How to use computer_id and endpointId in Public APIs
We are trying to build automation with Bitdefender APIs ( But we are facing one issue. Most of the Bitdefender Events have field "computer_id". Some events have both fields "computer_id" and "endpointId". Are they the same? If not, why are they different?
We try to use the Incidents API createIsolateEndpointTask to automate the response. The API takes parameter "endpointId". If I only have events with "computer_id", does that mean I cannot call the API on that endpoint?
Hello @joecao,
I'm attaching a link to my response, with the Bitdefender API Documentation for customers, here -> that could help you achieve the integration.
Should the information you look for not appear within the link i sent you, it would be of great help if you can list what is missing so we can also update it and keep it fresh.
This being said, in this case, I also strongly advise to get in contact with the Enterprise Support Team as they are hands on with API integration and could advise more concise information.
Let me know how it works out and do keep me updated!
Alex D.
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Hi Alex,
As I mentioned in the question, we have read the API documents. The question is how to use the fields "machine_id" and "endpointId" required in the APIs.
Some APIs require "endpointId", such as the API createIsolateEndpointTask However, most of the APIs only return "machine_id". How can we find the "endpointId"? Can we use "machine_id" in the place of "endpointId"?
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Hi @joecao,
I do apologize for the late reply.
In this case i strongly suggest you contact the Enterprise Support Team as they are more equipped to assist with the differences in the fields used, machine_ID vs endpoindID and to what it pertains on your side.
Let me know of a case number as well so i can keep the situation up to date.
Alex D.
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Is there really no public answer to this?