i updated newest patch of bit already but i still can not kill this one and

when i tried to send it to bit lab; but it failed 6 times so what can i do?!

and i tried to zip it[ set password] but it failed 2 times already. [ so this sh.. trojan can not be sent or zip] so how can i send it to bit lab??

it made me sick [ lots of pop upT_T please help me] while im playing SA. lots of pop up appear and i can not do anything. [i can not delete it in my laptop too.

it is living in:C:\WINDOWS\system32 and name: sens.dll

<img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" /><_<

thankssss :wub:


  • Chesda
    edited April 2008

    sens.dll is a legit Windows Dynamic-link library (dll) and the detection may be a false positive. It would be great if you could locate and send us sens.dll and we determine whether it is infected or a false positive.

    Read this topic as it explains how to zip files:

  • i can not zip it

    i know how to zip. trust me.

    and when i zip it i got this message:

    ! C:\DOCUME~1\phuoc\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$ML26.630\sens.rar: Cannot open C:\WINDOWS\system32\sens.dll

    ! Access is denied.


    then i try :

    ! sens.rar: Cannot open C:\WINDOWS\system32\sens.dll

    ! Access is denied.


    i tried 2 ways alrready but can not attach it to email or zip it even send it by email [ hotmail - yahoo] both of them are not working too

    when i attach; i saw message : 0 kb only.

    but this one is 36kb.

    so what can i do now??

  • try to enter with a windows boot cd in recovery console

    first try a repair

    if doesn't work try from that recovery console to overwrite that C:\WINDOWS\system32\sens.dll

    with a clean one

  • err can u tell me exactly how to do it ?!! im not good at computer.. sorry

    today i updated bit and still cna not kill it. its still there and whenever i open my bit; my bit always catch it .


  • err can u tell me exactly how to do it ?!! im not good at computer.. sorry

    today i updated bit and still cna not kill it. its still there and whenever i open my bit; my bit always catch it .


    You may take a look at this topic for a detailed discussion of sens.dll and the detailed instruction to deal with it:

    Good luck!