Krag.exe Undetected By Bitdefender

PASSWORD: infected

Upon opening my infected usb drive, a window with the title "IM NOT THE ONLY ONE" together with an "ERROR" pops up. The autorun.inf was successfully moved to quarantine by Bitdefender so my computer was not infected, but I found this krag.exe hidden in my usb drive. Those symptoms I mentioned were from an infected computer.

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1176" data-fileid="1176" rel="">krag.rar


  • I assume the virus sample has been analyzed. My computer is protected. Thank you very much for adding detection. Best regards to all

  • Yes, detection has been added. Thank you for the sample.

    Best regards.

  • Me also i encounter same as that .. is there any possible solution for it? please send me some actions thanks

  • You should let BitDefender move/delete the infected file.

    Best regards.

  • what if the virus has been detected to the drive c:/

  • Dear mashimaru,

    BitDefender will only delete the infected files. In other words the files that were created by krag or infected by krag.Hopefully it's clearer now.

    Best regards
