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Notifications not shown in the notifications menu



I have just noticed that notifications stopped showing up in this screen, they are available in the central, but not here. It worked before. Tried to delete all, mark as read all, restarting my pc,...

  • Windows 11 Pro dev channel bleeding edge
  • Bitdefender version latest and greatest

What can I try except the lengthy process of reinstalling.



  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month mod
    edited May 2022

    Hi @erik_kubica

    You could try running a repair. It's not as complete and in-depth as a total uninstall - reinstall.

    If that didn't work and you didn't want to do a total uninstall - reinstall, would be to contact consumer support from one of the three options listed towards the bottom of the page, and follow their lead.

    Kind regards,


    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Hi,

    I have the same issue, the notification bell is red with a number on it but no notifications are displayed in the window. I have tried to uninstall and re-install, which is very annyoing because it takes some time to downlod over 500MB and re-install. The issue appeared again one day later. This is not acceptable. Please fix this bug and don't re-direct us to re-install, because a re-installation cannot correct something that occurs to many users. This is an interface programming bug and until your team doesn't fix it, it will appear again and again.


    Best regards,

    Mihai Draghici

  • Gjoksi

    @erik_kubica @MDraghici


    First, take screenshot(s) of the issue and create a log file on your Windows device using Bitdefender Support Tool, by following these steps:

    Next, contact Bitdefender Consumer Support by e-mail:

    with short description of the issue.

    After that, you will get an automated reply by the Bitdefender Customer Care Team, with your ticket number.

    Now, in reply to that automated reply, you can send the screenshot(s) you already took and the log file you already created in the first step.

    Since you are all done, just wait for the support engineers to investigate your issue and find a solution to fix the issue.

    Remember that the screenshot(s) and the log file will help a lot to the support engineers for better and faster investigation on your issue and finding a solution.

    Don't get me wrong, but i think that no one except the support engineers can help you both with the issue.


  • It started working again, not sure why 🤷‍♂️

  • majorpain

    Got the same issue like 20 days ago and ignored it with the hope it would eventually go away... sadly its still there.

    It started after I tried to install a video editor and it flagged like 124978698732649 virus/ransomware, and consequently 1243981294 notifications...

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited March 2023

    Hi @majorpain,

    Can you share with us what video editor you have installed and what did the notifications say about it? You may also attach a screenshot.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user