[integrated in build 18.14] Paranoid Mode


how do you turn on paranoid mode?i can not seem to find it,other than that 2015 version runs really nice so far.



  • Nesivos
    how do you turn on paranoid mode?i can not seem to find it,other than that 2015 version runs really nice so far.

    They may have hopefully removed it as an option :)

  • XiRw
    They may have hopefully removed it as an option :)

    Just because you never found it useful doesn't mean other people havent. I myself was wondering why they never added it (or more firewall settings for that matter) There is nothing really to beef up firewall security for max settings..

  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    Be advised that Paranoid Mode has been eliminated from Bitdefender 2015.

    Let us know if you have other questions or concerns.

  • Mahdi
    edited July 2014

    Georgia ... This is very bad ... i used everytime Paranoid Mode ! for blocking any program !!! so what happened ?

  • mhimhdi

    Paranoid mode is important for users. I used it in 2014 version. Please add it to 2015.

  • Paranoid mode is important for users. I used it in 2014 version. Please add it to 2015.

  • tf44

    thanks Georgia for replying and clearing up what had happened to paranoid mode,also to everyone who replied,thanks.I also would like to see paranoid mode added back.I still think Bitdefender is the best and hope you guys consider adding paranoid mode back or some other allow or deny option for the firewall.thanks again for replies.

  • jitzy
    jitzy ✭✭

    I too loved the Paranoid Mode

    Please bring back the feature and also the Network Traffic Monitor which was really cool and a helpful feature in 2014 versions

  • J23
    edited July 2014
    I too loved the Paranoid Mode

    Please bring back the feature and also the Network Traffic Monitor which was really cool and a helpful feature in 2014 versions


    I must admit I am very disappointed with the 2015 upgrade.

    New version is more expensive with less options. See post above.

    I will appreciate restoring those three functions (Please BITDEENDER bring back those old features ...Paranoid mode , Network Activity and also Network traffic monitor (upload and download) has been some of the standout features of 2014 version - quote from other post on this forum)

    I have already suggested to add to Paranoic Mode an option to choose from ‘Permit once’ and ‘Permit permanently’. Alas in vain.

    Why do not offer two version of Bitdefender Total Security, the simplest possible one for a very standard user and other one ‘Pro” for advanced one with more option to choose?

    Why do you treat users as ******?

    If I do not want a certain option I can always disable it!

    In this case I have no option to choose!

    Hope my demand will be taken in consideration.

  • J23
    edited July 2014

    One more remark.

    A text colour in Firewall Rules window - why on earth you have proposed a blue colour?!

    It is much more difficult to read than a normal black text!

    Your 'graphic designer' should have to take more consideration on a practical side of using the product.

    He/her seems to completely dismiss a common sens and the purpose of that piece of software!

    It is not a beauty itself that count but the ease of use above all!

    In essence I am not able to find any visual and functional improvement in this 2015 version named Total Security while I am not even advised (Paranoic Mode) which program is trying to connect to network/internet at given moment.

  • mual7
    I too loved the Paranoid Mode

    Please bring back the feature and also the Network Traffic Monitor which was really cool and a helpful feature in 2014 versions


  • albenwat

    Glad to know that many people are complaining about the lack of the paranoid mode in BDTS2015. All of my students and I need it back too. Some people may be leaving you if they don't have it.

  • hi read this topic about paranoid mode


  • rob2771

    I must say I am surprised at the direction this product moved to, and for a heftier price.

    A firewall that allows everything to access the net, without giving users a choice (ie: paranoid mode), is not a firewall to me.

    Amazingly, their main page hypes:

    "Two-way Firewall

    The two-way firewall continuously monitors your Internet connections and prevents unauthorized access, even over a Wi-Fi network."

    Uhhh.... Correct me if I am wrong, but it is NOT a 2 way firewall if everything is allowed to connect willy-nilly out of the box, without any settings to 'allow' or 'deny'.?

    (Not exactly preventing unauthorized access, based on a users specific needs)

    And yes, you can block things manually, after the fact, but that's closing the stable door after the horse has already escaped! <_<

    Removal of network monitor etc., yet the addition of borderline useless tools that are not even in the class of the free CCleaner - Why?

    Why is it that software vendors these days feel that we all want to be borderline MAC users, who need to be thrust into a NON-power user platform??

    And another crappy (not original word of choice) flat tile interface -> Why use one of the worst OS designs ever for inspiration (Metro)?

    Many of us do not wish to live as 'Mindless Atomatons", letting software make blind decisions.

    I will be one of the departing few as well, unless it changes.

  • busterbuddy
    edited July 2014

    There seems to be a general trend within the major mass market security product creators to simplify (others would say "dumb down") their advanced settings gearing their products to the non-technically inclined user.

    Bit Defender is clearly not the leader in this trend. Other major creators have eliminated far more setting options than BD has. I understand the concerns of you who preferred the paranoid mode, but I'm certain BD would not have eliminated it without it having total confidence in the capability of it's firewall.

    While I understand that does not satisfy your concerns. It appears you are apparently more concerned about control than protection. I can understand that.

    I'm just a simpleton and never used paranoid mode myself. Call me a dumbed-down user if you like.

  • J23
    edited July 2014
    Uhhh.... Correct me if I am wrong, but it is NOT a 2 way firewall if everything is allowed to connect willy-nilly out of the box, without any settings to 'allow' or 'deny'.?

    (Not exactly preventing unauthorized access, based on a users specific needs)

    And yes, you can block things manually, after the fact, but that's closing the stable door after the horse has already escaped! <_<

    Completely agree.

    That is why, I and many more users have already asked for a pop-up Paranoc Mode option to choose ex: Permit/Block onces - Permit/Block till restart - Permit/Block permanently.

    I think it could be the simplest and ideal option for all users.

    I have (or I have got certain speculation on it) no idea why all the wishlist suggestion are not taken into consideration. On contrary (and for the higher price as we mentioned)!

    I certainly will change the security software in case if the Paranoic Mode is not restored.


    I wonder how long it will take to have a sign from Bitdefender staff here on the subject...

  • J23
    edited July 2014
    I understand the concerns of you who preferred the paranoid mode, but I'm certain BD would not have eliminated it without it having total confidence in the capability of it's firewall.

    It appears you are apparently more concerned about control than protection. I can understand that.

    I'm just a simpleton and never used paranoid mode myself. Call me a dumbed-down user if you like.

    One does not exclude other.

    The option in question has been present in previous releases.

    Why it has been eliminated suddenly ? I wish I knew the real reason.

    Could it be malicious intent to gather more and more control on...?

    Well, it is up to you to use Paranoic Mode or not. You should still have this choice preserved, I think.

    There seems to be a general trend within the major mass market security product creators...

    Would you be so kind to furnish us with some examples?

    As far as I know there is no such 'simplicity trend' in leading security software providers.

  • bdl
    bdl ✭✭✭

    No offense, I'm a fan, but it seems that ESS7 has the best firewall "paranoid mode",KIS & B is very BAD !

  • Paul.R
    Paul.R ✭✭✭

    Maybe Paranoid Mode will be introduced in a new product update...

  • There seems to be a general trend within the major mass market security product creators...

    Would you be so kind to furnish us with some examples?

    As far as I know there is no such 'simplicity trend' in leading security software providers.

    Have you noticed BD's 2015 major marketing theme??

    "SECURITY is IN our DNA.

    Simplicity is our backbone."

    KIS did a major simplification last year, removing many options some felt strongly and complained about.

    The fact is if one were most concerned in a solid 2 way firewall, you wouldn't have used BD at all.

    There are very few security suites with a highly rated outbound firewall.

    Different manufacturer's emphasize different aspects of securing your PC, Trend Micro and Symantec go heavy on blocking as opposed to scanning detection,and in Symantec's case they are also a weakiling at self protection.

    IMHO BD emphasizes and has the best blocking and detection abilities. If you have the justified confidence in what BD prevents from allowing into your PC, you should not be paranoid over what it lets out.

    Not looking to start an argument -- Just my uninformed 2 cents'

  • alexeyalexey
    edited July 2014
    Maybe Paranoid Mode will be introduced in a new product update...

    i hope on it! Now i downgrade to IS2014

    If they willnot add Paranoid Mode, i change to BitdefenderAntivirus + other firewall or other product.

  • busterbuddy
    edited July 2014

    Have you noticed BD's 2015 major marketing theme??

    "SECURITY is IN our DNA.

    Simplicity is our backbone."

    KIS did a major simplification last year, removing many options some felt strongly and complained about.

    The fact is if one were most concerned in a solid 2 way firewall, you wouldn't have used BD at all.

    There are very few security suites with a highly rated outbound firewall.

    Different manufacturer's emphasize different aspects of securing your PC, Trend Micro and Symantec go heavy on blocking as opposed to scanning detection,and in Symantec's case they are also a weakiling at self protection.

    IMHO BD emphasizes and has the best blocking and detection abilities. If you have the justified confidence in what BD prevents from allowing into your PC, you should not be paranoid over what it lets out.

    Not looking to start an argument -- Just my uninformed 2 cents'

    BD Forum turns - editing ability off much too quickly!

    Tried to edit this post to add:

    I'm a PC security freak and have for years been a very frequent poster at Wilder's Security Forum which I read daily. I also follow all world-wide security,malmare news daily through an excellent news aggregating site called NewsNow.UK http://www.newsnow.co.uk/h/ they have a major section that covers security/malware/hacking,etc developments around the worl d24/7 and the site is pushed updated every 5 minutes.

    I use BDIS with complete confidence that my PC will be secure and my data on it remain private from non-governmental entities.

  • Mahdi

    I think it is not reasonable : Paranoid Mode Should always be stay and Never be removed !

    Paranoid Mode Is Important on firewall ! this feature can be block any program when bitdefender can not detected ...

    Your Action is not reasonable .....

  • I am missing the paranoi mode too.

    Downgrading now back to is2014.

    I really cant understand, why the removed the option

  • Hello,

    I am not convinced that the Paranoid Mode provides much more security. Some believe that this method brings additional security because they receive questions but they very often give their permission.

    Users must have a lot of knowledge to use this mode correctly.

    Often, it's a false sense of security. If you want strengthen your safety, use the sandbox.

  • J23

    I am not convinced that the Paranoid Mode provides much more security. Some believe that this method brings additional security because they receive questions but they very often give their permission.

    Users must have a lot of knowledge to use this mode correctly.

    Often, it's a false sense of security. If you want strengthen your safety, use the sandbox.

    If a user has to have 'a lot of knowledge' to cope with this option and by a lucky chance he/her does not have any then he/her can always disable it.

    I am not a kind of an user to be made happy whether I like it or not.

    If you are not convinced... please do disable this option for a person with advanced 'a lot of knowledge'.


  • ChristianC
    edited July 2014

    This is perhaps the bad utilisation by some that caused the removal of the option.

    Don't forget that

    1. Bitdefender has an Intrusion Detection monitors the network and system activities for malicious activities or policy violations.

    It can detect and block attempts to change critical system files, Bitdefender files or registry entries, the installation of malware drivers and attacks performed by code injection (DLL injection).

    This is very important. You can even choose the level of protection.

    2. You can prevent outflows for a particular application.

  • J23
    edited July 2014
    This is perhaps the bad utilisation by some that caused the removal of the option.

    How about those of appropriate usage of the option in question?

    Alas, we are not privileged enough to get an answer from Bitdefender staff here.

  • I swapped to BD last year because of similar moves with KIS. We are quickly running out of options for a security suite that allows for more than install-and-forget solution for the computer illiterate. I don't expect anything as configurable as older KAV versions, but we are losing basic options and the ability to make our own choices about security. I understand that the majority of PC users should not be entrusted with that much control, but those of us that are knowledgeable still need the option to have it.

    There are supposedly improvements in this year's KIS, but I'm not inclined to return there after last year's changes and the generally higher performance hit. I did like the firewall implementations they had in the last version I used, as it provided a nice middle ground between a paranoid mode and the allow everything setup we now have in BD. It was essentially paranoid mode, with an optional whitelist that have rules automatically created. Whitelisted applications would be allowed without intervention, while anything else caused a deny/allow/create rule prompt that included (optionally, again) suggestions based on other users' choices.

    My BD license is up in a couple months, and I'm still not sure what I will do when it comes time to open my wallet for another year or two of licensing for security software. It's very unlikely that I'll be renewing BD at it's current $120 price tag to cover 3 PCs and 2 mobiles. I dread the idea of having to look for another solution yet again. There aren't a lot of options that match BD's detection rates, and offer the option for such easy use for the other users my license will be shared with. I could deal with the removed options on my PC if it means my computer illiterate mother has something she can't screw up easily, but I don't think I can justify that cost.

  • Hello,

    Alas, we are not privileged enough to get an answer from Bitdefender staff here.

    I am also very surprised by the absence of technical staff people on the forum.

    When a new version comes out, they should be present on the forums.

    It is not very serious.

  • Mahdi
    edited July 2014

    I am also very surprised by the absence of technical staff people on the forum.

    When a new version comes out, they should be present on the forums.

    It is not very serious.

    so ,, i have to [Forced] turn off the firewall and setup [more feature and Best firewall is "ONLINE Armor" ] or maybe setup "zonealarm" or "comodo"

    personal firewall really really have more feature

  • alexeyalexey
    edited July 2014
    We gladly inform you that the New Bitdefender was released and is ready to run on your computer. With a valid license key you can upgrade for free and benefit of our ultimate security suite. Also, due to the many improvements brought to the New lineup any issues you may have encountered with our previous versions should be solved now.


    Who do update today? They do return pm?

  • Rohugh
    Rohugh ✭✭
    Who do update today? They do return pm?

    No Paranoid Mode, only GUI changes.

  • hey, today my ticket: 2014071215150001 about pm

    change to OPEN status!

  • J23
    hey, today my ticket: 2014071215150001 about pm

    change to OPEN status!

    Good luck!

  • Mahdi
    hey, today my ticket: 2014071215150001 about pm

    change to OPEN status!

    Good Luck

    Hopefully this feature coming back

  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭
    edited July 2014

    Hello all,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    The request to re-implement Paranoid Mode in the product was forwarded to the product manager. If this change is added in Bitdefender 2015 we will let you know in this topic.

  • jimmyt

    I just update for my first customer, I see no paranoid mode in bitdefender internet security 2015. my customer unhappy and told me reinstall 2014 version, or looking for difference software, he said that is very important for him. I email out to my 32 customer asking them for Paranoid mode, only 5 does not use Paranoid Mode all an other need that mode. they said no more bitdefender if the option remove out of bitdefender doesn't matter which version that paranoid mode mus be there all time.

    If bitdefender can not provide that, we have to looking for an other software. My customer very happy with bidefender about 6 yrs. maybe it is the time to change.

    Please let me know if any one know an other software has the option like paranoid mode please let me know.


  • fusionneur
    edited July 2014

    Hi i just made an account to share my experience with Bitdefender Internet Security 2015. I got a promotional code so I took it to a test.

    This is the most important aspect that scratched my eyes. No interactive firewall?! seriously?? this is like antivirus is like a toy for children. I wonder why is there any parental control if the user itself is treated like a child. The gui is so minimal, the functionality also. No settings, no manual configuration. Going for uninstall back to Eset right now. This suite is a joke. You should be ashamed of launching such a product.


    Sunt roman nu dezamagiti piata antivirusurilor cu prostia asta de versiune!

  • egyptian hak
    edited July 2014

    At 2014 version bd is 2014 have a manual setting for firewall named paranoid mode

    why this option disapered in 2015 version it was very important for protection

  • Add me to the list of users VERY unhappy about the loss of the firewall paranoid mode. I understand the need for easy for inexperienced users, but removing existing functionality that worked (though I do agree, more options are needed for allow once vs allow forever) and gave experienced users control over their machines was unwarranted and is a huge product flaw. After a competitor turned into more of a malware deliverer than protector, I had started recommending your product to others. With this downgrade in functionality, I must now reconsider that action and unless this capability is restored will look elsewhere for a product that will meet my needs.

  • Pushkar112

    Bitdefender Should let users which features users to see for example bd versions prior to 2012 always had given users to choose interface users would like to use i.e amateur intermediate advanced interfaces

  • darge

    I think they have a good reason for that. Maybe because the rules are just too tight and you get pop ups every time. I think they also have a statistic that only a few users are using this. 1.gif

  • J23
    I think they have a good reason for that. Maybe because the rules are just too tight and you get pop ups every time. I think they also have a statistic that only a few users are using this. 1.gif


  • Hello

    If you set your IDS to the aggressive mode, you will have protection at least as good than your Paranoid Mode.

  • Good Luck

    Hopefully this feature coming back


    Dear Alexey,

    Please be informed that we are currently working on resolving your Customer Care request, ticket no: 2014071215150001, and will be getting back to you shortly.

    Thank you for your patience.


    Bitdefender Customer Care Team

  • Hello

    If you set your IDS to the aggressive mode, you will have protection at least as good than your Paranoid Mode.

    IDS nor working on 64 bit windows

  • Hello

    If you set your IDS to the aggressive mode, you will have protection at least as good than your Paranoid Mode.

    protection and TCP/UPD Connection managment are different things....

    Example wermgr.exe (windows default service) IDS and all aggressive setting allow connection, but if was PM i block it!!!

  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    Good news.

    Due to the many requests received from our customers, we are reimplementing Paranoid Mode in Bitdefender 2015. We don't have an ETA build version yet.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • tf44
    Hi all,

    Good news.

    Due to the many requests received from our customers, we are reimplementing Paranoid Mode in Bitdefender 2015. We don't have an ETA build version yet.

    Thank you for your patience.

    This is very good news.Thanks alot Bitdefender.

This discussion has been closed.