New Java Zero-day Exploit

What is the zero-day? I'm sure using java? I saw an article saying that from a flaw that they invade users' computers.

sorry for my bad english , I'm using the google translator :(


  • What is the zero-day? I'm sure using java? I saw an article saying that from a flaw that they invade users' computers.

    sorry for my bad english , I'm using the google translator :(


    still in English...

    Zero day

    A zero-day (also known as zero-hour or 0-day) vulnerability is an undisclosed and uncorrected computer application vulnerability that could be exploited to adversely affect the computer programs, data, additional computers or a network




  • Hi,

    still in English...

    Zero day




    The bitdefender can remove this kind of virus? I can continue using java? If so, what precautions should I take to avoid being infected?

    Thanks again for your help

  • The bitdefender can remove this kind of virus? I can continue using java? If so, what precautions should I take to avoid being infected?

    Thanks again for your help

    Hi Brasiliro Paranoico,

    To be sure, absolutely sure to avoid contact with virus, do not switch on your computer.

    Or do not plug it to internet, do not input any key, cd... :)

    Have Java updated or do not use it... and block scripts with Noscripts or HTTPS switchboard according to the versions of the browsers...

    No, seriouly. Be cautious (read my signature).

    I'm serious.

    If you feel like reading french, I can give you the link to a very good blog (for protection and breaking common ideas).

