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Upgrade to Bitdefender 2019 blocks WebVideoActiveX.ocx


Since moving to BD 2019, BD 2019 won't allow my IE 11 web-based security program to function. It seems to be blocking the web components plugin, WebVideoActiveX.ocx, which is used to view security cameras.

When Bitdefender 2018 was installed, the web-based program worked fine. And, as soon as I uninstalled BD 2019 - without even restarting, the IE 11 web-based program works fine. The web plugin only works with IE11. It won't work with Edge/Chrome/Firefox, etc., so I can't try another browser.

I've added the following to the antivirus list of exceptions in BD 2019.

c:\program files (x86)\web components\

c:\program files (x86)\web components\webvideoactivex.ocx

c:\program files (x86)\internet explorer\iexplore.exe

I've added the local IP used to get to the security system to the online threat protection exception, and added the IP to IE's Trusted Sites list.

The exceptions didn't help.

I even tried disabling EVERY feature I could find in BD 2019 and then rebooting. BD 2019 still blocked the web plugin from working. How do I see exactly what BD 2019 is blocking so I can add the proper exemption?


Windows 10 64-bit version 1803 with all updates.


  • Cosmin P.
    Cosmin P. Software Developer ✭✭✭

    What product version do you have?

    You can find out by right clicking the systray icon -> About.

  • BD AV Plus 2019 Build

  • Cosmin P.
    Cosmin P. Software Developer ✭✭✭

    12 hours ago, Cage22 said:

    I've added the local IP used to get to the security system to the online threat protection exception, and added the IP to IE's Trusted Sites list.

    The exceptions didn't help.

    28 minutes ago, Cage22 said:

    BD AV Plus 2019 Build

    There is a problem with, these exceptions don't help you fix the problem you are experiecing. But the good news is that there is an update available (version 25) that will fix this.

  • DAN57150
    edited August 2018

    Hello Cosmin


    Could you be more precise about this update you are writing about ( version 25) ...

    Did you get it ? Did you read about it?

    I haven't seen it anywhere.

    As far as I know Build is still the latest.

    Dan from France

  • Bill_k
    edited August 2018

    If you can wait once the newer build is released through the normal update channel you'll get it automatically. If you want it sooner and don't get it yet by checking for an update, then you can uninstall and reinstall your product at BD Central to get the newer version. I've seen others also confirm that they now have version 25.

  • DAN57150

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I reinstalled an hour ago just to check.

    No changes for me

    I will be patient and will try again in a few days.

    Have a nice WE


  • Sergiu C.



    If you are still having this issue, please reach us at , as we will need a few logs to further investigate. Thank you!

  • solved it for me. I only had to add the website I was having issues with to the Online Threat Prevention Exceptions along with

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