Why Bitdefender Services Is Not Responding?

hi all

can i know why bitdefender cannot update or scan?

it says "error occured during the update(Callback abort)"

can please help me...


  • Hello hasbullah,

    Please give some details about your configuration:

    - BitDefender version and type

    - Operating System

    - a clear example on the problem (maybe a screenshot)

    @adt: I see that you post like this all over the forum... I hope this will be the last time you do it. <_<


  • I am having this same problem. I will give the specifics.

    BitDefender Antivirus 2008

    Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2

    I have attached a screenshot of the error.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    PS I have had this problem before but it ususally goes away on its own.

    Hello hasbullah,

    Please give some details about your configuration:

    - BitDefender version and type

    - Operating System

    - a clear example on the problem (maybe a screenshot)

    @adt: I see that you post like this all over the forum... I hope this will be the last time you do it. <_<



  • Same problem here :unsure: , with the same software (winXPsp2, bitdefender 2k8).

    Any ideas....?

  • Hello to everyone,

    This error is generated by some function errors, but the reasons can vary. An analysis of livesrv.log could reveal more relevant information.

    Please find the file:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BitDefender\DTrace\livesrv.log

    and send it to me, through PM. (if the file is too large, put it in a ZIP archive)


  • Sorry for the put down i just had a bad day, i'll stop the flaming from now on.

    It's not our problem If you Have a Bad Day

    be nice to people

  • Well I fixed it myself with a repair of the program. However, I shouldn't have to do this, EVER!

  • i thought that I fixed it...but a system restart brought about the SAME problem. From what I read on here this is a common problem. Why hasn't this been fixed!

  • I guess that my version number might help...


    But I am doubtful at this point.

    Without realtime protection and updates for over a week, you are rapidly losing a customer. How can you justify charging me for a product that doesn't work. Maybe I should send you a bill for everyday that it's down? Maybe you should give me those days back by lengthening my expiration date...Seems fair to me, but you won't do it.

  • I made an uninstalled and then re-install the software.

    now it works like a charm.

  • It seems that a complete uninstall then reinstall works...BUT I SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO DO THIS!!!

  • Will I ever get a response with a solution to this issue from BD? It's been over 2 weeks now with nothing from them!

  • Hello to all.

    Sorry for the late response. It might sound silly, but I just forgot to reply here (I was very busy the last 2 weeks).

    After I sent the two logs for analysis, the answer I got was this (it's a quote, but the translation might not be 100% exact, cos I got the answer in Romanian):

    The problem appeared in an older version of the product and it seems it stayed hidden a long time. It's effects are seen even in the last build of BD (11.0.16).

    The cause is a registry corruption. Because of this, some very important folders of BD installation were deleted, and new signature files couldn't be written. And this resulted in the "Callback abort" error.

    The solution is reinstalling the last verion of the product (11.0.16), which has the registry corruption problem fixed.

    So, practically, whoever experiences this issue has to reinstall BitDefender. As it was said, the last version has this problem fixed, so it shouldn't happen again.

    We are sorry for any inconveniences.


  • After I sent the two logs for analysis, the answer I got was this (it's a quote, but the translation might not be 100% exact, cos I got the answer in Romanian):

    So, practically, whoever experiences this issue has to reinstall BitDefender. As it was said, the last version has this problem fixed, so it shouldn't happen again.

    I recently (re)installed version 11.0.16 and my system is still experiencing this issue. In addition to leaving my system undefended, it churns memory and thus makes the system temporarily unusable.

    This is an absolutely critical issue.

    OS: Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP2

    Log file is uploading (zipped due to size restriction.)

    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1707" data-fileid="1707" rel="">livesrv.zip

  • I'm having as similar problem with a couple differences, as is my wife (we bought a 3 computer subscription). I thought that maybe there was a bad update or something. The effects on my wife's computer is that the icon appears as though everything is normal in the system tray, but when you hover the mouse over it you find out there's no bit defender services available. Thsi happent to me too, with an additional hitch... my computer slowed to the point of being virtually unusable. I had to uninstall bitdefender. I had to go through the "add and remove programs" function to do it as going through the uninstall option within the program itself didn't seem to work. To give an idea of the slowdown, it took fifteen minutes for the control panel to pop up, another fifteen for the add/remove window to pop up, betwen a half hour and fourty five minutes for the list to populate, and nearly two hours (including two retrys because the uninstall stopped responding) to actually remove the program. I rebooted, and my computer was almost entirely back to normal. As a test, I reinstalled bit defender, allowing the program to update on the reinstall. My computer went back to being sluggish. I had to uninstall again. I'm temporarily using a different antivirus software until i can get this fixed. I had just renewed my subscription for three systems... I'm a little choked that this is happening now. My wife and I would love to use BD but I can't possibly use it in this condition. This problem seems related to the one listed in this thread so I was hoping someone had a similar problem and found the solution.


    BitDefender Antivirus 2008(3 users , 1 year)

    sytem: emachines 6.67 ghz dual core, 1 gig RAM

    OS : Windows XP 2002, service pack 2, media center edition.

    Hope this is enough on topic that this post is not seen as hijacking the thread... it sems to be a similar issue. Thanks folks.

  • Just curious, since BD was working fine for ages then suddenly began acting up (as seems to be the issue in most of th posts).... are they coming out with a fix for the earlier versions? I still think it's a little unfair that I just renewed my subscription, only to have this issue begin days later, and I'm sure this is the case with others as well. I really don't want to go with a different AV. Does anyone know?

  • I've noticed this problem, and tried most of the potential remedies listed in this thread, plus others (e.g. the subinacl fix for TrendMicro's recent mess). Nothing worked, so I downloaded a new install from the myaccount part of the BitDefender site and ran that (didn't bother uninstalling my previous version). I got an install (permissions) error, exited the install, watched the rollback process... and hey presto, all is well again...


  • because we dont like u

    Aww, you beat me to it. <img class=" />

  • You know what's funny? If i right-click the BD icon before all of the services are finished loading than the whole program goes to pot, i don't know if it's because of my limited resources or what?

    i had a similar problem with BD10, if i started up the computer and tried to open My Documents or My Computer etc., before the services were loaded than the tray icon wouldn't show up and the system would become noticeably slower.

  • Same problem on my system: WinXP SP3, BitDefender Internet Security 2008 with latest updates.

    I had the problem about a month ago, tried everything to no avail. So I eventually uninstalled the entire thing, rebooted, and reinstalled, reapplied all the updates and I was up and running again for about 2 weeks.

    Then the problem reappeared again. Had to repeat the entire process again. The worst part is re-training it to accept all my apps.

    And now this morning I started Outlook and saw about 20 spam messages in my inbox and realized that ONCE AGAIN BitDefender has stopped responding. It won't update itself, and it won't repair itself.

    Sorry BitDefender, I'm very angry after paying the renewal fee and now I'm going to uninstall you for the last time and purchase another AV program. I've had it.

    Just too buggy for my liking.

  • I have the same problem here. i tried uninstall, reinstall few times, it gave the same result.

    why isnt bit defender try to fix this serious issue?

    Izzit too hard to be fixed? or it just doesnt care losing of users?

  • Pent
    edited August 2008

    Ive had this problem with both ins 08 and now total security 08.The uninstall doesnt fix the problem,neither does trying to repair the program.This is getting annoying and it seems that its an update that causes this problem.When are these guys going to get with it and find a solution?And if it is a damaged registry key why cant they make a patch or give us a fixed reg file to solve the problem? <img class=" />

  • ya... they just keep quite and never try to answer..

    as can see from this topic, the person start this thread in Feb, now is already August..

  • Well ok I email support again and got the same answer.They gave me a link to their uninstall tool and told me to do a full reinstall.I did this and SO FAR SO GOOD......but i know it takes a while for this error to come back up as the program updates itself over time.....Ill keep everyone posted if it comes up again.One other thought....have any of you that have had this error used registry cleaners?...not fixers but cleaners...this is the only other thing that i can think of other than the updates that could be damaging the program.

  • Ok well so far so good I havent had the error again and I havent used any registry cleaners.The new install I did was off the cd version and I must say it installs alot faster than the download version.

  • Well so much for things running correctly.I woke up this morning and ran the update and of course as I predicted that damned callback abort error is back once again.So now its time for another email to tech support.Ill keep everyone posted and continue to rag on them until they solve this problem.

  • Support has gotten back to me yet again and at least this time I have some hope that they might fix this problem.Last time they asked me to send certain files,which never did get any solution.This time around they have 2 tools you have to download and run to take logs of ur system config and bitdefenders config in order to recreate and study the problem.....and i pray to god finally fix it.Ill keep everyone posted and if they finally figure this out ill post the fix here too.Let us all pray and cross our fingers,lol.

  • I am having the same problem! Windows Vista Home premium. Installed a few days ago and antivirus 2008 will not update.

  • Ok,they have looked over the files and guess what......UNINSTALL AND REINSTALL......UGH......so i did that....5 times no less and each and everytime the antivirus shield doesnt load and is totally unfixable no matter how many reboots or uninstalls you do.....Ive emailed tech support with this again and will let everyone know what happens.In the meantime i have installed norton 09 beta and am very sure that this is the end for me and bitdefender.I will be calling support to ask for a full refund cause the product is just total S@@T and so is their tech support...but before I do Ill wait a day just to get a laugh when they tell me to do a full uninstall again.

  • I was having exactly this problem of services not responding. I only noticed it today when I tried to scan. I had tried to update but got Callback Abort as well. This with Windows XP SP2 Home Ed. I had contacted BD support who said they would email me about what to do, but they hadn't done that yet. Anyway, just before I was about to give up and look for new antivirus protection elsewhere and try to get my money back, I clicked on Settings and tried the update from there. I don't know why, but it was able to update from there this time. Then as I was about to reboot I saw that Windows had updates ready to install. Windows installed the updates and now all is well with BD services again. Hope everyone has the same happy ending :)

  • I was having exactly this problem of services not responding. I only noticed it today when I tried to scan. I had tried to update but got Callback Abort as well. This with Windows XP SP2 Home Ed. I had contacted BD support who said they would email me about what to do, but they hadn't done that yet. Anyway, just before I was about to give up and look for new antivirus protection elsewhere and try to get my money back, I clicked on Settings and tried the update from there. I don't know why, but it was able to update from there this time. Then as I was about to reboot I saw that Windows had updates ready to install. Windows installed the updates and now all is well with BD services again. Hope everyone has the same happy ending :)

    Ok i reinstalled it and what your doing seems to work(unreal that it has to come to that).It seems the front screen of the program is buggy as S%%T and you need to update from the settings screen.As long as things are shown as running fine in there the program seems to work.I find it very funny that tech support didnt figure this out.Well we shall see how things go from here,but these guys need to workout all the bugs in here before putting out the final version of 09.Ive used the beta of it and it has the same issue.

  • Hello everyone, i found a possible quick fix you can try.

    After you repair the install so that bitdefender runs normally, go to start> help & support, when the window appears create a system restore point.

    second, go to C:/program files in windows explorer and copy the entire folder to your desktop (or someplace thats not in program files, where you can still find it)

    now go into bit defender and update from the settings screen, when it asks to reboot, click reboot

    when the computer restarts, double click the bit defender folder on your desktop, click the folder inside that(bitdefender 2008 or whatever), then copy all 12 folders and all the registry entry files(build, myaccount, survey, scan_od, patchIdentityRules) back into the bitdefender program folder in your program files, it will ask you to overwrite the files click yes to all

    now click on the registry entrie files one by one, it will ask you if you want to add the entries to the registry, click yes. then it will say they have been added successfully click ok.

    restart your system

    once its all booted up, update bitdefender from the settings screen

    it might ask you to reboot again, if it does click reboot

    once its all booted up update it one more time.

    you should be all fixed from there.

    if this doesnt work for you, you can perform a system restore.

  • I've been having the same issue with Services stopping without any reason on my Vista Home Premium.

    At first I thought it was related to the hourly UPDATE feature, but I disabled auto update, but the service still stops.

    I checked if it was related to any application I was running but I am only running Outlook and it still disables automatically.

    I tried uninstall with the uninstall tool and reinstallling it a few times and still the same problem.

    Honestly I am really upset over the quality of TS2009, I just made this purchase because I didn't have any issue with 2008 version. And now I have to spend so much time to re-enable the service a few times a day, very frustrating.

    Anyone found a solution for it yet?