How Do I Get My Money Back?

I bought, downloaded and installed the bitdefender yesterday, I had to take my whole computer back to the system restore point, to have my pc work at all. Couldn't access the internet, or my programmes everything slowed down to the point it took 10 minutes to even open an application.

Couldn't even uninstall / remove it.

Going back to the system restore point - Bitdefender is not showing up on my pc anymore.

I want my money back - and cancel it - I haven't got any response from support.

Where do I go next?

I can't log on to my account either, you put in the password and it disappears immediately without taking you anywhere then the timer-cursor action stops - and you have no change on the page.

So much for trusting the 'best of anti-virus software' reports.

What is the emails and numbers to call to get my money back and cancel this account?


  • Hello ckarena,

    What was your previous security solution? Did you uninstall it correct? If not take a look at this topic how to do it correctly. With some antiviruses you need to run a specific removal tool afterwards this is so for Norton,Mcafee,...

    If you have any other security software that has realtime protection did you disabled it during installation? If not that can interfere the installation.

    Remove any remaints off BitDefender by using this tool. Double click on it to run it. You will be asked to reboot. Try to install BitDefender again.

    The behaviour that you describe mostly is due leftovers of previously installed security suites or antiviruses.

    But if you still want a refund contact customer care here.Select customer care.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello ckarena,

    What was your previous security solution? Did you uninstall it correct? If not take a look at this topic how to do it correctly. With some antiviruses you need to run a specific removal tool afterwards this is so for Norton,Mcafee,...

    If you have any other security software that has realtime protection did you disabled it during installation? If not that can interfere the installation.

    Remove any remaints off BitDefender by using this tool. Double click on it to run it. You will be asked to reboot. Try to install BitDefender again.

    The behaviour that you describe mostly is due leftovers of previously installed security suites or antiviruses.

    But if you still want a refund contact customer care here.Select customer care.

    Kind regards,


    I did a full uninstall re:

    Then followed up with diskcleaner - a refrag another restart and then did a system restore.

    That should be fine.

    I can't be bothered having a lot of fuss and bother with a simple anti virus program.

    I sent messages to support but didnt get a reply. So I'll go to this 'live assistance" and get sorted.

  • I did a full uninstall re:

    Then followed up with diskcleaner - a refrag another restart and then did a system restore.

    That should be fine.

    I can't be bothered having a lot of fuss and bother with a simple anti virus program.

    I sent messages to support but didnt get a reply. So I'll go to this 'live assistance" and get sorted.

    TBH, i think you've gave yourself all this hassle

    why restore after doing all that work? will it not try to replace it's self after the restore?

    removal tools are there for a purpose, use them.

  • Hello ckarena,

    To clarify things if there are remaints off any previous security software or your user account is corrupted the chance is high that when you install any other antivirus that you can receive problems.

    You should also run the specific uninstall tool off Norton also. Did you used Norton Internet Security? If so there could still be conflicting drivers off the firewall present. These removal instructions that youf found are quiete old.

    Keep in mind that even if you perform a system restore there still could be remaints. If I understood it correctly you have set back a restore point that includeds Norton.

    Remove BitDefender by using this tool. You will be asked to reboot your pc. First be sure that you have right clicked on the red BitDefender icon near the system clock and press on exit.

    Kind regards,


  • To be honest, the guy is not alone. I've spent all afternoon trying to figure things out. Bitdefender internet Security 2008 causes my system to basically hang for 2-5min (never sat there with a clock to figure out, just always walked away to come back to uninstall and troubleshoot)

    I'll make a new post about my problem, but wanted to let you guys know that the original poster is not alone in this problem. However I'll post more specific details.

  • Jamz58
    edited July 2008

    I'm with you guys. We have been having problems and apparently these people don't understand that most of us are looking for hassle free software. I switched to BD because of the online reviews and because McAfee went to heck on version 10 (I think).

    I am not iterested in support anymore (too painful). AntiVirus software should just work.

    My problem has been (2 licenses) that BD interferes with Valve game boot up times (4 minutes vs. 30 seconds, etc). So support had us switch to 2008 version. Now they show I am evaluating it (they made me switch). We got an update today and it just locks up my sons PC. It would freeze on the start menu for crying out loud. Turn off BD and it's fine. He does not want support but simply changed to a free hassle free antivirus program. I'm next if BD doesn't get it together.

    Any support person that chimes in and says we did something wrong on the install just doesn't get it. I don't want to take IT courses to install BD. (see underlined statements above)

    If there are tools that need to be run for proper install then BD should build them into the install software.

    This forum reminds me of McAfee's when people started bailing left and right. BD would be wise to learn from their mistake.

  • Niels
    edited July 2008

    Hello Jamz58,

    First off all this is only a user forum.

    Every computer configuration is different. Keep that in mind. Search other forums off antivirus vendors and you will also find problems that are caused by leftovers off previously installed security software.

    Did you ran the Mcafee removal tool? Check this topic.

    What you see is only a small fraction off people who got problems with BitDefender products but there are still many people who don't have issues.

    I can post some topic were problems were caused by leftovers off previous installed antiviruses.

    Did you enabled game mode to playing valve games? Keep in mind that updating steam can take some time. That depends how the servers of valve are stressed. Double click on the steam icon so you can see if an update take place. At that moment the steam games will not load untill it's completely updated.

    Kind regards,


  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭

    Just do a very simple thing people, remove any security software from your computer prior installing BD 2008.

    For KAV is recomended the same to avoid this kind of problems and this is true for any other antivirus software.


  • I am having all of the same issues listed above and this would have been good advise if you had known it before installing BitDefender. It wasn't until I was downloading the new software that it mentioned that I should delete anything old. It gave me the opportunity to uninstall the old, but the computer froze and that's when my problems started. I contacted a representative through the Live Chat line on Bit Defender's website and the instructions he gave me were very confusing and the programs that he had me log into only made the situation worse.

    All of the suggestions listed above look like they could help, but I have been troubleshooting this problem from my work computer. Does anyone have a recommendation on how I can get the links to work once I am back on my home computer? My computer is working so slow that I can't even get past the Add/Remove button in My Computer or get to the links through the internet to uninstall BitDefender. I have a ticket open with Bit Defender's customer support, but have received no help back since my original email.

    Any suggestions??

  • Jamz58
    edited July 2008


    I know this is a user forum. By the way, only a fraction of users even know enough to look at user forums. I find them to be more helpful than most support teams. Also, most users that I know could never even figure out that it was thier antivirus that's causing the problem. I'm not new at this, we have 3 PCs at home and I am responsible for over a 40 PC network at work.

    I never had McAfee on this PC. It came from Dell with PCillin (or something like that). I don't remember what I did to install it as it was over a year ago, but I assure you I followed whatever instructions I was given when I dowloaded the file. I know my old antivirus was uninstalled first.

    Game mode makes no difference. Of course I don't expect the game to load during an update. I assure you it is BD. My son had the same problem so he got rid of BD.

    No need to reply. I have an open case with BD Support, which by the way is going no where. I'm sure I will be asked to unisntall and reinstall next (the old try this, try that, support method).

  • I bought, downloaded and installed the bitdefender yesterday, I had to take my whole computer back to the system restore point, to have my pc work at all. Couldn't access the internet, or my programmes everything slowed down to the point it took 10 minutes to even open an application.

    Couldn't even uninstall / remove it.

    Going back to the system restore point - Bitdefender is not showing up on my pc anymore.

    I want my money back - and cancel it - I haven't got any response from support.

    Where do I go next?

    I can't log on to my account either, you put in the password and it disappears immediately without taking you anywhere then the timer-cursor action stops - and you have no change on the page.

    So much for trusting the 'best of anti-virus software' reports.

    What is the emails and numbers to call to get my money back and cancel this account?

    So many problems in such little time.

    If u BU registry with ERUNT & image ur drives with Image 4 Windows & add latter to BartPE boot CD => u can recover from anything in 1 hr no matter what u do or who does what to ur PC. U might have to duplicate work u did. Dual boot XP & in 5 mins u can be on a working but restricted OS(can get email, calender, surf net,...)

    All can be Googled.


  • I've experienced exactly the same problems. Had Norton installed, removed that, installed BD and the whole system went down.

    Windows came up but within 1 minute had ground to a complete halt. Everything just froze.

    I had to go into safe mode. Disable BD from starting up. Go into normal Windows mode and remove. The removal itself took probably 30 minutes!!!

    I'm reasonably IT literate, but, BD has caused so many problems straight out of the box that I've asked for my money back.

    If it's not seamless and idiot proof in installation and running I'm not interested because most other products are. I'm sure BD is very good at what it does, however, if it has problems installing and running like this it's not worth the trouble.

    I'm quite disappointed to be honest.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    I've experienced exactly the same problems. Had Norton installed, removed that, installed BD and the whole system went down.

    Windows came up but within 1 minute had ground to a complete halt. Everything just froze.

    I had to go into safe mode. Disable BD from starting up. Go into normal Windows mode and remove. The removal itself took probably 30 minutes!!!

    I'm reasonably IT literate, but, BD has caused so many problems straight out of the box that I've asked for my money back.

    If it's not seamless and idiot proof in installation and running I'm not interested because most other products are. I'm sure BD is very good at what it does, however, if it has problems installing and running like this it's not worth the trouble.

    I'm quite disappointed to be honest.

    I had same problem with KAV 2009 trial(its not up to KAV version 6 by any means) and this was because there were some leftovers in services from BD 2008.I waited 20 minutes to uninstall KAV 2009 ,just because i presumed that BD 2008 uninstalled corectly wich from some reason dont.So use an uninstall tool for the previous antivirus and verify that no service or lefovers from your previous antivirus are in your computer.

    I am sure that if you do a clean Windows instalation you will notice no problem at all with BD 2008 purely because the registry is clean.

    Usually when you buy ,you buy because you are 100% it works and usually when you buy you try hard to make it work.

    Anyway Norton is inferior to BD 2008.

  • adt
    edited July 2008


    Bitdefender scores top on real-time protection, it may lack speed to your system but its just doing its job well.


  • adt, you are so in a rush to getting suspended from this forum, that I might even enjoy doing it!



  • When I first started with BitDefender I had exactly the same issues as everyone mentioned above. Believe it or not the problem turned out to be that although I downloaded the thing 7 to 9 times, I’d imagine I never had a healthy copy of BitDefender. Each and every time although the download went to the end and appeared OK, never really installed properly, hence the issues when I was trying to run it. Then I borrowed a disk from a mate in Melbourne that got it when he bought BitDefender (not just an Internet download). I installed BD from that disk, register all my keys and all that, and I never ever had a problem. I don’t hold a candle to anyone, but I wanted to just tell how I fixed it.

  • That was an enlightment!!

    I posted a reply some other place about my Installation frustrations.

    All I need is to cancel My online purchase and buy BD 1008 in a shop.

    Great (unless BD send me a proper hard disk to install from).

  • :)

    BD did resole my problems satisfactorily.

    Bravo, and Thanks