Login (register) Error

I've installed bitdefender free edition (Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit) but I can't login to register the product. The login screen remains blank but anything else works fine with normal updates.

I can access my account by https://my.bitdefender.com/ but the program still remains unregistered. Can someone help me out?


  • Similiar problem in that the interface would not come up and therefore can not "register" with BitDefender to let them know I/we have it on what machine. Although that information will be in Error in my case. Nevertheless, suffice it to say - no one is answering our questions nor are they fixing the problem.

    Wherefore, we must say GOODBYE to BitDefender and warn the world about this company and its bad product.

    So others .... DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY.

    ###### ... even the FREE version will not work. Why would you waste your time and money buying the product ? ? ?

  • Hello,

    Cam you access this page from your browser (preferably IE)?


    Also can you tell me if you are using a proxy?

  • Hello,

    Cam you access this page from your browser (preferably IE)?


    Also can you tell me if you are using a proxy?


    I can access the registration page https://my.bitdefender.com/en_us/free/ using IE.

    I don't use any proxy. I have the same problem even with Windows Firewall closed.

    Thanks for consideration of my problem.

  • This trick did't fix the issue:

    - Go to Internet Explorer- Tools- Internet Options

    - Switch to Connections tab- LAN settings and uncheck: Automatically detect setting :wacko:

  • andy@@
    edited May 2013

    I was thinking about another way to register the program. Maybe it's possible to restart the system in Safe Mode with networking to execute Bitdefender Free and register. No way, it started and even showed to be active then tried to autologin. After some seconds all the protection was off (red color) and Bitdefender said:

    "Service Unresponsive

    Restart required"

    It seems that the program can't be executed an registered in Safe Mode.

    Any new ideas?

  • From today the login screen is not blank anymore. I can see the info:

    " Error

    The connection to the server has failed. The product could not be activated.

    Check the connection and try again."

    The program still works well (with frequent updates), despite the login problem.

    I noticed some errors in the Bitdefender log file gzserv.log:

    2013/05/23 14:01:47 CacheSpImpl.cpp [CScanCacheSp::GetCachePointer] m_ScanCache.LoadReadInfo (nx:0)

    2013/05/23 14:01:47 CacheSpImpl.cpp [CScanCacheSp::GetCachePointer] m_ScanCache.LoadDefaultExceptions (nx:0)

    2013/05/23 14:01:47 CacheSpImpl.cpp [CScanCacheSp::GetCachePointer] Load ScanCache time 1326

    2013/05/23 14:01:47 OnAccessImpl.cpp [COnAccessImpl::Init] m_PassthroughValue 0

    2013/05/23 14:01:47 OnAccessImpl.cpp [COnAccessImpl::InitGzFlt] OnAccess threads number:8

    2013/05/23 14:01:47 OnAccessImpl.cpp [COnAccessImpl::InitGzFlt] OnAccess low priority threads number:1

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:01:48 ExcludeSpImpl.cpp [CGzExclude::LoadVolumes] Could not query exdb. errCode:2

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:01:48 MidasImpl.cpp [initAvc] Could not stop AVCHV. errCode: 0xe8e1000e

    2013/05/23 14:01:48 MidasImpl.cpp [AvcReloadEngines] AvcLoadExceptions from C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Antivirus Free Edition\avc3\avc3_exc_371\

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:01:48 MidasImpl.cpp [AvcReloadEngines] Could not start AVCHV. errCode: 0xc0000034

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 MidasImpl.cpp [AvcReloadEngines] Load signatures from C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Antivirus Free Edition\avc3\avc3_sig_192\

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 MidasImpl.cpp [CMidasImpl::Init] CMidasImpl::Init InitAvc, retval 0

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 CGzLogger.cpp [LoggerInit] Warning: duplicate column name: LastModifiedDate

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 CGzLogger.cpp [LoggerInit] Warning: duplicate column name: I###cluded

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 CGzLogger.cpp [LoggerInit] Warning: duplicate column name: I###cluded

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 MidasImpl.cpp [CMidasImpl::Init] CMidasImpl::Init, retval 0

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 OnAccessImpl.cpp [COnAccessImpl::LoadEngines] Midas load time: 1617

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::LoadScanDll] ScanDll Path: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Antivirus Free Edition\ThreatScanner\scan.dll

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::LoadScanDll] ScanDll Init return: 0

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::ReloadEngines] Engines folder C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Antivirus Free Edition\ThreatScanner\lightav64_6866

    2013/05/23 14:01:49 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe 00000000000004B0 AppFlags 0 Create 1 MONITOR:2



    :unsure: 2013/05/23 14:02:09 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 Process not HOOKED C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Antivirus Free Edition\GzIfaceExec.exe 0000000000000B0C

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::ReloadEngines] ThreatScanner initialization.Engines:C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Antivirus Free Edition\ThreatScanner\lightav64_6866 (ret = 0)

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::ReloadEngines] Initializing ThreatScanner instances

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::ReloadEngines] ReloadEngines return: 0

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::LoadScanDll] ReloadEngines return: 0 time 21314

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanSp.cpp [scanSp::LoadScanDll] ScanSp Init return : 0

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:02:10 OnAccessImpl.cpp [COnAccessImpl::Init] Could not load hips! errCode:31

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanCore.cpp [CScanCore::ScanBoot] ScanBoot \Device\HarddiskVolume Size 512

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 HttpAv.cpp [CHttpAv::Init] CHttpAv::Init InitHttproxy retval 2

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 HttpAv.cpp [CHttpAv::Init] CHttpAv::Init retval 2

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanInstance.cpp [scanInstance::DumpStats] Items (BD) :0



    2013/05/23 14:02:10 ScanInstance.cpp [scanInstance::DumpStats] FCIDL2AddEntry time :0.0000000000 (0.00 %) (0 added)

    2013/05/23 14:02:10 HttpAv.cpp [CHttpAv::UnInit] CHttpAv::UnInit

    :unsure: 2013/05/23 14:02:10 BdMetricsImpl.cpp [CBdMetricsPlg::Init] Id=Bitdefender.Free.Edition.Online.EN, Version=, Errcode=0

    2013/05/23 14:02:11 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Windows\system32\atbroker.exe 0000000000000BB0 AppFlags 0 Create 1 MONITOR:2

    2013/05/23 14:02:11 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Windows\system32\Dwm.exe 0000000000000BD0 AppFlags 0 Create 1 MONITOR:2

    2013/05/23 14:02:25 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE 0000000000000830 AppFlags 512 Create 1 MONITOR:2

    2013/05/23 14:02:42 ScanCore.cpp [CScanCore::ScanBoot] ScanBoot \Device\Harddisk0\DR Size 512



    2013/05/23 14:02:53 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe 0000000000000310 AppFlags 0 Create 1 MONITOR:2

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:02:53 CBdRescuePlugin.cpp [CBdRescuePlugin::Init] Can't load bdrescue.m_pDll 126

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:02:53 CContScanPlugin.cpp [CContScanPlugin::Init] Could not load Rescue Plugin. errCode:31

    2013/05/23 14:02:53 CContScanPlugin.cpp [CContScanPlugin::Init] Init ContScan:0(0x0)

    2013/05/23 14:02:53 CContScanPlugin.cpp [saveContScanState] ContScanState is: 1

    2013/05/23 14:02:54 UpdatePlugin.cpp [CUpdate::Init] <---- init update 0

    2013/05/23 14:02:57 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Windows\System32\WUDFHost.exe 00000000000004F4 AppFlags 0 Create 1 MONITOR:2



    2013/05/23 14:03:36 CDummyPlugin.cpp [sendGzservUpThread] GzservUpThread event:1

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:03:36 ContScanComm.cpp [MessageCallback] Message Bdrescue is not available

    :wacko: 2013/05/23 14:03:49 RegAlImpl.cpp [CGzRegAl::CheckLicense] Could not connect to server. Using cache info

    2013/05/23 14:03:49 CContScanPlugin.cpp [saveContScanState] ContScanState is: 1

    2013/05/23 14:03:49 CContScanPlugin.cpp [saveContScanState] ContScanState is: 1

    2013/05/23 14:03:49 RegAlImpl.cpp [CGzRegAl::SendLicenseStatus] LicenseStatus: [type: 2 trial: 0 keyInvalid: 0 timeLeft:1549070] LicenseFlags: 0 UserFlags 0

    2013/05/23 14:03:49 CContScanPlugin.cpp [saveContScanState] ContScanState is: 1

    2013/05/23 14:03:49 RegAlImpl.cpp [CGzRegAl::SendLicenseStatus] LicenseStatus: [type: 2 trial: 0 keyInvalid: 0 timeLeft:1549070] LicenseFlags: 0 UserFlags 0

    2013/05/23 14:04:06 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Windows\system32\DllHost.exe 0000000000000A90 AppFlags 0 Create 1 MONITOR:2

    2013/05/23 14:04:06 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3 ProcessNotification HOOKED C:\Windows\system32\sppsvc.exe 0000000000000AAC AppFlags 0 Create 1 MONITOR:2

    2013/05/23 14:04:17 ScanCore.cpp [CScanCore::ScanBoot] ScanBoot \Device\Harddisk0\DR Size 512

    2013/05/23 14:04:25 callbacks.cpp [ProcessNotificationV3] AVC3



    Can someone help me understand what's going on?

  • Hello,

    Does your problem still happen?

    Can you clear your browser cache (IE) and try again?

  • Hello Catalin

    I deinstalled Bitdefender Free some time ago and from that time didn't look into the Forum.

    I think, that the free version of Bitdefender is a great program anyway and I will try to install it in the future. Thanks for Your suport.rolleyes.gif

  • Hello,

    Cam you access this page from your browser (preferably IE)?


    Also can you tell me if you are using a proxy?


    Your suggestion only got me into Bitdefender and it did not get my free copy registered. What it did do was that it said no devices had Bitdefender installed to go the the website. When I got there, there were two choices to only buy the software's Total or Windows 8. I have not seen anyone on any forum being able to register the free version. So I feel that is is just a gimmick to get you to buy the product. Sad too it is a good product that would sell, but without them even caring about their customers I don't see that happening. Great protection and it uses this to pull scams on people. I could not register nor can I get into the interface to fix the firewall issues that they have with blocking everything. Now I do not mind putting in my trusted sites, but I should be allowed too. I am uninstalling it and very glad I did not purchase this to have the very same thing happen. It is happening to thousands of people. It is not right. I am going to report them to the BBB and to the States Attorney. I feel that they are doing this on purpose. Too many people are reporting this same issue all over the world. Not right. Take care. Pia

  • 2 years passed, still nothing change. Windows 7 64 bit Home premium - blank login page and nothing happened. Fighting problem for 2 hours.

    I used Bitdefender in 3 companies, now - will deinstall it, even paid versions. It's awful, that you make product and don't suggest decision for several years.

    no respect. bye bye.

  • 2 years passed, still nothing change. Windows 7 64 bit Home premium - blank login page and nothing happened. Fighting problem for 2 hours.

    I used Bitdefender in 3 companies, now - will deinstall it, even paid versions. It's awful, that you make product and don't suggest decision for several years.

    no respect. bye bye.

    This is how I registered my free addition:

    1. Open Internet Explorer

    2. Click on menu item 'Tools>Internet options'

    3. Click on 'Advanced' tab

    4. Scroll down to 'Security'

    5. Check the box next to 'Use TLS 1.0'

    6. Click 'OK'

    7. Turn off firewall if you have to

    8. Register your Bitdefender

    9. Go to 'https://my.bitdefender.com' to have them send you an email link to activate your account

    10. Turn on your firewall if it's off

    Hope this help.

  • 1. Open Internet Explorer

    2. Click on menu item 'Tools>Internet options'

    3. Click on 'Advanced' tab

    4. Scroll down to 'Security'

    5. Check the box next to 'Use TLS 1.0'

    6. Click 'OK'

    Just that worked brilliantly - Bitdefender Free edition installed on Windows Vista SP2, IE9 (not default browser, using Chrome), BF coming up with 'connection to server failed' error. Setting "Use TLS 1.0" in IE9 advanced security fixed it immediately


  • Hello,

    I also have the same problem. Can not login. It just blank. I've done below steps without success;

    1. Enable scripting

    2. Check TLS 1.0

    3. Firewall off

    Please help..

  • Hi!

    I fix this problem.

    OS windows 7 home 64 bit + bit defender free 64 bit

    Default browser - firefox

    How i did it.

    1. Internet Explorer

    2. Click on menu item 'Tools>Internet options'
    3. Click on 'Advanced' tab
    4. Scroll down to 'Security'
    5. Check the box next to 'Use TLS 1.0'

    6. Disable Firewall - (click right mouse button on my computer icon - manage - services - look at firewall - and disable.

    7. Click Bit defender - login

    Done !! Thanks for help.