird, and freezes whenever one email contains html content, I guess.
Is there a way to troubleshoot what's wrong?
Ciprian0 -
I just installed BD Total Security 2013 on my XP machine and it is so slow I can hardly use it at all. I turned off everything except anti-virus, anti-phishing, and firewall. It seems like BD has gotten slow to respond to problems, as well as not doing a very good job with the upgrade products. I have used them for a long time...maybe it is time to shop around.
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I just installed BD Total Security 2013 on my XP machine and it is so slow I can hardly use it at all. I turned off everything except anti-virus, anti-phishing, and firewall. It seems like BD has gotten slow to respond to problems, as well as not doing a very good job with the upgrade products. I have used them for a long time...maybe it is time to shop around.
Same here. Worst product I have ever used for hogging CPU. A total waste of time and money! To get it to work, you have to turn off so many features that you might as well use the free programs from Microsoft!0 -
I experience seconds of freezing my window both in Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox after I installed the last version of Total Security. I have installed build
It happens when I scroll through emails in my thunderbird, and freezes whenever one email contains html content, I guess.
Is there a way to troubleshoot what's wrong?
I'm now experiencing the same problem with Firefox. I've always used Firefox and had no trouble until installing the latest version of BD. I've also tried the latest FF Beta and even Mozilla Aurora and problem exists on those also. I've also disable almost every addon and still huge delay of FF and occasionally FF freezes and refuses to run at all.0 -
Crap Software... i uninstalled this and my pc back to normal.
What about a refund? ..." />
" />
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one of the worst ###### product.......... AVG is far more better....... after install BD it slowed downed my PC and Internet and there is nobody in BD who can fix ............waste of time and money......... I am going to put this review on internet so that people dont get misguide and waste their money on this trash.
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Yeah I had this problem as well. ( Windows 7, AMD Phenom II X4 970, 8 Gigs Ram, etc) It basically turned my hard-drive and processor into a mish-mash of used processes. I posted about it three weeks ago and not a single response. Pretty disappointing. Needless to say, not paying for another license. Very unprofessional.
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after bootup, (I only use firefox), firefox is very slow- won't open. Maybe bitdefender is updating, dunno, only been using for a few days. Few to many min. after boot firefox is relatively normal, but windows and many other programs freeze or are sluggish. am srsly thinking about uninstalling and going back to avast. could not even access this forum with FF shortly after bootup this morning!
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Just to clarify things here, can you please post the version number that you currently have installed?
This topic is more than six months old. I hope that clarifies it for you.0 -
after bootup, (I only use firefox), firefox is very slow- won't open. Maybe bitdefender is updating, dunno, only been using for a few days. Few to many min. after boot firefox is relatively normal, but windows and many other programs freeze or are sluggish. am srsly thinking about uninstalling and going back to avast. could not even access this forum with FF shortly after bootup this morning!
So then why don't you wait until your computer is fully booted before you actually do anything?0 -
So then why don't you wait until your computer is fully booted before you actually do anything?
Really? That's the kind of response a problem gets here?
Obviously you need to change your sign to "idiot on board".
I was trying to research the same problem, but oh well.
Glad to say I am uninstalling my paid version.0 -
Sorry to hear you are experiencing problems dslweb.
If you still feel inclined to try and sort your problem out the best advice I can give is to contact Bitdefender directly via the email contact form -
They will be able to give you the help you are hopefully looking for.It is often difficult for members to give help and advice about a security product as we don't know much about its interactions with other programs etc. but we do know BD will do their best to sort things out for you.
I also note in your other post you were having trouble with some malware - did you sort that out?0 -
after bootup, (I only use firefox), firefox is very slow- won't open. Maybe bitdefender is updating, dunno, only been using for a few days. Few to many min. after boot firefox is relatively normal, but windows and many other programs freeze or are sluggish. am srsly thinking about uninstalling and going back to avast. could not even access this forum with FF shortly after bootup this morning!Really? That's the kind of response a problem gets here?
Obviously you need to change your sign to "idiot on board".
I was trying to research the same problem, but oh well.
Glad to say I am uninstalling my paid version.
What other security products do you both have on your systems?
How did you remove your previous AV solutions? Many Antivirus products need special removal tools to remove all elements.
Problems as you describe are usually down to conflicts with other security products either not being uninstalled fully , or running other resident protection alongside Bitdefender.0 -
Really? That's the kind of response a problem gets here?
Obviously you need to change your sign to "idiot on board".
I was trying to research the same problem, but oh well.
Glad to say I am uninstalling my paid version.
I would like to second dlsweb's remarks, as I am in the same boat as the other posters here.
On my XP machine I'm running BD IS and it has become almost useless. Previous AV program and firewall were removed with their respective removal tools. The only concurrent program still installed is malwarebyte which does a scan once a day, but, to my knowledge plays nice with existing AV programs.
I wonder if BD installing service pack 3 might have something to do with the problem.
Before uninstalling, I will take Rohugh's advice and ask bitdefender directly - thanks for the link. I was under the impression that I had to pay for that service.0 -
The only concurrent program still installed is malwarebyte which does a scan once a day, but, to my knowledge plays nice with existing AV programs.
I used MBAM 1.75 Pro and had no problems with it running alongside BD TS (with the necessary exclusions added) but since the update to v2.0 I was not too happy with them running together so for now I have MBAM uninstalled.Before uninstalling, I will take Rohugh's advice and ask bitdefender directly - thanks for the link. I was under the impression that I had to pay for that service.
I hope you get a swift and helpful reply from them. They are generally pretty good.0 -
Thanks Rohugh, so far, I have not heard from BD, will see if some info comes in tomorrow. I am still on an older version of mbam, so I should be ok, and the protection module is disabled, so I do not think it has anything to do with my present problems.
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I am still on an older version of mbam,
Just as a quick note, MBAM will be automatically updating everyone from 1.75 starting Monday so if you want to stay with that version make sure you've disabled the program updates on the Update Settings tab in 1.75.0 -
Thanks, I have it turned off
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This is a bit of a downdate, rather than an update. I heard from BD yesterday. They told me to turn off every module in BD, then check if my speed...mind you this is the internet we are talking about..would improve, then turn on one module at the time, in order to find out which one caused the problem. Sending any customer onto the interwebs without either AV or firewall is in my opinion unconscionable, especially from someone from whom I had just bought a "protection" product.
I purchased the product, I did not agree to beta test the darn thing !
I first asked if they actually meant what they wrote, then followed it up with a tentative report that it might be the firewall that is causing the problem (I kept the AV running). I have not heard again from BD.
I can in fact not be sure if it is the firewall, because the "chocking" occurs in spurts, during which I cannot access the internet at all, then suddenly the "chocking" stops and internet works again, sometimes ok , but most of the time very sluggish. (2-3 min to open a page). Needless to say, this has been a major, MAJOR, headache, and the way I was treated by BD customer service also sends me on to look for a PROTECTION product not a piece of half-thought out software.0 -
I am having the same problem periodically during the day. I am running Build and using Windows 7 64bit. I did not have this problem with Bitdefender before loading this version. The symptoms I see is that everything on my computer will freeze for short periods of time -- maybe a minute or so. I wont be able to do anything. I have a clock with a second hand on my home page and it will freeze along with everything else that is running. Each time I see this situation, the program that was using the most CPUs before the freeze was downloader.exe. This may be the culprit but I am not certain. I have been pleased with Bitdefender other than this problem, but this problem is bad enough to make me search for another product. I would like to see this fixed.