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Bitdefender Free, installs and then uninstalls all by itself


System is a Toshiba Satellite L840D.

Windows 10, 64 bit.

Used eset online and it removed 34 viruses.

Used Avast, Symantec and Bitdefender Uninstall Tools to remove all remaining components of these three Anti Virus programs.

I have tried 5 different installs of Bitdefender Free.

I get the download tool, I run it, it downloads Bitdefender, it runs a full scan, then it does an install and immediately there after, it does an uninstall (large type on screen says, "We were so good together") and that results in an installation failure. I clean up some files, run the Bitdefender uninstall tool, which takes about 20 minutes to finish and then it asks for a reboot and when it says, please wait configuring your computer I walk away, it seems to take more than 45 minutes to do that restart.

Would some kind soul please make a suggestion or two as to what could possibly be causing this problem.

This is my childs computer.

I installed Bitdefender without any issues on various other Windows 10 computers.



  • I have finally solved this problem.

    The Windows 10 Creators Build update also installed and then promptly uninstalled itself.

    I used eset online anti virus tool to discover and remove more than 34 viruses on the computer. I used ccleaner to clean up the registry. I used the Windows 10 Update Troubleshooter to determine and attempt to fix a corrupted Windows Update Database. I used a Microsoft detailed manual procedure to repair the Windows Update database. I then updated with the Windows 10 Creators Build using the now functional update selection inside the Windows System Settings dialog and then used ccleaner again and then installed Bitdefender Anti Vrus Free.

    I believe the corrupted Windows Update Database was the cause of the install/uninstal cycle, and i belive the corrupted Windows Update Database was caused by one or more of the removed Viruses.