
edited December 2015 in Protection

Perhaps, You know the following subject;

You’re so predictable: the AV vulnerability that bypasses mitigations


This test result was successful before installing Bitdefender Internet Security 2016. (with Windows 10 Firewall & Windows 10 Defender 4.9.10586.0 & Google Chrome 47.0.2526.80 m)

But. This test failed after installing BIS2016.


May i have your comments?

Thank you and Merry Christmas.


  • I am using Windows 10.0.10586.17 (Win10 TH2) 64-Bit

  • Hello,

    We ran some tests which prove that Bitdefender is not vulnerable.

    There is indeed a RWX memory area (read-write-execute) allocated by ATC from Bitdefender (Active Threat Control). But the address is different at successive reboots, therefore not being exploitable. Windows ASLR works the same way, randomizing the modules addresses (kernel32.dll, ntdll.dll, etc.) between successive boot_s, not between multiple instances of the process during the same Windows session.

    The AVulnerabilityChecker tool reports wrong results for Bitdefender because in our case it does not compare the addresses between two different reboots, but between two processes running in the same Windows session. As a matter of fact the author does not state that this tool provides reliable results; it not only informs about a potential vulnerability.

  • Sorry, Not a convincing answer. You must prove it.