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Bitdefender found this and states that it may have infected my svchost.exe file. It blocks it but offers no way of getting rid of it. Can anyone help.

I have a clean version of svchost on my laptop but if I replace the infected file with a clean one, will it not just get infected also? (NOTE- I only have the one proper svchost file on my comp and it is in the right place)

I have attached a copy of the suspected infected file. It is password protected. Password is virus or Virus (forgot which)

This may be a copy of a post because I can't find the one that I posted a little while ago. Not sure how to do it.

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1513" data-fileid="1513" rel="">


  • Bitdefender found this and states that it may have infected my svchost.exe file. It blocks it but offers no way of getting rid of it. Can anyone help.

    I have a clean version of svchost on my laptop but if I replace the infected file with a clean one, will it not just get infected also? (NOTE- I only have the one proper svchost file on my comp and it is in the right place)

    I have attached a copy of the suspected infected file. It is password protected. Password is virus or Virus (forgot which)

    This may be a copy of a post because I can't find the one that I posted a little while ago. Not sure how to do it.

    I notice that (At this reply time) 52 people have looked at this but no-one has even suggested an answer. Would at least one person tell me if I am even going about this the right way. Do I need to do something different to get an answer. I'm not being pushy, I'm new here and am not sure if this is this is even the proper forum.

    Please answer with ANY help

  • You should have no problems with behaveslike viruses because bitddefender has a heurostic analyser and will analyze them.It can treat suspected objects like infected if you want.