Cannot Login To Bitdefender Free Version

I have Bitdefender Free installed on my computer. It says I have 29 days to login. When I click the login button, I receive this error message:

The connection to the server has failed. The product could not be activated. Check the connection and try again.

I am completely stuck. I figure I won't be able to use the product after 29 days.

Seems like a silly problem as I have this installed successfully on other computers.




  • Have you tried uninstalling, reboot then reinstall?

    do you realize there is a full functioning free trial version of IS available for 9 months?

  • Have you tried uninstalling, reboot then reinstall?

    do you realize there is a full functioning free trial version of IS available for 9 months?

    I just did. Same exact problem. This is a Windows PC, running Vista. I've tried switching default browsers from Firefox, to Chrome, to IE. Nothing changes.

  • Lazarus0
    edited February 2015

    Same problem here, except, I CAN login, but, there's nothing for me to do there once I'm logged in. Any selection I try to access is for a registered product, NOT the free version, so, I honestly don't know why it even wants me to login. Plus, no matter how many times I DO login, the software keeps counting down, "Not Logged In, xx days left". So, after xx days, what happens, the software just disables itself? I shouldn't have to uninstall and reinstall programs to make them work as they should. Is there a better answer? Thanks.

  • Same problem here, except, I CAN login, but, there's nothing for me to do there once I'm logged in. Any selection I try to access is for a registered product, NOT the free version, so, I honestly don't know why it even wants me to login. Plus, no matter how many times I DO login, the software keeps counting down, "Not Logged In, xx days left". So, after xx days, what happens, the software just disables itself? I shouldn't have to uninstall and reinstall programs to make them work as they should. Is there a better answer? Thanks.

    Once you log in through your product's interface, you will remain logged in even without an internet connection (just do not log out!). For that you must register your product, also through the LOGIN button in it's interface.* Once this product is logged in you will be able to check your My Bitdefender account by pressing the DISPLAY button that will show replacing the LOGIN button in the interface. When registered you will see the subscription to Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition listed within My Bitdefender. You find your subscriptions in that page though a pull down menu next to the account name by the upper right corner of the page.



    *You will need to do an email confirmation to complete the registration.

  • I had the same problem. Then I updated to Internet Explorer 8 (I had an older version) and the error go away.

  • Once you log in through your product's interface, you will remain logged in even without an internet connection (just do not log out!). For that you must register your product, also through the LOGIN button in it's interface.* Once this product is logged in you will be able to check your My Bitdefender account by pressing the DISPLAY button that will show replacing the LOGIN button in the interface. When registered you will see the subscription to Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition listed within My Bitdefender. You find your subscriptions in that page though a pull down menu next to the account name by the upper right corner of the page.



    *You will need to do an email confirmation to complete the registration.

    I cannot log in using the screen you're showing; that screen forces me to type in my user name and my long password instead of allowing me to paste the information. I only paste my passwords; I NEVER type them in, anywhere, because that is a very insecure method of entering a password; Unfortunately, it seems your program has pasting disabled, probably under the misconception that this is, somehow more secure (even if there aren't any keyloggers on my system it doesn't mean there aren't others somewhere else on the server I'm connected to).

    If I was on a webpage, it's easy to bypass the code disabling pasting; however, in this little window, it cannot be done, and, even if I wanted to type it in, it's way too long to remember. So, why can't I log in directly to the website, then get the program to recognize the log in? I have already had my account validated on the website.

  • I have at last manage to login!

    WTF! The login page refreshes every 2 seconds and paste doesn't work!

    I was on the brink to give up and install some other antivirus when it suddenly worked.

    Well, I'm already seeing some better performance compared with AVG which is the reason I changed...

    I know this is a free version but someone should really look into the User Interface....

  • I have at last manage to login!

    WTF! The login page refreshes every 2 seconds and paste doesn't work!

    I was on the brink to give up and install some other antivirus when it suddenly worked.

    Well, I'm already seeing some better performance compared with AVG which is the reason I changed...

    I know this is a free version but someone should really look into the User Interface....

    Just out of interest, after uninstalling AVG did you run the AVG Complete Uninstall Tool?

    This contains either the 32bit or 64bit versions depending on your system.

    I think remaining registry entries of past (albeit uninstalled) AV programmes play havoc with Bitdefender's UI.

  • I have Bitdefender Free installed on my computer. It says I have 29 days to login. When I click the login button, I receive this error message:

    The connection to the server has failed. The product could not be activated. Check the connection and try again.

    I am completely stuck. I figure I won't be able to use the product after 29 days.

    Seems like a silly problem as I have this installed successfully on other computers.



    This is how I registered my free addition:

    1. Open Internet Explorer

    2. Click on menu item 'Tools>Internet options'

    3. Click on 'Advanced' tab

    4. Scroll down to 'Security'

    5. Check the box next to 'Use TLS 1.0'

    6. Click 'OK'

    7. Turn off firewall if you have to

    8. Register your Bitdefender

    9. Go to '' to have them send you an email link to activate your account

    10. Turn on your firewall if it's off

    Hope this help.

  • Hello Guys,

    Me too, having problem in loging in.. It just blank. I've done below steps without sucess;

    1. Enable scripting on IE 11

    2. Tick TLS 1.0

    3. Turn the firewall off.

    Please help..

  • Guys,

    I did it. After dwelling around for long time. I could finally login. Mine was solved by updating to the latest internet explorer. If you already on the latest Internet explorer, but still only see the blank page and could not login. Then, uninstall the update, then install it manually.