
edited June 2010 in Logs analysis


I am fairly certain I have a virus as my keyboard will occasionally lock - typing the wrong keys or no keys at all; and act like I have the ctrl key held down (despite sticky keys being shut off), there are numerous svchost.exe running, my computer slows down, and the desktop features toggle between windows XP and "classic windows" for graphics. I have run bit defender which finds no viruses, spybot removed adaware, and I have downloaded all of the windows updates. I am unsure of how to proceed. Below is a copy of my HiJackThis Log. Please let me know what you suggest.


End of file - 8059 bytes


  • Hello Confused!

    Your log is clean. Nevertheless, your PC may contain viruses, so I suggest you to run ComboFix that will investigate and eliminate all infections it may found (if it has them in its database).

    Download ComboFix from here:

    Then close all running programs, including web browser, instant messenger, etc and then run ComboFix.

    It will ask you whether it should start cleaning or not. Press 1 and hit Enter. Don't stop it while running. While doing this your screen may disappear but don't worry, it's a normal behaviour.

    At the end ComboFix will generate a log file. Save it and post it here.