Windows Xp Remote Desktop

I have activated WIndows XP Remot Desktop and have no difficulty remoting in while on my trusted LAN. Now I want to remote in from work. I know my work IP address. I want to restrict access to my LAN and my work computer.

As it is time comsuming to experiment (i.e. on attempt per day) I would like to take advantage others experience in this area.

Where do I configure access to a particular compter IP address?



  • G’Day “tkelly2000”

    To help solve this issue for you, we need to know the structure of the line path of the connection from point A (your PC at home) to point B (the PC at work)

    So it might go something like this:

    1. Connection sequence from Home:

    My XP Pro SP2 Computer (fully serviced and updated – has all OS updates installed) also has [ name of program and version] Internet Security installed. (also list any other ones that you may be running in conjunction with the main security program i.e. loaded as a TSR when the systems is started)

    It connects ? (directly to a Cable or ADSL Modem or other method - old 56k modem) the name and model is [name of unit] which also has a firewall activated on it.

    I use [name] as my ISP connection and have a [ list connection plan – i.e. download and upload speed e.g. ADSL could be 512/128 ADSL2+ could be 25000/1000 (1st number is connect download speed 2nd is connect upload speed)

    I have also configured the Firewalled Modem to allow the required TCP and UDP ports used for the Remote Desktop connection through or have other wise configured to allow this to automatically connect on the required ports.

    Before I leave for the office, I have started the Remote connection utility and it is waiting for the remote connection call.

    2. Connection sequence from the Office:

    * My Work PC is also directly connected to the internet in the same (or different) way as my Home PC. Then simply read these instructions,

    This is not usually the case, as Work place computers sit behind a different network structure and the individual office work station may not have open access to the internet and is sitting behind a more complex Hardware Firewalled structure.

    You need full permission on your Work PC to be able to remotely connect to your home PC and may need to get your Network Administrator to give you the open access you need. Obviously unless you have Senior management privileges, you won’t get it, permission that is.

    There are then specific utilities like the default XP to allow you to connect from yoiur Office to Home and visa versa.

    There are also programs like Symantec’s pcAnywhere and others that are installed on each PC and when configured (TCP and UDP ports through firewall etc) then allow you to remotely control the PC at the other location and then can upload files, etc. in fact use it in the same manner as though you where sitting in front of it.

    Other methods include VPN tunnels, direct permanent WAN connection and so on.

    OK start getting the information together and then lets see what we need to do.

  • Hello,

    I am also having problem with remote desktop. I can connect just fine using remote desktop from my laptop (client) to my desktop (host) from within my wireless network. When I attempt to connect from outside my network (currently on an unsecure hotel wireless access point with my laptop), I cannot connect nor can I ping my host computer. I have port 3389 forwarded to my desktop's private IP address in my router (Dlink D-655). I am using a dynsDNS account and have also tried using the current ISP assigned IP address (no change). I can connect to another server from the laptop so I know it is a problem on the host side and not the laptop. My ISP is cable broadband with a 5 MB/512 KB connection so speed is not an issue. I have Windows firewall turned off.

    It was working fine with the trial version of Bitdefender Internet Security 2008. When I bought and registered the product is when I noticed the problem (may or may not be a coincidence).

    What settings can I check? I tried reseting all the default settings in the firewall but no change. This is getting very frustrating!



  • Niels
    edited February 2008

    Dear all,

    Go to the firewall section and more specificly to the zones section. Press on the add zone button now a new window will appear now you have 3 options select computer and enter the ip-address of that particular computer select trusted press on ok. Try the same thing for the network or on the local network.

    Best regards


  • Niels is right. Thats not a problem you are trying to solve here. Everything is simple :rolleyes:

  • Here is a follow up. I did some more digging and found that DynsDNS in my router had been turned off somehow. When I rebooted my cable modem the other day I was assigned a new IP address but did not know it. I couldn't connect to remote desktop because the old IP address was not available. Whoops! There was no problem with Bitdefender...

