Endpoint Expired

Hello Everyone.

Im new on bitdefender on a new company.

I just received a lot of laptops that have been reinstalled with the same version of Windows 11/10.

In some cases on the Gravity Zone seem to be the status a "Endpoint Expired"

But in a case like these it seems like a lot of modules are not working (Screenshot)

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Best Answer


  • Alex_Dr
    Alex_Dr Quality & Customer Experience Specialist BD Staff

    Hello @MartinsFederico,

    I do apologize for the late reply. Can you please let me know if the situation is still persisting at the moment?

    All the best,

    Alex D.

  • Hi Alex.

    How are you? No problem.

    At the moment the situation has been resolved.

    The person who used to admin the Bitdefender never deleted old assets and we where running short on licences.

    Once the assets were cleaned all activation issues were solved
