Antispam Toolbar No Longer Displaying In Outlook 2003!


I just upgraded from BD Internet Security v10 to BD Internet Security2008. My problem has to do with the Antispam Toolbar within my mail client (Outlook 2003). For some reason it is no longer displaying. It displayed yestereday but today its not displaying. I first tried a repair of IS2008 then I did an un-install>shut down>re-install>shutdown>re-boot and still no Antispam Toolbar. Before I contact support I thought I would join the forum and see if I could get help from someone here first. Hopefully someone can help me. Thanks in advance.



  • Hello pgl14

    Try this:

    go to start,run,type regsvr32 "X:\Program Files\Softwin\BitDefender11\bdo.dll" press enter. You have to change the X by the letter of your hard disc).

    Go to tools,options,others,advanced options,com-add-ins, normally you must find and entry of BitDefender Antispam. If that fails go to help,about,Microsoft Office,disabled Items,check BitDefender antispam toolbar and press on enable after that you must check if BitDefender Antispam is enabled in com-add-ins otherwise check the option.



  • Hello pgl14

    Try this:

    go to start,run,type regsvr32 "X:\Program Files\Softwin\BitDefender11\bdo.dll" press enter. You have to change the X by the letter of your hard disc).

    Go to tools,options,others,advanced options,com-add-ins, normally you must find and entry of BitDefender Antispam. If that fails go to help,about,Microsoft Office,disabled Items,check BitDefender antispam toolbar and press on enable after that you must check if BitDefender Antispam is enabled in com-add-ins otherwise check the option.



    Hello Niels,

    Thanks so much for your help. Of the things you suggested, this option worked "help,about,Microsoft Office,disabled Items,check BitDefender antispam toolbar and press on enable after that you must check if BitDefender Antispam is enabled in com-add-ins otherwise check the option.". Thanks again as I am GTG.


  • Hello pgl14

    Good to hear that it worked. Glad that I could help you.



  • Sry to jump on this thread but I to have had the same error, I did like you suggested but when I open up the COM add in I get a message saying 'Not loaded. A runtime error occured during the loading of the COM Add in'

    If you can give me any advice on how to solve this problem I would be very grateful

  • I Think I have sorted it out, ran :regsvr32 "c:\Program Files\Softwin\BitDefender10\bdo.dll and it seams to have corrected the problem

  • Sorry to drag this topic up again, but I tried the above suggestions and with regard to the regsvr ".... " suggestion, I got this message in response:

    DllRegisterServer in c:\Program Files\Softwin\BitDefender8\bdo.dll failed. Return code was: 0x80070005

    I also did find the checkbox for BitDefender Antispam in the COM ADD-INS under Tools/Options/Advanced and checked it but in Help/About Microsoft Office Outlook/Disabled Items it said nothing was disabled.

    So Nothing I have tried so far has corrected the problem. The toolbar was there a while ago, how long ago I can't remember since I didnt pay attention to it until recently. I seem to recall this happening before and being fixed quite easily but now I cant find any suggestions other than those on this page.

    Thanks for any help you can give.



  • Dear Vargomad

    I recommend that you first clean your registry by dowloading and using this tool. Install it and run it click on the registry cleaner,scan registry for problems. When the scan is finished press on repair. Try to re register.

    If that fails I recommend that you download and install windows ****** host. This is only for windows 2000 & xp.

    Best regards


  • Dear Vargomad

    I recommend that you first clean your registry by dowloading and using this tool. Install it and run it click on the registry cleaner,scan registry for problems. When the scan is finished press on repair. Try to re register.

    If that fails I recommend that you download and install windows ****** host. This is only for windows 2000 & xp.

    Best regards


    Thanks Ill try what you suggest. Just a further question, since Im a total noob with computers, IF I find I need to do the second suggestion, what exactly do I do with the ****** host program or is it some kind of install and forget program?

  • Dear Vargomad

    Each program needs to register certain program files in the windows registry. In your case there could be problem with the windows part that has to peform these actions. All what that program does is updating it. If you receive a message that a version still exist remove that version via software,add & remove. Run it afterwards. Reboot your pc afterwards.

    Best regards


  • Your suggestion worked also for me, thanks!