Goodbye Bitdefender

edited February 2008 in General talk

Went to a wedding early in the day yesterday, and stayed overnight at the hotel where it took place. Came back this afternoon to find that BitDefender had some sort of error (something about C++ and vsserv.exe with a runtime error), and that it had shut down. Needless to say, my computer was unprotected for an entire day.

I'm sorry, but this software (Total Security 2008) is c**p. I had Norton for 4 years, and although it uses a bit more system resources, I'm willing to sacrifice a little speed for the security of my system. I never had any issues with Norton, and I feel stupid for having spent the money on this second-rate protection program.

I've run into a number of issues with this software including memory usage, firewall shutting off without warning, Outlook crashing constantly (which never use to happen before this was installed), and the software itself having errors that cause it to close completely (no virus protection or firewall). Lets not forget to mention that their customer service is non-existent, and they leave their support to moderators on here who continue to feed the same line of b.s. to everyone - "I have it installed on X number of systems at my house, and I have no problems".

The point of the software is to secure the system - instead, it's been left wide open. Good bye!



  • Newbie34
    edited July 2008

    I agree with you. I was trialing BD and gave up on it because of too many bugs (see my other posts) and erratic behavior.

    Like you, I was searching for something better than Symantec's products. I tried McAfee, Trend Micro, Kaspersky, Panda and the latest was Bit Defender. I had serious gripes about all of them. I was going to return to Symantec but the last one on my list to try was F-Secure. I'm really glad I did because it's terrific.

    I know this will sound like a plug, and I suppose it is. But, I'm just a regular guy who was looking for a better security product. Now I've found it - too bad it wasn't BD.

    I agree with you. I was trialing BD and gave up on it because of too many bugs (see my other posts) and erratic behavior.

    Like you, I was searching for something better than Symantec's products. I tried McAfee, Trend Micro, Kaspersky, Panda and the latest was Bit Defender. I had serious gripes about all of them. I was going to return to Symantec but the last one on my list to try was F-Secure. I'm really glad I did because it's terrific.

    I know this will sound like a plug, and I suppose it is. But, I'm just a regular guy who was looking for a better security product. Now I've found it - too bad it wasn't BD.

    The best solution that I've been told by many, is to purchase your Antivirus and Firewall separate. Thus, you get the best of both worlds, and not a blend of good & bad features. Looks to be the best route, as these "suites" contain too much junk.

  • I also wanted to find the best security possible for my computer when I ran across so many rave reviews about the Bitdefender AntiVirus 2008. My question is, how much do you pay for such rave reviews? I would be interested in buying a few for my businessiness! I feel certain that the people who published those reviews never used this product.

    My system is slow and half the time I see that the antivirus has stopped working. I am rarely able to get my email on the first try and it takes a huge amount of work and patience. I always wonder if I really did get all of it. I have to reboot a lot more than I ever did before because of freezes. Now that I think about it, I haven't had screen freezes for the last 5 years, but I do now!

    I guess I will have to buy Norton again. I will scratch this one off to experience in purchasing products I have never heard of and not to trust everything I read.

  • I also wanted to find the best security possible for my computer when I ran across so many rave reviews about the Bitdefender AntiVirus 2008. My question is, how much do you pay for such rave reviews? I would be interested in buying a few for my businessiness! I feel certain that the people who published those reviews never used this product.

    My system is slow and half the time I see that the antivirus has stopped working. I am rarely able to get my email on the first try and it takes a huge amount of work and patience. I always wonder if I really did get all of it. I have to reboot a lot more than I ever did before because of freezes. Now that I think about it, I haven't had screen freezes for the last 5 years, but I do now!

    I guess I will have to buy Norton again. I will scratch this one off to experience in purchasing products I have never heard of and not to trust everything I read.

    The rave reviews are based on how Bitdefender has performed in tests. It does offer a very complete firewall/anti-virus solution, but unfortunately it's packaged in a half-assed software program full of bugs. The problems become even more evident if you attempt to get support (unresponsive and unhelpful). ######, when the moderators on here know more about the product than the company's support reps, that's pretty sad.

    I'm now using Outpost Firewall Pro 2008 and Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7. (Both available with trials if you're interested) These are two of the top, if not the best firewall & anti-virus software out there. Outpost isn't as novice friendly as ZoneAlarm or Online Armor, but after you get through the learning pop-ups, the speed and complete protection is incredible. Kaspersky has received some of the best reviews possible for anti-virus software. Can't go wrong with Kaspersky or Norton for Anti-virus purposes.

    BitDefender is simply unreliable. About an hour before I uninstalled it today, it ran into another "runtime" error, and locked my entire system up. I was barely able to save an important document before the system became completely unresponsive. That's twice in a few days, and another reason for getting rid of this junk.

    ((IBL... woot!))

  • “Murphy's law” with the compliments of “”'s_law

    Murphy's law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states that things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance. "If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way." It is most often cited as "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" (or, alternately, "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way" or, "Anything that can go wrong, will," or "If anything can go wrong, it will, and usually at the most inopportune moment"). The saying is sometimes referred to as Sod's law or Finagle's law which can also be rendered as "Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment".

    Like your rave about the other Anti-Virus and Security Firewall programs, Xavier311.

    Did you by any chance also go to their Forum sites and have a look at the problems other users have with these programs ? - I thought not, or maybe you did, it matters not.

    Murphy’s Law applies to all of them and the Publishers of these programs know that, whereby the users PC’s Hardware and Other Software installation, with at times 2 or 3 of everything including multiple Firewalls and other protection programs all installed at the same time and running, makes it impossible to have a utility program that will perform on every machine in the world.

    There are many technical limitations both Hardware and Software related. E.G. A program may only be designed to run on a particular OS (Operating System) or a limit is imposed as to the CPU speed, amount of memory, Graphic drivers, etc. that are required by the program, and anything less then the stated minimum specification of hardware etc. and the program will not, either install (if at all) or will not run correctly on the Users PC station.

    The biggest problem I have found with both the Publishers and Users is,

    1. The publishers do not give sufficient instructions in the product package or literature inside the package, whereby they only have the Readme files that the user should read before installing the software on the installation CD and at best nowadays give you a little leaflet (like a travel brochure) which is marketing propaganda oriented (like the package which after all attracts some) and does little to warn you that any other similar type of program if already installed, SHOULD BE UN-INSTALLED and the system re-booted before the installation of the new program is attempted. Most however at least have the minimum system requirement specifications printed on the side panels of their product box.

    2. As to users who install software products, I get the feeling that they don’t read instructions and just pop in the CD and just follow the default installation, hoping for the best, in that it will do everything by itself, akin to waving a magic wand.

    3. What most users do not tell you is, that they installed the Anti-Virus or Security Program after they have already been infected, believing that by doing so the program will get rid of the Virus or other infections on their PC system. THINK AGAIN FOLKS – THIS JUST DOES NOT HAPPEN !

    4. The concept of a Security or other protection program is based on the premise that it is installed before you get infected and should be one of the items on top of any installation list, before you connect to the Internet. i.e. “It’s no good closing the gate after the Horses got out”, “Nor is it any good attempting to close the gate before the Horses are back in the Corral.”

    5. The variables that need to be considered in setting up a PC workstation or any other system and the hardware specification and application software that may be required on the station, make it impossible sometimes to find the correct mix, to ensure that no conflicts exist when the setup installation is complete. For whatever reason, sometimes you need to try different publishers programs, until you find the ones that are compatible with each other and create no conflicts on you PC system. Sounds a bit like “Pot Luck” yup you have a point here, but Bill Gates made Billions doing that, and as the IT Industry continues its rapid development, the software you are currently installing or using is already out of date.

    So, “Brick Bats and Roses” to all, as they all blame each other, including Users who don’t read the instructions and then blame the publishers.

    Of a thousand problems on a PC, 90% of them are user related, 3% are hardware related, 6% are software related and the remaining 1% is Murphy’s Law, or it’s my fault.

    BTW: Murphy’s Law also allows you to go around in circles.

  • Xavier311:

    1.Did you at least have a good night at the wedding ?

    2.Regarding the BD...

    When it works, it does his job pretty well. I have tested BD on my computer and I never got that awful error message ( ######, i never got that error message even when i wrote my own c++ programs ) . Even if your computer stayed a day ( and a night) without BD's protection),you can perform a scan right away .There is a a very low probability that your computer got infected, and, even in that case, BD should immediately find and kill the virus .

  • Dear Xavier311,

    How can you know that when I or the other moderators say that I don't have issues on my computer that it's ######? If I had lots of issues I wouldn't have extended my BitDefender license in the past.

    What I always do is searching for an uninstall tool before I even install another security suite. When there is a new productversion available of BitDefender I always use this specific BitDefender uninstall tool.It's very well known that there are many leftovers when you uninstall Norton products while using the default uninstaller. I do know that there are bugs.What pcbugfixer says is also right.

    I hope that you enjoy your new security setup.

    Best regards


  • "Murphy's law" with the compliments of ""'s_law

    Murphy's law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states that things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance. "If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way." It is most often cited as "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" (or, alternately, "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way" or, "Anything that can go wrong, will," or "If anything can go wrong, it will, and usually at the most inopportune moment"). The saying is sometimes referred to as Sod's law or Finagle's law which can also be rendered as "Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment".

    Like your rave about the other Anti-Virus and Security Firewall programs, Xavier311.

    Did you by any chance also go to their Forum sites and have a look at the problems other users have with these programs ? - I thought not, or maybe you did, it matters not.

    Murphy's Law applies to all of them and the Publishers of these programs know that, whereby the users PC's Hardware and Other Software installation, with at times 2 or 3 of everything including multiple Firewalls and other protection programs all installed at the same time and running, makes it impossible to have a utility program that will perform on every machine in the world.

    There are many technical limitations both Hardware and Software related. E.G. A program may only be designed to run on a particular OS (Operating System) or a limit is imposed as to the CPU speed, amount of memory, Graphic drivers, etc. that are required by the program, and anything less then the stated minimum specification of hardware etc. and the program will not, either install (if at all) or will not run correctly on the Users PC station.

    The biggest problem I have found with both the Publishers and Users is,

    1. The publishers do not give sufficient instructions in the product package or literature inside the package, whereby they only have the Readme files that the user should read before installing the software on the installation CD and at best nowadays give you a little leaflet (like a travel brochure) which is marketing propaganda oriented (like the package which after all attracts some) and does little to warn you that any other similar type of program if already installed, SHOULD BE UN-INSTALLED and the system re-booted before the installation of the new program is attempted. Most however at least have the minimum system requirement specifications printed on the side panels of their product box.

    2. As to users who install software products, I get the feeling that they don't read instructions and just pop in the CD and just follow the default installation, hoping for the best, in that it will do everything by itself, akin to waving a magic wand.

    3. What most users do not tell you is, that they installed the Anti-Virus or Security Program after they have already been infected, believing that by doing so the program will get rid of the Virus or other infections on their PC system. THINK AGAIN FOLKS – THIS JUST DOES NOT HAPPEN !

    4. The concept of a Security or other protection program is based on the premise that it is installed before you get infected and should be one of the items on top of any installation list, before you connect to the Internet. i.e. "It's no good closing the gate after the Horses got out", "Nor is it any good attempting to close the gate before the Horses are back in the Corral."

    5. The variables that need to be considered in setting up a PC workstation or any other system and the hardware specification and application software that may be required on the station, make it impossible sometimes to find the correct mix, to ensure that no conflicts exist when the setup installation is complete. For whatever reason, sometimes you need to try different publishers programs, until you find the ones that are compatible with each other and create no conflicts on you PC system. Sounds a bit like "Pot Luck" yup you have a point here, but Bill Gates made Billions doing that, and as the IT Industry continues its rapid development, the software you are currently installing or using is already out of date.

    So, "Brick Bats and Roses" to all, as they all blame each other, including Users who don't read the instructions and then blame the publishers.

    Of a thousand problems on a PC, 90% of them are user related, 3% are hardware related, 6% are software related and the remaining 1% is Murphy's Law, or it's my fault.

    BTW: Murphy's Law also allows you to go around in circles.

    Right on the Button!!!! And Well said

    Every problem I have ever had seems to fall into that 90% category

    I can admit that freely

    If I don't like it, I don't use it, but I wont cry about it especially if part of my complaint is no one listens.

    Oh and BTW I always try it out 30 days first before I buy it.

  • Wow,

    so what does all that mean?

    if it doesn't work its my fault?

    Well, I"m a software engineer and I will tell you all right now that I also experienced many BUGS and none of them are my fault.

    Bugs right from the go! Computer freezes all over the place. All related to over allocating VM. I added a gig of memory and ok from that point.

    not this user's fault.

  • Well, I feel for ya Xavier...because I've got my qualms about Total Security too. I've yet to get it in stable working form.

    And from browsing these forums and seeing a slew of does feel like we are all beta testers. Which is disappointing because we paid hard-earned money for it!

    For now, I'm going to keep my faith in this product (and this forum) for a bit longer, hoping these problems will be remedied soon.

    In the case where it does not get remedied, I may request BD to have my license key extended. (or at the most extreme level, buy it back from me)


  • Wow,

    so what does all that mean?

    if it doesn't work its my fault?

    Well, I"m a software engineer and I will tell you all right now that I also experienced many BUGS and none of them are my fault.

    Bugs right from the go! Computer freezes all over the place. All related to over allocating VM. I added a gig of memory and ok from that point.

    not this user's fault.

    G'Day "warrentaylor" I wonder what prompted this responce ?

    As there is "No Perfect Human Being" and they write programs, there also is no perfect program and besides you, as I, and everyone on this planet makes mistakes.

    pcbugfixer :ph34r:

  • AboveUpNorth
    edited February 2008
    G'Day "warrentaylor" I wonder what prompted this responce ?

    As there is "No Perfect Human Being" and they write programs, there also is no perfect program and besides you, as I, and everyone on this planet makes mistakes.

    pcbugfixer :ph34r:

    I'd love to add my 2cents by answering this question!

    Firstly your correct in saying nobodies perfect....however when it comes to computer security, the developers needed to leave it in beta much longer..... BDIS 2008 is one HUGE mistake.

    The phone support is MORE than lacking!

    The online chat box support ..!

    Having to jump through hoops with BD tools and screen shots ..!

    Waiting 2-3 days for a response (if you even get one) from BD evaluation team is ..!

    When BD stops working the BD icon should CHANGE color so you know it's not working.....


  • Orphan
    edited February 2008
    I'd love to add my 2cents by answering this question!

    Firstly your correct in saying nobodies perfect....however when it comes to computer security, the developers needed to leave it in beta much longer..... BDIS 2008 is one HUGE mistake.

    The phone support is MORE than lacking!

    The online chat box support ..!

    Having to jump through hoops with BD tools and screen shots ..!

    Waiting 2-3 days for a response (if you even get one) from BD evaluation team is ..!

    When BD stops working the BD icon should CHANGE color so you know it's not working.....





  • Went to a wedding early in the day yesterday, and stayed overnight at the hotel where it took place. Came back this afternoon to find that BitDefender had some sort of error (something about C++ and vsserv.exe with a runtime error), and that it had shut down. Needless to say, my computer was unprotected for an entire day.

    I'm sorry, but this software (Total Security 2008) is crap. I had Norton for 4 years, and although it uses a bit more system resources, I'm willing to sacrifice a little speed for the security of my system. I never had any issues with Norton, and I feel stupid for having spent the money on this second-rate protection program.

    I've run into a number of issues with this software including memory usage, firewall shutting off without warning, Outlook crashing constantly (which never use to happen before this was installed), and the software itself having errors that cause it to close completely (no virus protection or firewall). Lets not forget to mention that their customer service is non-existent, and they leave their support to moderators on here who continue to feed the same line of b.s. to everyone - "I have it installed on X number of systems at my house, and I have no problems".

    The point of the software is to secure the system - instead, it's been left wide open. Good bye!

    First learn english.Second symantec is a junk.It can't be removed and doesn't finds a few types of viruses.Norton 360 is the worst antivirus in the hole world.And the peoples don't care what do you like and dislike.You can create topics only if you are intersted.#### ######

  • First learn english.Second symantec is a junk.It can't be removed and doesn't finds a few types of viruses.Norton 360 is the worst antivirus in the hole world.And the peoples don't care what do you like and dislike.You can create topics only if you are intersted.#### ######

    What a dolt......

    Two words Boris......SPELL CHECK

    Boris is a mean evil schnook. That's all he is. He works with fellow Pottsylvanian Natasha Fatale in order to do mean things to the world. Usually they get into a run-in with heroes Rocky and Bullwinkle, who defend the innocent from their evil plans. Boris has no friends. Just enemies, or so he says. He is only slightly taller than Rocky and wears a black suit and hat. There is yet to be an episode of "Rocky and Bullwinkle" in which Boris wins at the end. He is generally unlucky.

    How's Rocky and Bullwinkle been?...LOL

    Keeping this topic on TOP.....

    Goodbye BD

    P.S. "Failure is not an comes bundled with the software~AboveUpNorth~"

  • Let's be civil now. This is not grammar school, so no need to use proper English.

    Anyway, I strongly agree with the beta testing comment. Although the remark about Murphy's Law raised some valid points, it doesn't sufficiently address testing. It also can be seen as excuse for sloppily developed software, which BD-2008 certainly is compared to BD-10. Being in software development, I know that the devil is in the testing details.

    My system is going through another one of it's periods of inexplicable slowdowns and unresponsiveness, and I highly suspect BitDefender. My hunch is that the BD developers are still fixing bugs related to the new UI switch and introducing new bugs in the process due to insufficient in-house testing (e.g., recent Filezone placement issues). But, of course, why should they test in-house when they get all the testing they want for free! ;) Another hunch is that they are betting the farm on getting a bunch of new customers with the dumded-down interface and have thus decided to sacrifice customer support for the time being.


  • G’Day Tom O’Hara,

    If you are reading this and you are not “Tom O’Hara” remember this, If you object to my “Candour”, then read another post!

    BD started of well enough with version 8 and 9 and then they released v10 which had more holes in it than a sieve and I was going to ask the Pope to Canonize it for being the holiest piece of coding that BD had come up with.

    As one version fails or does not work out (after we tested it and paid for the privilege) they actually then work on the next version which incorporated (or is supposed to) fixes for all the errors reported in the previous or older version. This became apparent when after persisting emails on the many issues (bugs) in v10, they finally said that they where dropping support for it (v10) and the reported issues would be fixed in the 2008 version.

    BD is not the only publisher that has or uses this type of unethical development method and also releases, as you put it, akin to beta versions and uses the unsuspecting purchases (end user) as a guineapig.

    I would have to agree, when looking at the reported problems in this and previous versions of BD, that there appears not to have been sufficient In-House testing and more time should have been allocated to a beta release-testing period. Then greed steps in and all this goes out the window.

    The Support, issues and lack thereof, would suggest that the support Department at BD was scuttled due to the sheer number of complaints, which must be overwhelming for anyone to handle. The difficulty is, that *“you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time” (* “WC”) and when your excuses become repetitive, then the games up and know that this is all it is, “excuses for something that they might not be able to handle”.

    The added difficulty is when all comments are misconstrued as personal attacks on individuals when we are after all discussing the BD program and not the individuals working on the development team. Direct and to the point comments or suggestions and or positive criticism, seems not to be in BD’s realm of understanding, to which we add the linguistic misinterpretations then resulting in ones support request being ignored.

    The tenure of the overall BD situation is also exemplified by the replies given on this “Official BD Forum” when it is not the subject matter that is addressed, rather scoring self-indulging brownie points and making feeble attempts to demean another’s posts.

    It is somewhat time wasting when we take the trouble to report a problem and then either get ignored by the Support Department of BD or have some unwitting comment made in answer to a post on a given issue with comments suggesting a denial and feebly supported by “we or I tested it on my / our computer and …… it works on our … “. This is to say, because we tested it on a couple of machines, that thousands of other users on thousands of machines must be all wrong. Yup Folks, “The Tyre is only flat at the bottom of the tyre not at the top.”

    The tyre might not be flat at the top, however it is empty and devoid of any grey matter, which may well be reason for the erratic behaviour of the BD programs and the lack of strategic and logistic management.

    pcbugfixer :ph34r:

  • Bg_Boris
    edited February 2008

    First learn english.Second symantec is a junk.It can't be removed and doesn't finds a few types of viruses.Norton 360 is the worst antivirus in the hole world.And the peoples don't care what do you like and dislike.You can create topics only if you are intersted.#### ######

    What a dolt......
    Two words Boris......SPELL CHECK
    Boris is a mean evil schnook. That's all he is. He works with fellow Pottsylvanian Natasha Fatale in order to do mean things to the world. Usually they get into a run-in with heroes Rocky and Bullwinkle, who defend the innocent from their evil plans. Boris has no friends. Just enemies, or so he says. He is only slightly taller than Rocky and wears a black suit and hat. There is yet to be an episode of "Rocky and Bullwinkle" in which Boris wins at the end. He is generally unlucky.
    How's Rocky and Bullwinkle been?...LOL

    Keeping this topic on TOP.....
    Goodbye BD

    P.S. "Failure is not an comes bundled with the software~AboveUpNorth~"

    I'm not a dolt.And if you are looking for it try to find it in the miracle.The description you have found for me is 100% wrong. :D You don't need to search for my name.Search for yours.

  • Ok, guys, chill down. If you continue attacking each-other, this topic will be closed.


  • G’Day Folks,

    Are there situations where, and is the case of “The Pot calling the Kettle black” ??

    Where are the rules for this forum, or is it a case of “How the Moderators feel and if they got out of the right side of the bed to-day” which determines the forum rules of the day. ??

    pcbugfixer :ph34r:

  • Connie_1947
    edited February 2008

    I want to remove BitDefender.

    The uninstall at Tools was ineffective.

    The uninstallation tool at this thread was ineffective.

    Either post how to manually uninstall BitDefender Online Scanner v8 or send an email the steps to manually uninstall BitDefender Online Scanner.

    I know my way around the registry and I can replace dlls. I request step by step instructions.

  • Chesda
    edited February 2008

    Remove via Add/Remove Programs:

    1. Go to Control Panel and double click Add/Remove programs;
    2. Wait for the installed software list to be displayed;
    3. Locate BitDefender into this list, highlight it and then click Remove;
    4. Wait for the uninstall process to complete and then restart your computer.
    Remove using a Uninstaller tool:

    Download from this link:

  • G’Day Connie 1947

    Advanced users only!

    If you have a good and fast registry tool like “Registry Crawler v4.5.0.4”, [ ] use it to find any reference on all keys to “ BitDefender “ and delete them.

    Then re-boot. – there is no need for lengthy instructions.

    The BD Uninstall tool should have worked, but the above will do.

    If you don’t have the RC then just find any and all entries for BitDefender in the Registry and delete them – takes longer but will get rid of BD.

    pcbugfixer :ph34r:

  • Umm... I somehow think that Connie1947's post was just a wee bit facetious.

    Did anyone else happen to notice that Connie1947 was talking about the BD "ON LINE" scanner?!?!?


    Orphan :P

  • Dear Connie_1947,

    To uninstall the online scanner you have to go to the tools menu of Internet Explorer there you can uninstall the online scanner. It's normal that the specific uninstall tool doesn't' work because that is only for the BitDefender products that you have to install on your computer not for the online scanner.

    Best regards


  • Dear Connie_1947,

    To uninstall the online scanner you have to go to the tools menu of Internet Explorer there you can uninstall the online scanner. It's normal that the specific uninstall tool doesn't' work because that is only for the BitDefender products that you have to install on your computer not for the online scanner.

    Best regards


    So, you discovered that the others including me, missed that one.

    Now did you send detailed instructions as requested by Connie_1947 ?

    obviously not and you missed that one yourself! - so can you do this ?

    pcbugfixer :ph34r:

  • post-60-1204059938_thumb.jpg

    This is how BD Online Scanner v8 is uninstalled.


  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    edited February 2008

    Is McAfee an antivirus or just a "thing" called antivirus that doesnt detect bs, at least use AVAST a free excellent antivirus for its value?

    As for the Outpost usage at this moment is lost of time ,money(if you pay for it) and resources.Read Agnitum forums ,if they didnt deleted again some posters(betatesters) with new issues.I ve used Outpost almost one year good but out of date at this moment.A hacker can get easilly tru the Outpost 2008(the top rated antileak firewall).

    KAV few days ago stoped working for me due to an internal error caused maybe by a malware ,who the ###### knows.Not to say about the errors my computer makes when playing 3D games,errors that dont occur with any other antivirus.

    An advise for you would be to install BD on a fresh Windows installation and to choose well the BD product you really need.

    You will not find a bettter proactive defence with another antivirus,BD is the master at this moment.Maybe not all modules are perfect but if you cant manage a BD instalation and mentenance(that was made for any user capable of double clicking an executable) ,i m wondering how the ###### you use KAV and Outpost that are extremelly complicated and that come with a lot of advanced settings(not for noobs).

    BD has issues only with some antileak modules from some firewalls but they can be easily solved by tweaking those antileak modules.I m using BD from almost an year and a half and every time after testing other antivirus software i revert back to BD ,its purelly the best and i tested at least the top 10 antiviruses from av comparatives.In my computer BitDefender was never disabled by a malware, thing that happened with the almighty KAV.

    The best protection is achived combining a firewall, antivirus and an antimalware, all from different vendors.And yes the antivirus should be BD.

  • NL71
    edited February 2008

    Having migrated to Bitdefender Internet Security V10 a few months ago, previously using the solutions from Norton (went rapidly downhill after Symantec got a hold of them IMHO), I have mixed opinions of the product based on my experience.

    BitDefender Internet Security V10 isn't a viable product as it stands under Vista - thankfully BitDefender 2008 is a free upgrade and appears to resolve many of the significant compatibility issues. More publicity of the version upgrade opposed to continued support of V10 might help alleviate concern and frustration.

    When upgrading from v10 to the 2008 product you can use your V10 serial number to register, however when you verify your subscription status using your online account, it appears you are still only registered for V10 and show as only evaluating the 2008 version - not reassuring, it would be comforting to have an indication that your remaining subscription time remains valid for the new version.

    I haven't made any attempt to compare the 2008 version with alternative products and so won't attempt to draw comparisons on it's effectiveness or value for money but would be interested in the experience of others in that respect.

  • BD started of well enough with version 8 and 9 and then they released v10 which had more holes in it than a sieve and I was going to ask the Pope to Canonize it for being the holiest piece of coding that BD had come up with.

    As one version fails or does not work out (after we tested it and paid for the privilege) they actually then work on the next version which incorporated (or is supposed to) fixes for all the errors reported in the previous or older version. This became apparent when after persisting emails on the many issues (bugs) in v10, they finally said that they where dropping support for it (v10) and the reported issues would be fixed in the 2008 version.

    BD is not the only publisher that has or uses this type of unethical development method and also releases, as you put it, akin to beta versions and uses the unsuspecting purchases (end user) as a guineapig.

    Well put <img class=" />

    It's quite discouraging that this is not just restricted to BD-2008. I was trying to be patient with the current situation, but I am definitely having second thoughts.

    I went through a particularly annoying tech support issue with BD-10's cpu performance in permissive mode. It took me several months of persistence before they would actually admit it was a problem. They then told me the issue was fixed but failed to mention that I needed to install BD-2008 (which I found out on this forum instead). That goes beyond unethical to being arguably negligent.


  • Niels
    edited February 2008

    Dear pcbugfixer,

    I instructed her I said that she should go to the tools menu in Internet Explorer and there she will find the uninstaller. Which is called Uninstall BitDefender Online scanner v8.0. I agree that the last thing I didn't mention. But you will see BitDefender in it as name and uninstaller so normally you conclude that is the uninstaller . How can I be more specificly than that? You can see it also at the screenshot that Cris posted that that is the way how to do that?.

    I apologize but I just wanted to make it clear to her that the uninstall tool and your instructions only work for the offline BitDefender version. I wouldn't attack any of you who offer the right solution but not in this case.

    Best regards


  • @Sm3K3R: Please limit your vocabulary to words that are not censored by the Forum.


  • Did you guys reinstalled the operating system before installing Bit Defender ?

    I dont think so. I had so many troubles after uninstalling norton that I had to reformat the drive.

    And for your all information bit defender has allwasy had a very high detection rate, and the heuristics are

    comparable with nod32(very high heuristics).

    its true it has some errors, but what do you expect from a "All in one packege" ?

    Wait the next generation of Internet security and other craps and maybe then the AV companies

    will have some quality products.

  • Bg_Boris
    edited February 2008
    Did you guys reinstalled the operating system before installing Bit Defender ?

    I dont think so. I had so many troubles after uninstalling norton that I had to reformat the drive.

    And for your all information bit defender has allwasy had a very high detection rate, and the heuristics are

    comparable with nod32(very high heuristics).

    its true it has some errors, but what do you expect from a "All in one packege" ?

    Wait the next generation of Internet security and other craps and maybe then the AV companies

    will have some quality products.

    Yes you are right.There are some errors,but bitdefender has high detection rate and very good heuristic analyser.There is no program that is error free.Every program has some bugs due to the different software,hardware and user settings.And for norton I installed and couldn't uninstall it.I had to manually delete files and registries.I think thah the formatting is the only way to remove it completely.My friend had the same problem.

    BitDefender is the best.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    edited February 2008
    @Sm3K3R: Please limit your vocabulary to words that are not censored by the Forum.


    Chris the word was <edited>

    In some upper posts the guys were swearing with <edited> is it worse to say <edited> than <edited>?

    Nu folosesc ceea ce ar parea la prima vedere ca as fi folosit.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    Did you guys reinstalled the operating system before installing Bit Defender ?

    I dont think so. I had so many troubles after uninstalling norton that I had to reformat the drive.

    And for your all information bit defender has allwasy had a very high detection rate, and the heuristics are

    comparable with nod32(very high heuristics).

    its true it has some errors, but what do you expect from a "All in one packege" ?

    Wait the next generation of Internet security and other craps and maybe then the AV companies

    will have some quality products.

    The Heuristics from BD are not comparable with NOD 32.

    If you use maximum Heuristics capability in NOD 32 the whole system crawles on the floor.

    BD is lighter in this case than NOD32.As for the detection the freewares are better than NOD32.NOD 32 is just a legend.

  • Chris the word was <edited>

    In some upper posts the guys were swearing with <edited> is it worse to say <edited> than <edited>?

    Nu folosesc ceea ce ar parea la prima vedere ca as fi folosit.

    I don't care what the word was. You are not allowed to use it, and that's final!

    If you see a post that has this kind of words in it, it doesn't mean that you can use them too. Instead, you can use the Report button and the Moderation team will be notified about the presence of that post.

    Also, the one that used that kind of words in this topic is Niels. I have no power against him. If you (or anyone else) has something to say about this, a PM to Niels is enought.

    Also, please use English on the English section.


  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    I don't care what the word was. You are not allowed to use it, and that's final!

    If you see a post that has this kind of words in it, it doesn't mean that you can use them too. Instead, you can use the Report button and the Moderation team will be notified about the presence of that post.

    Also, the one that used that kind of words in this topic is Niels. I have no power against him. If you (or anyone else) has something to say about this, a PM to Niels is enought.

    Also, please use English on the English section.


    Ok ,Cris!

    I will just mind my own bussiness but even in the thread starter post there is a "nice" word that Xavier311 fingers wrote.

    Anyway sorry for the offtopic ,but lets fill the empty places in the bad word dictionary and to aplly for all the rules.

    If i m not welcomed its ok, i will just stop posting on this forum.

    Anyway BD will still be my favourite antivirus and as i already done on a lot of forums i will promote it and block there any agressive unjustified posts like some people did here against BD.I know they are payed for what they are doing ,they just want to bring BD down.

    Any normal user first uses a trial software and only after a trial will pay for a software.


  • Dear Xavier311,

    How can you know that when I or the other moderators say that I don't have issues on my computer that it's ######? If I had lots of issues I wouldn't have extended my BitDefender license in the past.

    What I always do is searching for an uninstall tool before I even install another security suite. When there is a new productversion available of BitDefender I always use this specific BitDefender uninstall tool.It's very well known that there are many leftovers when you uninstall Norton products while using the default uninstaller. I do know that there are bugs.What pcbugfixer says is also right.

    I hope that you enjoy your new security setup.

    Best regards


    Sorry, I got my first post wrong! Sent it before adding my own comment.. doh!

    My comment refers to Niels' recommendation for using the BitDefender Uninstall tool, linked in his post. I came here originally looking for just that, because the uninstall link (URL) in the email from BD didn't work, and nowhere on their site could I find a reference to it. The reson for needing it was to carry out the recommendation by their support team in an email, as my BD encountered 2 problems.

    So I downloaded the aforementioned Uninstall tool, and put it to work ... AND, OMG it not only deleted BitDefender but also EVERY other software program that I had installed on the same drive.. about 20 programs!

    It took me hours and hours to find and reload all the programs I had lost.. from all sources: CDs, emails and the internet. Systen Restore would not restore my system at all.. I tried several earlier dates.

    So I would just add my word of warning. What I have done now, and it remains to be seen if even this is effective, is to download BD into a single parent folder. But if I need to uninstall BD again, I don't think I will trust the Uninstall tool, I shall delete each file separately.

    Other than that, which to my mind was a major and serious fault (of whose making I know not), I have no criticism of the BD operation itself. It seems far more manageable and reliable than my previous anti-virus program was (Norman NVC).

  • OK, another PRO and ANTI BD argue...

    It`s funny that none of those who had problems with BD tried to repair, or they didn`t even reported the problems here, in detail. Most of them can be solved, and hve been solved by us. So, please chill down, you paid for it, you have the right to ask for help, to report any bugs and incompatibilities, etc. As pcbugfix mentioned in an earlier post, we are all human beeing, and the software is created by us, so, it may contain bugs. But we can help each other. You guys can tell us the bugs and the problems and we`ll try to solce them.


  • Bg_Boris
    edited March 2008
    The Heuristics from BD are not comparable with NOD 32.

    If you use maximum Heuristics capability in NOD 32 the whole system crawles on the floor.

    BD is lighter in this case than NOD32.As for the detection the freewares are better than NOD32.NOD 32 is just a legend.

    Yes.Nod 32 is not the best,altought it wins the first place for antivirus every year.It missed 8 viruses on my frirnd's computer.In the databases are msiisng viruses like trojan.zlob.VideoAccessCodec.That was one of the missed threats.It didn't find any files and registries related to it.And it missed Trojan.Fake Alert which was detected by Bitdefender and was removed.Thanks to bitdefender,popups informing about unexisting infections were stopped.He was going to pay for rogue antivirus.Now he loves bitdefender too.

    Congratulations BitDefender.Your products are great.

  • Amazing..... I come back to find all these comments, including many from the BD preachers who continue to spout their praise of a flawed program.

    Just to make some things clear:

    1) I did try reinstalling Bitdefender in the past, and it still had the same VM & crashing problems - so no, it wasn't a bad install. Reinstall my O.S.? It's not listed as a requirement to have this software, so I'd say you're reaching with that one. (Imagine if all software you purchased required that...)

    2) Bitdefender tech support was useless, and couldn't come up with a solution

    3) I posted the problems in detail on here (yes niels, I know you guys don't work for them), and even went through MANY pages to see if others had found solutions for the same issue. (I'm not new to computers or forums folks...)

    4) No anti-virus/internet security program should just shut itself down randomly because the update it downloaded needs it to restart (and you didn't feel like restarting yet). That's poor programming on the updates side...

    5) I'll bring up the VM problem again and let you stare at this image for a while...


    so, after you're done scratching your head, I'll also let you know that this image was taken after restarting the system four hours prior. Thus, the whole "update probably needs to be installed" debate didn't work here. It was a mammoth memory leak, plain and simple.

    BD, for me, just didn't seem to be a good fit when using larger applications and needing to switch between them constantly. My typical programs open are InDesign, Photoshop, Internet Explorer, Excel & Outlook. I'm also typically switching from one program to another multiple times to grab photo's, pdf's, make modifications, insert into documents, etc.

    For the VM on vsserv.exe to just shoot up to 875k was outrageous, and caused the system to bog down heavily.

    In conclusion - NO, I wasn't imagining these problems - these are the issues I experienced. Thus, I made a topic detailing my departure from BD products. If you don't like my suggestions for a different anti-virus/fire-wall setup, oh well, go fly a kite and stop molesting your keyboard. <_<

  • Dear Buzzard,

    That isn't the BitDefender uninstall tool fault. I used that tool for many times and the only thing that it removes are BitDefender related files such as the installation folder,registry entries,installer package in the windows installer folder,common files folder. You may search the entire forum you will not find any case that the specific BitDefender uninstall tool also removed other software. So in this case it must be coincidence on your computer.

    Best regards


    Dear Xavier311,

    How do you know that for sure? It could be that you don't get mentioned about it while you use another security software. Are you always verifying if all the necessary files of that solution aren't closed? BitDefender does that only for upgrades.

    Virtual memory isn't your real memory but a space on your hard disc so you can real speak about a memory leak. That is only the case when you see the memory usage increasing a lot. Your computer slowdown is caused because your internal memory is "full" and at that moment windows is swapping processess to a file on your hard disc that cause the slow down. I see that you run Photoshop which is computer memory and processor heavy program. Did you also tried to only open Photoshop. That is only the size that BitDefender reserves but that isn't the amount that is really used at that moment.

    Best regards


  • Amazing..... I come back to find all these comments, including many from the BD preachers who continue to spout their praise of a flawed program.

    Just to make some things clear:

    1) I did try reinstalling Bitdefender in the past, and it still had the same VM & crashing problems - so no, it wasn't a bad install. Reinstall my O.S.? It's not listed as a requirement to have this software, so I'd say you're reaching with that one. (Imagine if all software you purchased required that...)

    2) Bitdefender tech support was useless, and couldn't come up with a solution

    3) I posted the problems in detail on here (yes niels, I know you guys don't work for them), and even went through MANY pages to see if others had found solutions for the same issue. (I'm not new to computers or forums folks...)

    4) No anti-virus/internet security program should just shut itself down randomly because the update it downloaded needs it to restart (and you didn't feel like restarting yet). That's poor programming on the updates side...

    5) I'll bring up the VM problem again and let you stare at this image for a while...


    so, after you're done scratching your head, I'll also let you know that this image was taken after restarting the system four hours prior. Thus, the whole "update probably needs to be installed" debate didn't work here. It was a mammoth memory leak, plain and simple.

    BD, for me, just didn't seem to be a good fit when using larger applications and needing to switch between them constantly. My typical programs open are InDesign, Photoshop, Internet Explorer, Excel & Outlook. I'm also typically switching from one program to another multiple times to grab photo's, pdf's, make modifications, insert into documents, etc.

    For the VM on vsserv.exe to just shoot up to 875k was outrageous, and caused the system to bog down heavily.

    In conclusion - NO, I wasn't imagining these problems - these are the issues I experienced. Thus, I made a topic detailing my departure from BD products. If you don't like my suggestions for a different anti-virus/fire-wall setup, oh well, go fly a kite and stop molesting your keyboard. <_<

    Xavier,what do you want from bitdefender?Did you see the RAM usage? 1555 from 2990.Ofc course your computer will slow down.If you run programs which are using more than 200 RAM such as photoshop,in design and other programs like outlook and excel your computer cannot react that quick even if you don't have bitdefender installed.And you are lieing for the uninstall tool.I have used it.It knows which files and registries belongs to bitdefender and deletes them.No other files are beeing deleted after uninstalation.It's not bitdefender's fault that you are having problems with your PC.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    Amazing..... I come back to find all these comments, including many from the BD preachers who continue to spout their praise of a flawed program.

    Just to make some things clear:

    1) I did try reinstalling Bitdefender in the past, and it still had the same VM & crashing problems - so no, it wasn't a bad install. Reinstall my O.S.? It's not listed as a requirement to have this software, so I'd say you're reaching with that one. (Imagine if all software you purchased required that...)

    2) Bitdefender tech support was useless, and couldn't come up with a solution

    3) I posted the problems in detail on here (yes niels, I know you guys don't work for them), and even went through MANY pages to see if others had found solutions for the same issue. (I'm not new to computers or forums folks...)

    4) No anti-virus/internet security program should just shut itself down randomly because the update it downloaded needs it to restart (and you didn't feel like restarting yet). That's poor programming on the updates side...

    5) I'll bring up the VM problem again and let you stare at this image for a while...


    so, after you're done scratching your head, I'll also let you know that this image was taken after restarting the system four hours prior. Thus, the whole "update probably needs to be installed" debate didn't work here. It was a mammoth memory leak, plain and simple.

    BD, for me, just didn't seem to be a good fit when using larger applications and needing to switch between them constantly. My typical programs open are InDesign, Photoshop, Internet Explorer, Excel & Outlook. I'm also typically switching from one program to another multiple times to grab photo's, pdf's, make modifications, insert into documents, etc.

    For the VM on vsserv.exe to just shoot up to 875k was outrageous, and caused the system to bog down heavily.

    In conclusion - NO, I wasn't imagining these problems - these are the issues I experienced. Thus, I made a topic detailing my departure from BD products. If you don't like my suggestions for a different anti-virus/fire-wall setup, oh well, go fly a kite and stop molesting your keyboard. <_<

    Xaviers you said you used Norton,if it was so good(by the way the emplyees from Symantec Norton use at home KAV ,LOL) why did you switched man.I hope you know that a BD user will not switch to something else because it doesnt need too.You are wasting your time.I repeat again, i can t imagine a user to buy a product without testing it.I always buy software after i personally test it on my machines and after i found it compatible with the rest.So my advise would be to just switch to someting that you feel confortable with ,there is no obligation in this world to use a specific antivirus software,this is a free world.

    I m not sure that your picture its "genuine" ,you use Photoshop isnt it :)

    If you really have problems then a clean Windows instalation should solve your problems,but i think you already know that.

  • The picture might be very well genuine. I don't think Xavier would have any reason to just post something like this if it wasn't true.

    vsserv.exe has, indeed, some memory leaks, in certain conditions. I don't know the exact conditions, but the issue was presented also here:

    I don't know if a fix (or a cause) was found yet. I'll try to find out something about this.


    P.S.: Everyone, please stop accusing other users of lieing, cheating, etc... If you don't believe what a user is saying, please just don't reply. If this kind of posts will continue, this topic will be CLOSED.

  • Bg_Boris
    edited March 2008

    Now I have issue with bitdefender too.After the scan is completed,the process uiscan.exe is still active with RAM usage about 20 MB.I checked for scheadule tasks,but I don't have.And I'm expiriencing that issue from 3 days.I've never had such as problem before.I don't know what kind of updates you are providing but from few days bitdefender has many bugs.When I begin updating process,The update goes to 400% and up.At the end I recieve message that no updates are available.

  • adt
    edited July 2008

    Don't use Sysmestic cause its ######

    1. In Windows, choose Start>Settings>Control panel.

    2. Open the System applet.

    3. Click on the Performance tab and then on the Virtual Memory button.

    4. Choose the Let Me Specify My Own Virtual Memory Settings option.

    5. In the Hard Disk drop-down list, choose a location for the virtual memory swap file. This should be the same drive on which you have Windows installed. You probably won't have to change this setting.

    6. For the Minimum and Maximum parameters enter the same value. The value should be anywhere from 2 to 4 times the amount of physical memory you have installed in your computer. Try going with 2 times at first. The higher the number you use the more disk space you need for the swap file. For example, if you have 128MB of memory installed in your computer, you should enter a value of 256 for both the Minimum and Maximum parameters.

    7. Click OK.

    8. Click Yes.

  • alexcrist
    edited March 2008
    The value should be anywhere from 2 to 4 times the amount of physical memory you have installed in your computer. Try going with 2 times at first. The higher the number you use the more disk space you need for the swap file. For example, if you have 128MB of memory installed in your computer, you should enter a value of 256 for both the Minimum and Maximum parameters.

    This rule is incorrect. Windows XP OS recommends a size of about 1.5 times the installed phisical memory. But these "rules" were made back in the years around 2000, when having 256 (maybe 512) MB RAM was a, when you have 1GB or more, do you think that 2 to 4 GB of VM will improve anything? WRONG! It won't do anything else than waste HDD space. (Come to think of it, it might actually slow down the PC, due to huge file sizes, file fragmentation, and random access times, which are high for a HDD.)

    I have 2GB DDR on my laptop. I've set the VM memory to 700MB minimum, and 1.5GB maximum. The times when Windows actually increases the size above the 700 MB (minimum limit) are very rare (maybe once a week...). Usually, from those 700 MB allocated, about 300-400MB are actually used (with a RAM consumption of about 700MB).

    The same situation appears on my home computer, with only 512 MB RAM installed.

    So allocating tons of GB of VM won't improve anything. This idea appeared a long time ago, when the physical memory was low, and VM actually made a difference. Nowadays, the VM is used only when you use high-memory consuming applications (like a Virtual Machine with 1GB of Virtual RAM allocated to it).

    So the value at which the VM should be set is a value that your computer doesn't excede very often. To find that value, use a monitoring tool for a few days (maybe a week or more), note the VM usage, and set the minimum VM size to a value just above the maximum size that was ever reached. This will prevent Windows from resizeing the VM very often (which is actually what slows down the PC).

    The maximum VM value should be... whatever you want, as long as it doesn't excede the maximum free space on that partition. It doesn't matter what the value is, because if you set the minimum value correctly, Windows won't even need to resize it above the minimum value. ;)


  • Dear Buzzard,

    That isn't the BitDefender uninstall tool fault. I used that tool for many times and the only thing that it removes are BitDefender related files such as the installation folder,registry entries,installer package in the windows installer folder,common files folder. You may search the entire forum you will not find any case that the specific BitDefender uninstall tool also removed other software. So in this case it must be coincidence on your computer.

    Best regards


    Well I'm sorry Niels but I can't agree with you. As a lifetime mechanical engineer, I don't go with coincidences; cause and effect have always ruled the roost and proven to be accurate. In any fault/error situation, there always has to be a first sign. Maybe others have had this and not been members of this forum, so please do not discount my report out of hand.

    There is no possible way that the removal of all the other programs on my drive can have been caused by anything other than interaction with the BitDefender Uninstall tool. They were there immediately before using it, and gone immediately after using it, so in my book that compels me to put QED after my report.

  • Dear Buzzard,

    A possible cause for this kind of behaviour is a damaged windows installer on your computer. If the windows installer send instructions to the wrong msi installer package than such behaviour can occur. That isn't the uninstaller fault. You may use a search engine you aren't going to find any reported problems where BitDefender uninstall tool deleted other software.

    Best regards
