

There is a new update.

What is in the update? No idea

Maybe they fixed some of the problems people have been posting about.


  • jitzy
    There is a new update.

    What is in the update? No idea

    Maybe they fixed some of the problems people have been posting about.

    The admin has no idea either from the lack of changelogs :D

  • Mallard65

    Shame that Bitdefender can't be bothered to tell their customers about the changes/fixes in the latest issue.

    But then they can't be bothered to have done a changelog for any of the 2016 versions.

  • Nesivos
    Shame that Bitdefender can't be bothered to tell their customers about the changes/fixes in the latest issue.

    But then they can't be bothered to have done a changelog for any of the 2016 versions.

    I can uinderstand why people want to see change logs. Personally I don't see any value in them. How many people will say. I like the change log and therefore I will buy a license? What about I don't like the change log so I am going to ditch the product.

    The fact is Bitdefender is not going to change the product once it is released. Updates now are attempts to fix a problem. Users who had problems before the change will know soon enough if the problem was fixed. I have a lot more confidence in real world experience than a change log which can say anything, some of which that we see on other products may not be true or some it, like "fixed general bugs" or "improved GUI" are meaningless.

    As far as changes from one year to the next. If there is a meaningful one like Ransomware protection you can see it on their website just by comparing last year's product with this year's.

    Change logs make users feel a little better that the vendor is improving the product but other than that they are pretty meaningless.

  • Gorgotham
    edited November 2015

    What is the point of this sub-forum then? For us to pop in every time an update hits and tell each other "NEW UPDATE! Wonder what it does"?

    Every other version with an "Update" sub-forum always had the company give updates to what was done through an update. The fact they have this forum here would lead one to believe the tradition would carry on, but no. It's been a ghost town here as far as official posts are concerned. So what's the point of this being here? For us to come in and complain about the latest update with no notes?

  • Not a problem for change logs, Now moved to Kaspersky Total Security ... <img class=" />

  • Not a problem for change logs, Now moved to Kaspersky Total Security ... <img class=" />

    While I too despise BD not posting Changelogs and the lack of support,

    I guess you haven't bothered to read the change logs of Kaspersky too! Applicable only if you have Windows 10.

    http://media.kaspersky.com/usa/documentati...serguide_en.pdf page 112:

    Kaspersky Internet Security limitations under Microsoft Windows 10 The following functionality is partly limited in the application installed on the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system:

    Self-Defense. Self-Defense of the application GUI does not work even when it is enabled.

    System Watcher.

    Protection against cryptors and screen lockers. The application can detect only the most basic varieties of cryptors and screen lockers.

    Malware disinfection in the system memory.

    Protection against screenshots.

    Clipboard data protection.

    Protection of the Protected Browser process against external attacks.

    Limitations on the operation of Application Control under Microsoft Windows 10:

    Custom application rules do not work.

    Application categorization in the new Windows user interface style is performed incorrectly.

    The Application Control component does not support the following operations and functions:

    Hooks installation

    Taking screenshots

    Sending windows messages to other processes

    Suspicious operations

    Hooking incoming messages of the stream

    Direct access to physical memory

    Setting debug privileges

    Access to password storage

    Managing printer driver

    Using program interfaces of other processes

    Access to internal browser data

    Access to critical objects of the operating system

    Using program interfaces of the operating system (DNS)

    Creating service

    Opening service for read

    Opening service for write

    Modifying service configuration

    Managing service

    Starting service

    Deleting service

    Saving registry keys to file

    Access to audio stream

    Changing system modules (KnownDlls)

    The following actions by Application Control are limited:

    Starting driver: loading of drivers is not blocked; only a notification about a driver that has been loaded may be shown.

    Pausing other processes and threads: only threads with suspend rights are intercepted under Microsoft Windows 10 (x86); opening of the process is additionally controlled under Microsoft Windows (x64).

    Code intrusions: only threads with inject rights are intercepted under Microsoft Windows 10 (x86); opening of the process is additionally controlled under Microsoft Windows 10 (x64).

    Duplicate internal process handle: copying of handles is controlled for processes and threads only.

    Stopping other processes: controlled only at the level of opening of process handles and threads with terminate rights.

    Exiting Microsoft Windows 10: only shutdown.exe launch is controlled – other mechanisms of exiting the operating system are not controlled.

  • I'm not expecting any solution to be fully functional on what is a new os.These are the things that you run into every time a new os hits the market.SO many factors affect what's going on..access to the kernel,patchguard,every major update changing something again,etc.As of now patch D for build 614,kaspersky is now fully functional on windows 10.But they don't publish changelogs regular for their patches either unless you follow their beta releases on their forum.WHile I would like info from Bitdefender on the update process,it's not a big deal as long as the program is running well and protecting my machine,which it is.My only small knock on it is it can slow browsing a tad bit.Every environment is different.It might not hurt to post your opinions,issues on their facebook page as well as I have heard of people getting results more consistently versus posting here.Overall,this software is quite good, and i haven't had any major issues with it in my course of use. Most people don't even bother to keep anything updated on their pc, let alone follow a changelog, so I am guessing, maybe wrongly, that they think it's a waste of resources to post them. Better to focus the resources on regular support channels given the fact that most people can never manage to fully remove their previous virus,let alone best practices.The best security for the masses is something that requires the least interaction as most people are lazy or uninformed.Autopilot is a godsend in this regard.

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