Different Types Of Scan, Scheduling And

Can anybody advise on the different types of scan and how often they should be run. There is a deep system scan and a full system scan (what's the difference?), a quick system scan, and a My Documents scan. At the moment I run a deep system scan once a week, and the other three daily. Is this enough, excessive, or insufficient?

If there is any moderator out there I'd also be grateful for some help with my posts at http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=6180 which have received no replies, and BD support are not being helpful.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


  • Niels
    edited July 2008

    Hello Alan 010976,

    The only difference between a deep scan and a full scan is that in a full scan archives aren't scanned in other words .zip,.rar,... aren't scanned.

    Quick system scan only scans known locations off malware these are the windows folder,Program Files and the hidden All users folder. In this type of scan no cookies,registry are being scanned. Also your computer will not being scanned on rootkits.

    My documents scan is just as it says will only scan the my documents folder and his subfolders. Which means also your desktop and also your startup items.

    Performing a deep scan weekly is enough together with a daily quick scan will do it.

    Kind regards,


  • Thanks for that Niels.

    Can you help, or do you know a person who can help, with the Thunderbird issue in the other forum I referred to in my post?

  • Hello Alan 010976,

    Glad that I could helped you.

    I will take a look at your topic.

    Kind regards,
