BD 10 does not start when computer is turned on
Is anyone else having this problem? Sometimes when I start my computer BD10 does not update & freezes my system. I have to cold boot to get it started. When you point to it is says bitdefender instead of all security modules are active. This only happens once in a while but has occured 3 times in the last week.
Try to deactivate automatic updates and run manual update. Do you use another antivirus/firewall?
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Try to deactivate automatic updates and run manual update. Do you use another antivirus/firewall?
No other AV. I use winXP firewall. Had bad luck with many security packages. Is it wise not to use auto update?0 -
No other AV. I use winXP firewall. Had bad luck with many security packages. Is it wise not to use auto update?
It really doesn't matter if you keep auto update disabled, as long as you remember to update BitDefender at least once every day.
When I was using BitDefender 9, there was I-don't-know-what problem that prevented BitDefender to restart itself after an update, so I made manual updates for... I don't know how much time (since I upgraded to BD 9 until I upgraded to BD10). And I never had any problems.
Cris.0 -
Exact same problem just had to restart my computer three times to get bd to start. This is becoming not so fun. I do not have auto updates on because a few weeks ago they would crash freeze my pc as well.
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Hi Rich
How many running processes do you have running in task manager? The easiest way is by going to start,run,at run dialog box type taskmgr press enter. Are you running p2p sofware in the background? Try to close them before performing an update. What is your internet speed? Did you clear the temp files and folders?
The problem is still there that sometimes BitDefender can't restart itself after an update. You can try to manually restart the services or reboot your pc. Sometimes BitDefender hangs on 100 % but get stuck by installing it. That problem I have sometimes.0 -
Hi Rich
How many running processes do you have running in task manager? The easiest way is by going to start,run,at run dialog box type taskmgr press enter. Are you running p2p sofware in the background? Try to close them before performing an update. What is your internet speed? Did you clear the temp files and folders?
The problem is still there that sometimes BitDefender can't restart itself after an update. You can try to manually restart the services or reboot your pc. Sometimes BitDefender hangs on 100 % but get stuck by installing it. That problem I have sometimes.
My speed is DSL 3.0. I have tried to mannually restart, wouldn't work until I rebooted. I changed the update time to 4 hrs & now it seems to be ok. I also tried to manual update but no good while it didn't start. You can tell by holding the mouse over the icon in the task bar if it loaded. If it just says BD, it didn't load. If it says all BD modules are active, it did. We'll see what happens, but I think it's on the BD server end when that happens.
Thanks,0 -
I am not running any of the software you are talking about and this is a problem with bd. Just had to again restart my computer 3 times to get bd to start. I don't feel like having to do this to get bd to work.