Vsserv.exe And Support Tool
I've found vsserv.exe hogging cpu resources to the tune of 85% - 95% several times during the day that my computer is on. This prohibits me from accessing the internet, slows the computer down to less than a crawl and causes the mouse movements to be very erratic. I can't even shut down vsserv.exe through the task manager.
I've tried "Help & Support" > "Contact Support" but after 3 hours of running the Bitdefender Support Tool the progress bar hasn't move more than 1/2 inch.
Hope someone can help. You here Christian???
I would be inclined to clean off Bitdefender and re-install it. You may need to run the removal tool in windows safe mode though. try the normal method windows control panel 'remove a program' first and see if you can re-install it okay.
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Thank you antikythera. I finally got the support tool to work so I'll see what support has to say first before I try your solution. Thanks for taking the time to help.
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I've noticed a definite slowdown on our home machines for about the past month, perhaps 6 weeks. Our machines just seem to stop, even keystrokes are ignored. On occasion I have been able to detect that a Bitdefender (TS2014) update is in progress, but it never stopped the machine dead in its tracks before. I have now started to track total CPU activity and have determined that vsserv.exe is the second highest user of CPU time, and I've also noticed that I/O Other counts are going through the roof. This is not a good thing and it is becoming quite a hemorrhoid.
Something has gone wrong with VSServ and the Bitdefender team has been silent." />
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Since updating to BIS, or shortly thereafter, I have over 1.5 min. boot times. This is much slower than normal. Checking task mgr, I see vsserve.exe consuming 200+ mbs of ram, and as someone just stated, it can't be killed in task manager. Other than the slooooooooooow boot,(if it's the cause, not sure yet) it's not a problem. boot times were never a prob w/ bis. using avast now on my laptop, and it's only using 15 mbs or ram.
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well desktop is now booting in about 30-40 secs, so probably not bitdefender on that. still consuming 200,000k ram, even when idle, though. machine runs normal, 2 gbs ram...