Please Post Here The Bugs You Found In The 2008 Line



  • Hello,

    Since I've installed Total Security 2008, I am no longer able to access my router (a D-Link dir-100) through its web interface on, even if I disable the BD Firewall or close BD. I can ping the router and it's working fine, just that I cannot change any settings on it.

    I'm using IE7 on Win XP Prof. What could be the problem?



  • Lets see, since my topic isn't being replied to in the general forum, maybe someone from the company itself will see this post and be able to help...

    I've been noticing recently that when an update occurs while I have large programs running (Photoshop, Indesign, or a massive Excel spreadsheet), the update causes the file vsserv.exe to go up as high as 513,000k in memory. After the update finishes, the memory of vsserv.exe drops to around 1,864k, but leaves around 529,000k in virtual memory.

    Now, during this time, the cpu is not showing a load, yet my hard drive is taking a beating. This in effect slows my system to an impossible to manage crawl, and leaves me sitting for about 5 minutes till it's finished with the update.

    Another thing to note, when clicking on the Total Security icon in the lower right corner during the update, it shows that my firewall and anti-virus are down during this time. That's not good.... 5 minutes is plenty of time for something to sneak in on a PC.

    In summary:

    1. Memory for vsserv.exe going up to 513,000k, and leaving 529,000k sitting in virtual memory till reboot
    2. Hard drive load becomes extremely heavy, while the cpu load does not
    3. Anti-virus and Firewall are down during the update - takes up to 5 minutes for the update to complete
    4. This only occurs when a large # of applications are open, or single applications that are memory intensive (such as the ones listed above)

    System Specs (since I know you're going to ask):

    - Windows XP

    - BitDefender Total Security 2008

    - Pentium D 840, 3.2Ghz, 2GB Memory, 250GB SATA HDD

    - Virtual Memory is set to "Windows Managed" (!!! - I've tried using set ranges as well, and have had the same issues, so this doesn't seem to effect the problem)

    - All useless programs are disabled, all useless services are disabled (yes, I've checked to make sure that turning some of them off didn't cause an issue as well)

    In conclusion, I'm hoping this issue can be resolved, as I never had this problem with Norton while it was doing an update. Norton, on the other hand, was just a cpu hog, which was the reason I went with the higher performing BD. I guess I COULD just have it download the updates, and I'll tell it when to install them, but I paid for a "silent update" feature - not a "system locked for 5 minutes for update - please go chase the dog for a while and pray your PC doesn't get a virus while you're gone"

    Thank you!


  • Shroomy726
    edited January 2008

    Whoever is thinking of purchasing IS2008, DON'T.

    I can't even run a scan or any other type of protection. I've tried re-installing and everything they say in this topic or others, but nothing has worked. Can anyone give me the number or e-mail of the Tech. Support for IS2008? I am demanding my money back, I am so unsatisfied with this program, it's not even funny. I am ###### off! <img class=" />


  • Dear danish_spa,

    It could also be a problem with the isp. I am also just a normal user just as you. Are there attachments with mails? Or happen it also with normal mails without attachments? If with attachments how big are they? If you disable scan incoming mail you will still being protected because the realtime protection will automatically scan attachments once you open them. If you want real support visit myaccount website

    Best regards


    Dear Niels,

    Thanks for your help. I've found there seem to have problems with the attachments, but i could say that it happens with all mails with or without an attachment. I don't believe it's isp fault, as the other guy i know with W2KPro Sp4 has the same isp and he don't have any trouble... I don't know. I've write to BD (can't find the address for the support dpt here in spain), but they don't answer me. I've tried to send them a mail with the attachments they require obtained thith the tools they give in tha webpage, but can't find where... it's a bit dissapointing really.

    I actually was a lot happier with V10 than V2008. I don't like this version, it seems the Panda GUI and seems much slower than V10, not only in all my computers, but my friends have reported me this feeling also.

  • Greetings!

    I'm using BitDefender Total Security 2008 and have the same issue:

    # Memory for vsserv.exe going up to 513,000k, and leaving 529,000k sitting in virtual memory till reboot

    # Hard drive load becomes extremely heavy, while the cpu load does not

    Moreover, sometimes when I open BitDefender main window what I see? There are a few issues affects my security status! Real time protection is disabled, Identity control is disabled, Firewall is disabled. How long ago it occurs? I don't know. Why? I don't know. But it is very bad because my system is vulnerable.

    And one more problem:

    Sometimes when I start computer (Core 2 Duo, 1GB, Windows XP SP2) BitDefender agent (in system tray) don not answer. I found method to solve the problem: firstly I have to stop "bdagent.exe" process, then reload it. It happens often and disturb me.

    Thank you for your attention....

  • I have mentioned this before in this topic, as have many others.

    It seems that when BDIS 2008 updates, there are times when the net zone shows a red cross and PC SECURITY, NETWORK SECURITY and IDENTITY CONTROL are all at critical and glowing red. Once the updates complete installing these items will all revert to green and O/K, without any user intervention, although this can sometimes take a while to complete and my system is left vulnerable at this time, but this might only be a minute.

    Just today, I happened to be working on my PC when auto-update started and the HDD started to spin up and all the above symptoms occured, the only difference being that the critical condition did not return to normal, it just stayed RED - my PC was unprotected. I left it a while until the system had gone back to idle, but the condition stayed critical. After some minutes I had to fix these items manually to restore protection. If this had happened when I was not around to do this, it could have been left unprotected all day, no firewall, no antivirus!!.

    I have now set the updates to let me know before downloading and installing, as I cannot trust it to be left on full auto-update. I would like to switch off auto-updates, but PC SECURITY just stays critical if you do this.

    Unless a definitive answer can be given to this major weakness, then I see no way I could consider renewing my license and certainly not installing it on three PC's. You should be able to trust your security software totally, to never leave you vulnerable, I am afraid I do not trust BDIS 2008 at the moment.

    I will send a copy of this to Tech Support as well, because unless an answer is forthcoming, I would reluctantly say, this product is seriously flawed.



  • I'm using BitDefender Total Security 2008 and have the same issue:

    # Memory for vsserv.exe going up to 513,000k, and leaving 529,000k sitting in virtual memory till reboot

    # Hard drive load becomes extremely heavy, while the cpu load does not

    And one more problem:

    Sometimes when I start computer (Core 2 Duo, 1GB, Windows XP SP2) BitDefender agent (in system tray) don not answer. I found method to solve the problem: firstly I have to stop "bdagent.exe" process, then reload it. It happens often and disturb me.

    Thank you for your attention....

    It looks like BD Virus Shield process has a significant memory leak issue. It starts in 60M upon boot up, then each update cause it to add something like 5M to its size. In one day it increased from 130 to 220M on my computer. When it consumes all the free memory computer freezes any time swap starts.

    Another process, BD Threat Scanner, grows too but not that fast, I'd say about 5M a day.

    Normally I don't shutdown my laptop completely for weeks, just close its lid and it goes to standby mode. One day I found this process was occupying 640M...

    Guys please do something.


  • IT doesn't work with XP SP3 or Vista SP1. It should, thats why we use this PAID program as opposed to something free like Avast which DOES work.

  • Dear highpark,

    Windows xp service pack 3 isn't yet officialy released I mean trough windows update. So it's normal that there are problems with BitDefender. What problems do you have on vista with sp1? Because I don't have any issues with BitDefender on vista with the latest updates installed trough windows update.

    Best regards


  • I am running Bitdefender Internet Security 2008 in Windows Vista and every time I restart the computer I am getting the registration wizard.

    My license key is valid and expires in about 650 days. Now the wizards remembers the ke, but keeps bugging me to confirm if it is that one to be used or if I want to type a new one.

    After this, it asks me to login, create account or to create account later. My registration always finishes with success, but when I reboot the computer wizards starts again.

    I didn't find anything suspicious in the start -> run -> msconfig -> startup. All I have there is ieshow and bdagent

    For windows versions prior than vista:

    Go to start,run,at the run dialog box type regedit press

    enter,expand the registry key hkey_local_machine,and the

    following folders and

    subfolders:software,microsoft,windows,currentversion. Now

    take a look at the right side of the screen and delete the entry

    called BDWizReg.

    For vista: go to start,type regedit in the windows search text

    field press enter,for the rest you have to follow the previous

    instructions for the older windows versions.

    Best regards


  • Lets see, since my topic isn't being replied to in the general forum, maybe someone from the company itself will see this post and be able to help...

    I've been noticing recently that when an update occurs while I have large programs running (Photoshop, Indesign, or a massive Excel spreadsheet), the update causes the file vsserv.exe to go up as high as 513,000k in memory. After the update finishes, the memory of vsserv.exe drops to around 1,864k, but leaves around 529,000k in virtual memory.

    Now, during this time, the cpu is not showing a load, yet my hard drive is taking a beating. This in effect slows my system to an impossible to manage crawl, and leaves me sitting for about 5 minutes till it's finished with the update.

    Another thing to note, when clicking on the Total Security icon in the lower right corner during the update, it shows that my firewall and anti-virus are down during this time. That's not good.... 5 minutes is plenty of time for something to sneak in on a PC.

    In summary:

    1. Memory for vsserv.exe going up to 513,000k, and leaving 529,000k sitting in virtual memory till reboot
    2. Hard drive load becomes extremely heavy, while the cpu load does not
    3. Anti-virus and Firewall are down during the update - takes up to 5 minutes for the update to complete
    4. This only occurs when a large # of applications are open, or single applications that are memory intensive (such as the ones listed above)
    System Specs (since I know you're going to ask):

    - Windows XP

    - BitDefender Total Security 2008

    - Pentium D 840, 3.2Ghz, 2GB Memory, 250GB SATA HDD

    - Virtual Memory is set to "Windows Managed" (!!! - I've tried using set ranges as well, and have had the same issues, so this doesn't seem to effect the problem)

    - All useless programs are disabled, all useless services are disabled (yes, I've checked to make sure that turning some of them off didn't cause an issue as well)

    In conclusion, I'm hoping this issue can be resolved, as I never had this problem with Norton while it was doing an update. Norton, on the other hand, was just a cpu hog, which was the reason I went with the higher performing BD. I guess I COULD just have it download the updates, and I'll tell it when to install them, but I paid for a "silent update" feature - not a "system locked for 5 minutes for update - please go chase the dog for a while and pray your PC doesn't get a virus while you're gone"

    Thank you!


    Simply amazing.... I get on the computer this evening and I'm immediately greeted with the "update available" window for updating the virus def's / etc. So I click okay and I imagine it starts to download them. Not 5 minutes later, the "install update" window pops up. Clicked OK, <go do your thing>.

    5 Minutes later, it all happens again....... then every 10-15 minutes for the past three hours it's been doing this. Asking to download, then asking to install.

    So I double click on the Total Security icon on the bar, only to find that my firewall and virus protection are down. Could it be installing one of the infamous updates that has taken a long time in the past? Well, not exactly. One of the "critical warnings" states that my software has not been updated in a day, yet the "Last Updated" field was showing it was updated 5 minutes ago. So I decided to take a look at what the program had been monitoring..... and guess what - my firewall and virus shield had been down the ENTIRE TIME. That means three hours of no protection...

    WTF!!!!!! What am I paying for? Some joke of a company to create the most unreliable software I've found to date? What really ###### me off is that I'm past the timeframe to simply dispute the charge on my credit card as being "NO SERVICE PROVIDED". What good is this software if I'm not protected due to the horrible system of updating?

    At this point I've turned off the service for the update, since I'd rather at LEAST have a firewall up and running at all times.

    Here's a bug fix for ya - FIX HOW IT UPDATES!!! .................. is there a lawyer in the house? :blink:

  • Dear Xavier311,

    A possible reason is that you received a product upgrade that needed that you reboot your pc. Untill you didn't rebooted your pc you will see that message. Normally you must saw the message that you need to reboot your pc. Did you unchecked show pop-up's?

    Best regards


  • I cannot register a new account through AV 2008. The program keeps telling me that I am not online but the the submitted account details will be sent when I am back online again. I am online and my firewall is not blocking the program.

    I also started a deepscan after installing AV. After about one hour I had to turn of the PC and tried to press the STOP button to stop the scan. I was asked whether I really wanted to stop the scan and I replied YES. But the scan just continued...

    Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    i'm running Bitdefender 2008 on Windows Vista Ultimate x32. Usually, i send my notebook to hibernate.

    Everything works fine, but once of a sudden the "File zone" shows an "X", as if there's no more scanning. This did not resolve in a couple of minutes, so i moved the mouse over the BD icon in the taskbar. A bubble said "one item need your attention". After opening the console, there was no item that required my attention at all. Furthermore, the live scan bar in the console showed scanning activity. Bulle message at the icon still showed "req. atention" and "File zone" shoed the "X", even after exiting BD and starting anew.

    Problem resolved after a reboot, but i guess this should not be the usual solution, right... ?



  • Currently running BDAV2008 on Windows XP Professional SP2+.

    The other day while doing some housekeeping, I discovered approximately 11 GIGABYTES of files in the C:\WINDOWS\Temp folder. Using Process Explorer, I discovered these files were being created by the BitDefender Threat Scanner service (scan.dll) running in one of the Generic Host Processes (svchost.exe). The files dated back almost 6 months, so evidently this was also happening with BD10. The files are all named as follows and are being created during a full system scan (between 4:00 and 4:40 am) ...

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\tmp00006e12\tmp00087b5c 4,789 KB 2/22/2008 4:30 AM

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\tmp00006e12\tmp000303f4 8,959 KB 2/22/2008 4:13 AM

    Another interesting thing is if I right click on one of the files and look at the properties, the file appears to be an executable program (Company, File Version, Original File name, etc all are populated).

    I suspected the temp files were being created while BD was unpacking an archive to scan the contents. So I disabled "On Demand" scanning for file type ZIP. This did not totally resolve the problem. Five or six temp files are still being created every night. Of those, three or four have the properties of executable files. I found that I still had the original exectuable install files for those applications on my system. I just zipped those files into a ZIP file and deleted the install files. If my theory is correct, temp files should not be created referencing those applications during the next schedule system scan. Also noticed that temp files were created and remain on my system when I zipped and deleted the install executable files. I think I'm on to something here ... I will post a follow-up.


  • Hi,

    I'm now using Bitdefender Internet Security 2008 on WinXP SP2, updated and finished all scans. I see a problem like henning's (quoted below).

    A mouse-over on the BD taskbar icon shows "1 issue requires your attention" but when double-clicked the console shows "Status: No issues affect the security of your system" - where else can I look?

    Rebooting doesn't take away the "1 issue requires..." message.



    i'm running Bitdefender 2008 on Windows Vista Ultimate x32. Usually, i send my notebook to hibernate.

    Everything works fine, but once of a sudden the "File zone" shows an "X", as if there's no more scanning. This did not resolve in a couple of minutes, so i moved the mouse over the BD icon in the taskbar. A bubble said "one item need your attention". After opening the console, there was no item that required my attention at all. Furthermore, the live scan bar in the console showed scanning activity. Bulle message at the icon still showed "req. atention" and "File zone" shoed the "X", even after exiting BD and starting anew.

    Problem resolved after a reboot, but i guess this should not be the usual solution, right... ?



  • If my theory is correct, temp files should not be created referencing those applications during the next schedule system scan. Also noticed that temp files were created and remain on my system when I zipped and deleted the install executable files. I think I'm on to something here ... I will post a follow-up.

    So much for my theory (Post #166) ... the same temp files were created last night!! <img class=" />


  • I use a laptop, and mostly use Hibernate (rather than shut down).

    After installing the trial of BitDefender Internet Security 2008, resuming from Hibernate takes at least 60 seconds longer than it used to.

    1. The progress bar shows the RAM being read from the HDD as normal (about 10 seconds)

    2. The screen goes black (about 3~5 seconds)

    3. NEW: The computer shows a blank blue screen (sometimes with an hourglass) for about a minute

    4. The Windows login screen appears

    5. NEW: After logging in, BD shows a scan window and says it's been scanning for about 10 seconds

    I'm assuming this is a scheduled/restart scan, and that is what is causing the delay at "3", but I can't find where to turn it off.

    I'm not going to buy it if this isn't fixed.


  • Dear mcw53,

    I already reported that tmp issue so that in the feature these tmp files are being deleted automatically. If you don't want that these tmp files are being created you need to disable http-traffic scanning. To do that open BitDefender go to the antivirus section press on custom level and uncheck scan http traffic press on ok.

    Best regards


  • I already reported that tmp issue so that in the feature these tmp files are being deleted automatically. If you don't want that these tmp files are being created you need to disable http-traffic scanning. To do that open BitDefender go to the antivirus section press on custom level and uncheck scan http traffic press on ok.

    Thanks for your response Neils. I am aware of the issue with the httproxy_ctl* files being left in the Windows Temp folder. Since these files are so small this is really no big deal other than the fact that occassionally they contain account and password info in clear text. I was specifically talking about the HUGE files that are left after a full system scan (between 4:00 and 4:40 am when there should be no http traffic). Are you saying that these also have something to do with the http traffic scanning?



  • Niels
    edited February 2008

    Dear mcw53,

    The tmp that are related to the http traffic scanner have in httproxy_ctl* the name. So the other files aren't related to the http traffic scanner. I think that something must went wrong during your installation. Because I performed a full scan and I couldn't find any large folders in the temp folder.But I will see how it goes when the scan is finished. What I am thinking about is that these tmp files are being created by other software from time to time BitDefender will scan also these tmp file so that could be the reason why you saw that BitDefender Threat scanner accessed these files.

    Best regards


  • Good morning,

    I usually use french forum. So, I hope there are not too many grammatical faults in the following lines :unsure:

    Readding this in english, and this topic, I would like to ask about these httproxy_ctl* files.

    _Can we delete them without risks of BD IS2008 malfunction? They are very small, so they are not a real problem.

    I use BD IS2008 under Windows XP SP2, and I notice that "Temp" files are automatically deleted when updating IS2008 at the first time of use in a day.

    I also notice that these "Temp" files are not automatically deleted when rebooting the computer after a virus-scann.



  • Dear Nico66,

    You can delete them without causing a malfunction of BitDefender. Because the tmp are automatically being recreated. Everything which is located in the temp folder can be deleted without any risk. The purpose of the temp folder is to store files for a very small amount of time.

    Best regards


  • mcw53
    edited February 2008
    What I am thinking about is that these tmp files are being created by other software from time to time BitDefender will scan also these tmp file so that could be the reason why you saw that BitDefender Threat scanner accessed these files.

    Thanks Niels.

    I believe these files are being created by BitDefender because the file creation times coincide exactly with the times that the BitDefender scan is being run (between 4:00 and 4:40 am, see attachment). Also find it unlikely that another application would use the exact same file naming convention that BitDefender is using. When BitDefender starts, it does create a file like this: C:\WINDOWS\Temp\tmp0000124d\tmp00000000, but it is a null file and always goes away. But additional files are created in the same or similar folder that remain (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\Temp\tmp0000469b\tmp0002369e - 8,959 KB).

    You mentioned the possiblilty that there was a problem with the BitDefender install. I don't recall any irregularities during the install, but that is certainly a possibility.

    Another possiblilty: I also have Spy Sweeper running. I seem to remember reading somewhere in this forum that there is an incompatibilty between BitDefender and Spy Sweeper. Maybe Spy Sweeper is locking the file thereby preventing BitDefender from deleting it. To test this theory, I think I will disable the Spy Sweeper file system shield during my next BitDefender scan. I will report back with the results.

    Thanks again for your input. Mike.


  • Dear mcw53,

    The strange thing when I did the full scan only 1 tmp folder with 1 tmp file was created during the entire scan. When I checked the properties it was related to MagicIso. There weren't as many folders created as on your screenshot during your scan. It could be a problem withe spy sweeper but I can't say that for sure. The tmp0000 are also present in my temp folder.

    Best regards


  • mcw53
    edited February 2008

    Hey Niels,

    The properties of the tmp files being created on my system seem to be related to 3 applications. EVEREST, AIDA32 and MPLAYER. The versions of the files do not all match the versions of these applications that are currently installed on my system. So I was thinking that they were being extracted from the original install files, which I do still have on my system. Strange. Anyway, we will see tonight if disabling the Spy Sweeper file system shield (Scan on Write) will allow BitDefender to delete these files. I'm going to be out of town for a few days, so it will probably be Sunday evening before I report back. Spy Sweeper configuration screen shot attached.



  • Whenever i plug in my ipod, Bitdefender real time protection always get disabled and cannot be enabled until reboot.

    But if i reboot i can't plug it back in, if i want to plug it in i have no protection.

    So at the moment i just substitute my Anti virus protection to AVG, until i finishing doing stuff on my ipod. I can reboot and go back using BD.

    Please fix this bug because its a hassle rebooting everytime i use my ipod.

  • Hello adt,

    On which type of ipod do you have these issues? Because I have 2 ipod's one ipod shuffle and one old ipod with 30 gb hard disc and the realtime protection still is active and doesn't shutdown on my 2 pc's and I can also plug it back in.

    I recommend that you check this link. After that log on with your my account. Use the support option and send it. Normally you will receive a mail after this week-end after that send the output of these files.

    Best regards


  • adt
    edited March 2008

    2gb Ipod Nano.

    My computer doesn't shut down, but my real time protection gets stuffed up and i have to reboot after i finish using the ipod.

    And do i download both of those stuff?

  • Dear adt,

    Yes you have to dowload everything.

    Best regards


  • mcw53
    edited March 2008
    Anyway, we will see tonight if disabling the Spy Sweeper file system shield (Scan on Write) will allow BitDefender to delete these files.

    Good news !! No tmp files have been created and left in the Windows Temp folder by BitDefender in the last four days. Disabling the Spy Sweeper "Scan on Write" file system shield definitely resolves this problem. Now I have to decide what to do going forward. Unfortunately, Spy Sweeper gives you no options on this setting. It's either On or Off. If On, you definitely need to manage your Windows Temp folder. If you remember my 1st post on this issue (/index.php?/topic/1729-please-post-here-the-bugs-you-found-in-the-2008-line/&page=7#comment-22424" rel="">#166), over 11 Gigabytes of files had accumulated in the Windows Temp folder. If Off, you lose some degree of protection against Spyware/Adware. I think I'll leave it off for a while. One possible solution would be if BitDefender deleted all the Windows Temp files it created at the end of the scan instead of, or in addition to, immediately after they are created (when Spy Sweeper has the locked).


  • Hello everybody,

    I am french user of BD and I post here because the french forum is poorly represented by BD members.

    There is many things to adjust in the 2008 version...

    The french forum needs more official support.



  • Can't this topic be made into a subforum of General Talk? As is, searching for specific messages is difficult as the search facilty only brings you to the first page of the topic. The bug topic has ten pages, which makes it awkward to find the specific message (e.g., one mentioning "permissive"). Also e-mail notification with such overly-general topics will produce many extraneous notifications.

  • I had got one bug in my community in orkut, The effect of that bug was that it was increasing 25 members every minute.

  • Internet security 2008 stops working without any message several times a day !

    Is2008 simply does not work at all ! no update and always down !

    I'm using XP SP2 and am a old satisfied user on the same machine of BitDefender 8 !

    I use BD software since 2003. Always ok! But now with Total Security 2008 I have a lot of problems. The same that most of you reported in this forum. Stop work properly, non scan, etc etc. Two days ago my laptop was working too slow so I thougt that probably I got a virus. My BD and also BD on-line scan reported me that everything was ok but using Kaspersky and other on line scan softwares, they reported me that I had got 2 Trojans inside my laptop.

    Now I have unistalled BD and I have Kasperky (trial version) and both trojans have been eliminated. I have more than 500 days of valid license of BD (Total Security 2008) but sincerely, I have the temptation to change because of this specific product (Total Security) not of the other versions I used in the past (the best in my opinion).

    Sorry for my english!

    What do I have to do? Change or not? :wacko:



  • Bitdefender Total Serurity 2008 DE

    Sometimes on System:

    Windows XP 32

    DDE Server Error

    Windows comes and Button to shut down.

    When you install the english version,

    there is this problem not.

  • Can't this topic be made into a subforum of General Talk? As is, searching for specific messages is difficult as the search facilty only brings you to the first page of the topic. The bug topic has ten pages, which makes it awkward to find the specific message (e.g., one mentioning "permissive"). Also e-mail notification with such overly-general topics will produce many extraneous notifications.

    Moderators, can this be done? I'm sure there will be many more bugs reported in the 2008 line, so the issue won't go away for a while.


  • alexcrist
    edited March 2008

    No, this cannot be done. Why? Because the all forum is a place to report bugs.

    All we can do is advice users to post here only once.


    Please post in this topic only a short description about what problem(s) you encounter. More details and answers to the problems reported here should be made in another topic (and the link to that topic should be posted here).


  • Bitdefender Free Edition v10

    I lock my Windows XP Professional SP2 machine using the win key + L, after a while when I come back it says something about a memory violation caused by vsserv.exe and that it had to close the program.

  • ThomasAn
    edited March 2008

    Update settings do not seem to stick in the 2008 suite. It doesn't matter if I set it to 24hr or 72hr ... it keeps prompting me for updates a few times within the day (sometimes the update is like 74kb only).

  • Hi there I have just arrived and as admin knows sent an email stating the year is off 2007 are the last posts could this be a glitch computer do you think as I am sure there is is a lot of posts newer than March 2007 :huh: jnet06

  • No, this cannot be done. Why? Because the all forum is a place to report bugs.

    All we can do is advice users to post here only once.


    Please post in this topic only a short description about what problem(s) you encounter. More details and answers to the problems reported here should be made in another topic (and the link to that topic should be posted here).


    You didn't following my point: it was this topic has too many disparate topics.

    Forcing users to do BD's bookkeeping is plain stupid: you should make it as easy as possible to report problems. BD support can grep through the forum to extract the bugs. But what should we expect from a company that outsources its support to volunteers.

  • All the incompatibilities and bugs that you found will be posted from now on in this sub-forum. Please try to post only bugs from v.2008 or if the bug/problem is to be found in v.10 and still not fixed in v.2008.
This discussion has been closed.