Bitdefender 2015

I have purchased Bitdefender 2015 but it will not download onto my PC. I am running windows 7. I get the message "some of the files are corrupt.

please download a fresh copy and reinstall" I have tried so many times but I get the same message. I have contacted the company and they suggest

I contact technical support but I can't get any response. They say use the chat but it doesn't work. Please can someone assist.


  • Hello billy,

    It sounds as if something has corrupted so the first thing to do is to ensure that everything has been removed from previous bad downloads, it will pay to run the Bitdefender uninstall program found here- reboot your computer when all done.

    Download the offline program - make sure you choose the correct one for your computer.

    Make sure there are no other security programs on your computer, that includes antimalware and antispyware ones.

    Run the Bitdefender install.


  • @ billy2608: Do you still need help with this?

  • Hi, it would also help if you can post the link where you downloaded the installer. Additionally, make sure that upon download, you disable any security software that you have running. Chances are, it might be blocking some important files to be downloaded onto your system. 1.gif