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Madnes? This Is Disk Usage! ;)

edited May 2008 in General talk

This is on BD IS 2008.

For several months now I am hearing the drive keeps accessing something every 1 sec ... it bugs the heck out of me.

I found out it is Bitdefender. According to the file monitor (from SysInternals) BD keeps trying to read or write the livesrv.log, antispam.ini, and fwrules.dat files in a continuous loop.

If I put my ear next to the hard disk I can hear it working constantly, tak, tak, tak, tak, tak ... (every second) and it corresponds perfectly with the "write" action for the above mentioned files.

Is this a bug ? ... or by design ?


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    You can't disable BD IS 2008 logging !

    It's not a bug. ;)

  • me_love_u
    edited May 2008


    i have a problem with disk usage. i use bit defender internet security 2008. my hard disk is used by bit defender every 1 second :\

    nonstop tik tik tik tik tik :( ((

    i love this av but i cant understand why it need to use livesrv.log and antispam.ini every second. i understand that logs are important or something but why log even there is nothing else running then bit defender?

    is there is any option or "hack" to turn it off? or maybe i need to chose other version? older one? or something?

    this tik tik tik tik tik every second is just one very ugly thing in this great av. this is madnes! :P

    please help me and if u solve my problem i give u a kiss ;)

    crysty2k5's EDIT: Topic merged

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited June 2008
    You can't disable BD IS 2008 logging !

    It's not a bug. ;)

  • with version i need to use to dont have this thing?

    this is stupid - why its loggin even at night when my pc dont do anything... im sure it will make shorter life of my hdd :(

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    You HDD will be fine ;)

    All versions of BD do logging ;)

  • with version i need to use to dont have this thing?

    this is stupid - why its loggin even at night when my pc dont do anything... im sure it will make shorter life of my hdd :(

    Have you ever watched the disk activity of a Vista machine? It has constant disk activity, even when it is idle. Turning your computer off and on is a lot harder on the disk than routine disk access! In other words, don't worry about it B)

  • yeah very smart - "dont worry" :|

    but it will still tik tik tik tik TIK TIK TIK nonstop

    soo stupid thing - omg!

    i go find some other av... bye

    ave, i dont care about stupid vista - i will never use this thing

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    What HDD do you have ?!

    It's ATA or SATA ?!

  • Niels

    Hello me_love_u,

    You can try this also open BitDefender go to the antivirus section see that the shield tab is high lighted now press on custom level and expand scan accessed files and select scan program files only press on ok.

    Livesrv is part of BitDefender Updater. You can try to uncheck automatic updates normally at that moment there shouldn't be that much access to livesrv.log. Only when you manually search for updates.

    It's normal that BitDefender need to access the firewall rules and configuration tools otherwise the firewall will not work or the antispam protection will not be initialized.

    But clicking noises on a hard disk isn't that normal. Check the health of your hard disk with a S.M.A.R.T tool that you will find on the site of the manufactor of your hard disk. To see in what kind of condition your hard disk is. Perform also a checkdisk on your hard disk.

    Best regards


  • i use filemon and discmon fro microsoft... i seer that its not disk failure and its not important is it sata or not -_-

    it is bitdefender who check e very second this files

    i just deleted it and bought norton - this is insane to check this two files every sedond! this small amount of information can be stored in ram and checked from file only when windows start

    this is mayour failure of bitdefender

    in every 24h bitdefender use same place in hdd to create 1036800 (!!!) operations - nonstop in same place of hdd


    it damage hdd much much faster then you think - because this read/create/close etc is nonstop at same hdd space... and this small place will just crash - hdd is not ram - its mechanical thing

    and i dont care abour bitdefender defenders who will talk other things - i like this program too... but i willl not use it cuz stupid logging created by someone who want to damage custommers hdds

  • Niels

    Hello me_love_u

    Did you even tried what I said?

    You can always check the condition of your hard disk with a S.M.A.R.T tool of your hard disk manufactor. The status of my hard disk was always good. Also using chdsk never found and issues. Do you really think that by other antivirusses there will be no logging or hard disk access?

    That is all what I wanted to say. I hope that you enjoy your new antivirus.

    Best regards


  • me_love_u
    edited June 2008


    ok... specialy for you i checked two smart tools from my hdd company

    and ofcource my disk is working fine

    but as you maybe dont know... all drives make noise when they read or write and when something is doing this few times every single second u hear "tik tik tik tik..."

    and yes - now i have av and fw that dont use my hddd every single second with absolutly no reason

    now my hdd make noise only when i click something to write or read

    and this is ok

    but bitdefender use my hdd nonstop even when i sleep - and thats not ok

    i hope you will understand my basic english

    and next time when someone will have problem with "tik tik tik" - you can ask him to use diferent av not smart tools

    bye bye tik tik



    and yes - now i use av that dont use my hdd EVERY SECOND... 60 times per minute... 3600 times per hour... 86400 times per day... doing 1036800 read/write cycles in same place of disk without any reason...

    because normaly working programs use ram = RANDOM acces memory -_-

    bitdefender is very fine av... but wasted by such small things

  • adt

    Go to My computer, right click on your drive, properties tools, error checking - check now, tick both of the boxes and click ok. You may have to restart your PC to proceed the scan.

  • lol another one -_-

    you go microsoft webpage... and download "diskmon" and "filemon" to see what bitdefender is doing with hdd

    AFTER this you maybe understand what is all about in this topic

  • adt

    Wow i thought you deleted Bitdefender and install norton? Why are you still here already?!?

  • yes i bought other one yesterday

    i know my english skills are not perfect - but in this case i just think you dont read topics and just spam something...

  • Alright, I take it this is a merged thread now (?) the original title of the thread has changed too (?).

    Anyway, here is some more input on this.

    I got curious... so I uninstalled BitDefender and put up the Kaspersky Suite 2009 (still beta but it is their latest) ... SAME thing ... they too have a log file that is being constantly accessed.

    Now this got me even more curious, so I uninstalled KIS8 and put Nod32 up. Surprisingly it no longer pings the drive ... so it seems to be the lightest of them all in regards to idle disk access (?)

    Also, interesting to note here: There is a difference between diskmon and procmon ... procmon will give you file accesses, but diskmon will give actual physical accesses which is different. So even though procmon records activity it is mostly from memory.

    Here I did a test while Nod32 was on. Recorded a snippet of time (with a stop watch) from 6:49 to 7:02 ... about 11 min and I only got a measly 51 accesses and only about 128kb each. It seems close to nothing. So what I am *really* talking about here is physical accesses as recorded by diskmon.

    Here it is ... 51 accesses in 11 minutes with the last access at 6:53 (8 min ago)


  • Niels

    Hello me_love_u,

    I know that hard disk make noises but if you hear really hard ticking noises that mostly like I said before is indication of imminent hard disk failure. See here if you want. For me personally it isn't an issue because like I said before there weren't any errors found an my hard drive health is good.

    Best regards


    Hello THomasAn,

    You should test it also with all options enabled in NOD32 to see if there is more drive access. You can reduce the drive access of BitDefender also by doing this: You can try this also open BitDefender go to the antivirus section see that the shield tab is high lighted now press on custom level and expand scan accessed files and select scan program files only press on ok.But that will not solve the access of the .ini files.

    Best regards


  • You should test it also with all options enabled in NOD32 to see if there is more drive access.


    Why would you imply that not all modules were enabled ? When I tested Nod32 *all* of its modules were enabled. Why would I do a test that doesn't compare apples to apples ? I am not in it to advertise other products, but as a bitdefender user it got me curious that that there would such elevated activity without even touching the PC.

    It seems like an architectural choice. Bitdefender and KAV need to continuously ping the same log files every single second when there is no user activity (idle). I don't know ... such activity might seem *normal* to most, but it bugs me ... it seems wasteful. Especially since I have seen at least one other product not needing so much insistent drive access.

    I will try you suggestions about disabling some aspects of Bitdefender, but I almost guarantee that it will have no effect on the continuous log file pinging at idle. It seems to me like a design choice regardless of user settings.


  • Niels

    Hello ThomasAn,

    I just want to be sure that you did that. Because NOD32 is light because by default not all settings are enabled by default.So it might be that when you enabled all NOD32 options that drive access increased. But that isn't the case here.

    Don't get my wrong you may use or say anything about other antiviruses no problem at all.

    Only the access to the file that logs the update might decrease when you disable automatic updates but for the rest you are right that you can't disable without disabling functions of BitDefender.

    You can always try the bèta of 2009 or post in the feature request forum section so it might be considered in later versions of BitDefender.

    Best regards,
