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Vulnerability scan reports Firefox 58 installed


In the dashboard I received the recommendation to run a vulnerability scan as it reported some vulnerabilities.

After the scan was finished, the vulnerability scan reported that Mozilla Firefox needs to be updated. The vulnerability scan says Mozilla Firefox 58.0 is installed and recommends to install the new version 59.0.2.

Obviously this is incorrect, in the attached image you can see Firefox is up to date with version 62.

Firefox up to date.png

Vulnerability scan report.png

Vulnerability scan report overview.png


  • Stefan I.


    This could indicate some registry value errors with Firefox as we were unable to reproduce this behavior internally.

    Please sync your bookmarks/settings and reinstall Firefox, then run and new scan and let us know if this persists.


  • Hi,

    You were right. I scanned the registry and it turned out there were some traces of Firefox version 58. However removing those traces didn't solve it so I reinstalled Firefox and removed every version that was installed to get this fixed.

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