What Customer Service?


I recently purchased and downloaded the software for what I thought was BitDefender Internet Security 2008 from their web page but it appears that what I actually got was BitDefender 9. I have tried contacting BitDefenders support team several times with no response and was hoping that someone can give me some advice. I am positive that I purchased the 2008 software license and have the email receipt as proof but I can't get any kind of answer as to why it shows up in 'My BitDefender' as BitDefender 9 ?????? <img class=" />


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited June 2008

    Did you download the right kit ?!

    Download it from here: http://www.bitdefender.com/site/Downloads/

    And use you license key and see if it's working...If it doesn't work, post here !

    We will try to help you and guide you !

  • No good, I uninstalled the original download with the bitdefender uninstall tool, then downloaded the most recent install kit for 2008, re-entered the serial that I was given and ended up with the same result being that it appears I payed for something that I still do not have. Why should there even be an issue here? I payed for 2008 and that is what I should have. Starting to regret this purchase!!!

  • Where did you buy the license from? It should work with 2008

  • From the BitDefender website. The software functions as 2008 it is only when I look at the My Page on the website that it shows up as having 1092 days left on the license for BitDefender 9 and above that the section for 2008 says trial and under the license part it say's evaluating. Shouldn't the time remaining on the license be 1092 days left on 2008? Looks a bit sus to me!!!

  • Hello Raucus,

    To see if BitDefender 2008 is correclty registered you have to start BitDefender once you are in the BitDefender Security Center press on register. There you must find your license key with the remaining days.

    From the site that is normal to give an example if you still own a license for an older BitDefender version lets say version 10. Than the remaining days plus the one of your new purchased license are being added there. That might be confusing.

    Best regards


  • I know how you feel about NO CUSTOMER SERVICE. I was hit by a massive virus/trojan attack last Thursday. I contacted BD and on Friday they replied asking for Log details. I sent those, every day since I have sent follow-ups - and NOTHING. I am really seriously ###### off with BD. I have the full suite BD2008. A scan by BD tells me thereare NO ISSUES. I downloaded a trial Norton scan and it advises 16 maor threats and 126 various viruses. Somehow the ZOB Trojan had got in to my system. BD had been switched to "Gaming" I thought maybe grandchildren had done this but NO.. So somehow a virus or trojan has taken over BD. It is now Wednesday here in New Zealand so BD have had 5 days to get back to me. My computer takes 30 minutes to boot - the trojan has disabled Task Manager - it has added 5 dummy virus removal links on my desk top - when I click "Start" I no longer have access to any of the usual My Computer - All Programs -. Frankly with a two year two computer subscription I feel seriously let down, my son is trialling BD2008 and hewas about to make purchase - he relies on me for computer advice so you can guess what I am going to suggest don't you?

  • I have been disappointed as well, regarding a problem with vssserv.exe in BD IS gobbling all the VM, they act like it's something they haven't heard of before. They haven't answered me back after I went through all the instructions they wanted me to, to collect information.

    Why would a company offer an online support forum and not participate, nor get back to customers? They certainly know they have a problem and the silent treatment is played out. Time to step up and answer.

  • I have been disappointed as well, regarding a problem with vssserv.exe in BD IS gobbling all the VM, they act like it's something they haven't heard of before. They haven't answered me back after I went through all the instructions they wanted me to, to collect information.

    Why would a company offer an online support forum and not participate, nor get back to customers? They certainly know they have a problem and the silent treatment is played out. Time to step up and answer.

    Hi Mark Harney - Yeah it doesn't make me any happier to see all the similar listings about the total lack of or "holding" responses from BD. I went to Google and queried "Bit Defender Problems" wow - vatrious forums came up and there were so many similar gripes, although I seem to be the only one (so far) that is complaining about a Full Deep Sxcan using Bit Defender showing a totally clean system, when a scan with Norton and PCDoctor come up with the same 16 Major Threats and within 2 of the 120 odd other viruses and intrusions. It has occured to me that having upgraded (at BD invite) from V10 to BD2008, several weeks ago, this could have been when my BD Suite switched itself from the highest Fire Wall setting to "Gaming" - I thought maybe my grandchildren had done this, but checked and found they haven't been on that computer since the upgrade. Maybe Zob got in there and has sort of disabled BitDefender. It would be nice if someone at BD would come hold my hand though.

  • No good, I uninstalled the original download with the bitdefender uninstall tool, then downloaded the most recent install kit for 2008, re-entered the serial that I was given and ended up with the same result being that it appears I payed for something that I still do not have. Why should there even be an issue here? I payed for 2008 and that is what I should have. Starting to regret this purchase!!!

    Yeah well - Here I am again - one week after asking for urgent help from BitDefender. I am struggling with Trojan ZOB; Trojan Downloader.VBS.BL and aover 100 other invasions. It all happened after I upgraded from V10 to BD2008.

    So guess what - this is the crappy response I got from Customer Srervice today.. Read it and laugh. It's just a ###### "off the shelf" "press the button" reply...

    "Thank you for your e-mail.

    Please rest assured that your recommendations will be considerate.

    Constructive feedback from our clients helps us daily in improving our

    products and services.

    Your opinion counts as this is the only way for us to understand the needs of

    our clients and we will do everything possible to solve any situation that

    requires our professional intervention.

    We are very sorry for any inconvenience that we may have created and we rest

    at your disposal for further information.

    Best regards,

    Costin Rosu

    BitDefender Technical Support Engineer

    Join our BitDefender Beta Team!

    Interesting prizes for most active beta testers."

    Now how the ###### is that reply going to solve my problems or make me a more loyal customer??

  • Hi,

    I recently purchased and downloaded the software for what I thought was BitDefender Internet Security 2008 from their web page but it appears that what I actually got was BitDefender 9. I have tried contacting BitDefenders support team several times with no response and was hoping that someone can give me some advice. I am positive that I purchased the 2008 software license and have the email receipt as proof but I can't get any kind of answer as to why it shows up in 'My BitDefender' as BitDefender 9 ?????? <img class=" />

    Yeah well - Here I am again - one week after asking for urgent help from BitDefender. I am struggling with Trojan ZOB; Trojan Downloader.VBS.BL and aover 100 other invasions. It all happened after I upgraded from V10 to BD2008.

    So guess what - this is the crappy response I got from Customer Srervice today.. Read it and laugh. It's just a ###### "off the shelf" "press the button" reply...

    "Thank you for your e-mail.

    Please rest assured that your recommendations will be considerate.

    Constructive feedback from our clients helps us daily in improving our

    products and services.

    Your opinion counts as this is the only way for us to understand the needs of

    our clients and we will do everything possible to solve any situation that

    requires our professional intervention.

    We are very sorry for any inconvenience that we may have created and we rest

    at your disposal for further information.

    Best regards,

    Costin Rosu

    BitDefender Technical Support Engineer

    Join our BitDefender Beta Team!

    Interesting prizes for most active beta testers."

    Now how the ###### is that reply going to solve my problems or make me a more loyal customer??

  • Hello Mark Harney,

    This no support forum but an user forum. Only virusresearchers are active no support people.

    Best regards


    Hello B arryM,

    Can you please download combofix you will find it here. You have to save it on your desktop.Unplug the internet or network cable. Now disable BitDefender by right clicking on the BitDefender icon near the system clock choose exit. Now double click on combofix.exe do not move your mouse or click with your mouse.Your computer will reboot if malware is found. Please paste the output of the scan which is combofix.txt (you will find it into the root of your hard disk click start,my computer double click on the icon of the hard disk or partition where windows is installed on there you should find the output of the scan) into a new thread that you create in this forum section.

    Best regards


  • zneto
    edited June 2008
    Hello Mark Harney,

    This no support forum but an user forum. Only virusresearchers are active no support people.

    Best regards


    Hello B arryM,

    Can you please download combofix you will find it here. You have to save it on your desktop.Unplug the internet or network cable. Now disable BitDefender by right clicking on the BitDefender icon near the system clock choose exit. Now double click on combofix.exe do not move your mouse or click with your mouse.Your computer will reboot if malware is found. Please paste the output of the scan which is combofix.txt (you will find it into the root of your hard disk click start,my computer double click on the icon of the hard disk or partition where windows is installed on there you should find the output of the scan) into a new thread that you create in this forum section.

    Best regards


    Hi Niels. I wasn't able to action your suggestion. One of the reasons being that the Trojans had done such a major "job" the "Start" function on my computer was disabled. I was unable to access and programs and "My Computer" and "Control Panel" were disabled. Also when I tried to access web sites such as "Google" I got a message to say this was an unsafe site and access was blocked. It was a very clever Trojan program. It was popping up all sorts of dummy Virus Removal programs invitation - with suggestions to pay with my Credit Card.

    It's all very sad. I have had BitDefender since Version 7 and I am still paid up through to 2009 - but I feel so badly done by - the total lack of care and no proper response at all after two weeks has seriously soured my relationship and respect for BitDefender. Then to be told by a moderator on this forum "Good Job" is a serious added insult.. Read the attached....


    QUOTE (crysty2k5 @ Jun 15 2008, 12:42 AM)

    "Good job" !

    Next time, learn how to "speek" here on the forum !


    The word you have edited out of my message has the international dictionary meaning, in the context I was using, as follows: "foolish or fatuous".

    Surely you must agree that the official response from Bit Defender Support Desk - after one week of pleading was surely in that category? Look up above and see what I was told..

    Also, here in New Zealand.. to say "Good Job" in response to a genuine complaint from a extremely unhappy customer - is very provocative.

    If we say "Good Job" to a cusomer who has a genuine greavance it is the same as saying "hahah - too bad - go away",

    So are you saying "Haha too bad - go away"?

    Because as yet Bit Defender has not given me any useful advice, nor have they explained how come my expensive Bit Defender 2008 allowed all those intrusions, and when a scan was done - told me my computer was clean.

    Barry Marx

    New Zealand

  • Hello Mark Harney,

    This no support forum but an user forum. Only virusresearchers are active no support people.

    Yeah, it's about like sending Bitdefender your diagnostic stuff they ask for.. you send, they ignore.

  • Yeah, it's about like sending Bitdefender your diagnostic stuff they ask for.. you send, they ignore.

    Hi Mark,

    Well I got another copy of the same "off-the-shelf" reply today - the only difference being there was a different name on it. It reminded me of a letter of appreciation I sent to the USA CAA - letting them know about the fantastic service I had received from Delta Airlines. The reply said.. "Thank you for your letter of complaint - however, all reports of dissatisfaction should be addressed to the FAA"

    So like the CAA - BitDefender does not read the desperate pleas for assistance - they just churn out a holding sop letter - and hope you will go away. :huh:


  • Hello Mark Harney,

    Here I must agree with you. The problem is I know only some possible solutions. Some really need to be solved by support.

    Best regards,


    Hello B arryM,

    If you want to discuss about what crysty2k5 said please send an pm to florin stiuca he is responsible for this forum. But I agree that it was an insult. I think he was upset because you cold the people from Romanian gipsies. Even me have problems to use English properly because I and the other moderators aren't native English speakers. It could be that here it was a meaning problem. I personnally don't think that crysty2k5 wanted to say go away. You can always pm him also.

    The quickest way to contact your local support if available is logging in to your my BitDefender acount. Because support is handled by your local support.

    If you receive a ticket id-number you can ask the status when you use livechat. Select technical support. There you can give your id number and ask the status.

    Best regards


  • Hello Mark Harney,

    Here I must agree with you. The problem is I know only some possible solutions. Some really need to be solved by support.

    Best regards,


    Hello B arryM,

    If you want to discuss about what crysty2k5 said please send an pm to florin stiuca he is responsible for this forum. But I agree that it was an insult. I think he was upset because you cold the people from Romanian gipsies. Even me have problems to use English properly because I and the other moderators aren't native English speakers. It could be that here it was a meaning problem. I personnally don't think that crysty2k5 wanted to say go away. You can always pm him also.

    The quickest way to contact your local support if available is logging in to your my BitDefender acount. Because support is handled by your local support.

    Thanks Neils, you and

    If you receive a ticket id-number you can ask the status when you use livechat. Select technical support. There you can give your id number and ask the status.

    Best regards


    Hi Niels,

    Many thanks, you and Mark Harney are the only ones who have given me any useful suggestions. You can imagine the frustrations I have been having. Last week I had a very important deadline to meet so I could make a funding application for a charity that I am a trustee of.

    All of my documents and accounts were locked up in the computer and after two weeks of desperate pleading all I was getting from BD were silly standard replies that were just cut and pasted to my email address.

    Thank you for you latest advice, I am not a computer guru but a retired Grandfather who works full time as a support volunteer at a High School where I help special needs students. So as some-one who works every day in a support role I find it very hard to understand how support people who's role is supposedly to give assistance to paying subscribers, can be so dismissive.

    It's a great shame as I am one of those people who is usually a very loyal customer to all my suppliers of goods and services, it takes more than one or two bad experiences before I start to lose faith, and even then I give every opportunity for the supplier to make good.

    Sadly I seem to have drawn a blank with BD. :huh:


  • cdr2000
    edited June 2008

    Perhaps a bit off-topic, but people are basically good everywhere--there are good Romanians, good Gypsies; good Belgians; good Americans, good Kiwis, etc.! Stereotyping others or calling other populations names doesn't foster good feelings in anyone, as we have observed. For those of us who are interested in following these forums, let's hope this issue does finally get the resolution that is needed!