Bitdefender Free Issues (TLS/HTTPS)

So after an update for Bitdefender Free, I have been unable to log in to secured sites. As soon as I disable Bitdefender protection it works fine, but with it on I get TLS hangups and it just times out generally.

Anyone else experiencing this or have a solution?

All solutions I find online are for their paid products and disabling Scan SSL


  • Pac
    edited October 2017

    Made an account just to complain about this. This is the reason why I uninstalled Avast because it kept blocking my internet. Tried reinstalling bitdefender, it still blocks some sites.


    Please fix this URGENTLY:


    Update: I tried reinstalling Bitdefender but only the update today on the 15.10.17 fixed it for me. Thank you Bitdefender Team!


    Update on the 16.10.17 broke it again. Pardon me, but what the **** are you doing bitdefender team? I know it's bitdefender because any site loads fine if I disable protection.

  • Still completely broken for me :(

  • I've helped 2 people with this issue in the past 2 weeks. Some websites just attempt to load practically forever. Sites that cannot be accessed include: nor

    Reinstalling fixed the problem briefly, but then the problem returned. Turning off protection allows the websites to load. The problem happens with Chrome, IE and Edge browsers - I have not tested with Firefox.

    I eventually had to uninstall Bitdefender and go with another solution.

  • Just now, mjc775 said:

    I've helped 2 people with this issue in the past 2 weeks. Some websites just attempt to load practically forever. Sites that cannot be accessed include: nor

    Reinstalling fixed the problem briefly, but then the problem returned. Turning off protection allows the websites to load. The problem happens with Chrome, IE and Edge browsers - I have not tested with Firefox.

    I eventually had to uninstall Bitdefender and go with another solution.

    Much my own experience with family member and friends who I had suggested use Bitdefender free.

  • 10 minutes ago, memske said:

    Much my own experience with family member and friends who I had suggested use Bitdefender free.

    I've been recommending it to friends and family for a few years now, but something happened earlier this month that caused the blocking issue for various sites. I was initially thinking a TLS/HTTPS related issue - but isn't in that category. Is your ISP AT&T U-verse by any chance?

  • Nope, I'm from New Zealand and it includes multiple NZ sites as well as overseas. 

  • TimM
    edited October 2017

    I have been a happy and satisfied Bitdefender Free user since it was born but have been having more and more issues over the past few months.

    Now videos embedded in news stories will not play unless BD protection is turned off. I have W 8.1.

    I hate to give up on BD but what is the point of having a system that is haywire with no personal adjustments available?

    This is just nutz...



  • I emailed them over 2 weeks ago about this, but just got the standard canned response.  I'm pretty certain my banking sites are secure Bitdefender...

    Another side effect of this update is that I cannot watch any Youtube videos without disabling protection.

    Also, when I reboot, I actually have to turn protection back on then off again because it says the protection is off, but it isn't.  It will interfere with sites until I do this procedure.

  • I really have liked BD over the years and have had no any issues until recently.

    I have always been a big fan of Malwarebytes and Spybot as well,  but BD has managed to create major instability when I have those two installed.

    For this latest issue of not playing videos, I uninstalled and after 3, yes 3, attempts at a fresh install it plays vids now. Time will tell.

    One almost has to assume, they either have new people in the lab, or they are making so much off the paid version, they can give us peons the finger. Poor business model.


    Well, that didn't last long.

    Did a BD re & re 12 hours ago and it worked fine until this morning.

    I guess I have to say bub-eye BeeDee. 

  • Just wanted to mention that similar problems are being discussed in multiple threads.  We've got a response from a Bitdefender rep (Sorin G) in the one named /index.php?/topic/77596-traffic-blocked-lan-and-net/" style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#4588c5;font-size:16px;text-align:left;" title="traffic blocked LAN and NET" rel="">traffic blocked LAN and NET - but so far no solution.