Excluded Files Suddenly Moved To Quarantine

Hi Everyone,

I'm running BD anti virus 2008 , on my WinXP Pro SP3 computer.

In the past I've had problems with false positives virus alerts on good files which are moved to quarantine against my wishes . So I used the excluding tool and completely excluded the files, folders from all scans.

Which worked up until today, when I ran a full system scan and the excluded files were once again moved to quarantine. I restored the files, and BD once again moved them to quarantine. It's as if my excluding options no longer work. I had a big BD update a few days ago, which required me to reboot my computer. Maybe that update adversely affected my excluding tool ?

This is a on going problem that needs to fixed. BD isn't being overprotective , it's malfunctioning , and the cause needs to be corrected ! BD would be the best there is if this "false positive" problem can be dealt with .

P.S. I'm attaching the BD log file about the scan

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2377" data-fileid="2377" rel="">1215117830_1_02.xml


  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm running BD anti virus 2008 , on my WinXP Pro SP3 computer.

    In the past I've had problems with false positives virus alerts on good files which are moved to quarantine against my wishes . So I used the excluding tool and completely excluded the files, folders from all scans.

    Which worked up until today, when I ran a full system scan and the excluded files were once again moved to quarantine. I restored the files, and BD once again moved them to quarantine. It's as if my excluding options no longer work. I had a big BD update a few days ago, which required me to reboot my computer. Maybe that update adversely affected my excluding tool ?

    This is a on going problem that needs to fixed. BD isn't being overprotective , it's malfunctioning , and the cause needs to be corrected ! BD would be the best there is if this "false positive" problem can be dealt with .

    P.S. I'm attaching the BD log file about the scan

    Bit Defender support sent me a reply today , concerning this issue . Here is their reply .....

    " The issue that you have reported has been acknowledged by our team and is

    currently being worked on for a fix. As soon as we will have reached a

    solution, you will be notified via email. The fix will be done by means of

    automatic update and won't require any additional action from your part."

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm running BD anti virus 2008 , on my WinXP Pro SP3 computer.

    In the past I've had problems with false positives virus alerts on good files which are moved to quarantine against my wishes . So I used the excluding tool and completely excluded the files, folders from all scans.

    Which worked up until today, when I ran a full system scan and the excluded files were once again moved to quarantine. I restored the files, and BD once again moved them to quarantine. It's as if my excluding options no longer work. I had a big BD update a few days ago, which required me to reboot my computer. Maybe that update adversely affected my excluding tool ?

    This is a on going problem that needs to fixed. BD isn't being overprotective , it's malfunctioning , and the cause needs to be corrected ! BD would be the best there is if this "false positive" problem can be dealt with .

    P.S. I'm attaching the BD log file about the scan

    Have you made the setting to exclude files at acces and scan or just on acces?

    Maybe a simple reinstall of BD 2008 would solve your problem.

  • Bit Defender support sent me a reply today , concerning this issue . Here is their reply .....

    " The issue that you have reported has been acknowledged by our team and is

    currently being worked on for a fix. As soon as we will have reached a

    solution, you will be notified via email. The fix will be done by means of

    automatic update and won't require any additional action from your part."

    I have the same problem so TY fo alerting BD to it.

    BTW I cant open your XML log file -Convert it to TXT file next time unless there's something I'm missing.


  • I have the same problem so TY fo alerting BD to it.

    BTW I cant open your XML log file -Convert it to TXT file next time unless there's something I'm missing.


    I uploaded a text version of the scan log file to this reply . You can read the file in Notepad or similar software .

    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2401" data-fileid="2401" rel="">1215117830_1_02.txt

  • I uploaded a text version of the scan log file to this reply . You can read the file in Notepad or similar software .

    I am having the exact same problem! It's been driving me nuts, I even posted about it and contacted customer service (they have never replied), at least I am not the only one. Has it been fixed on your end yet?

  • Have you made the setting to exclude files at acces and scan or just on acces?

    Maybe a simple reinstall of BD 2008 would solve your problem.

    Tried that with new d/l but had same problem,

    Your help is MUCH appreciated. Thanks- bye- Larry

  • Today I restored the good files that, BD did a false positive on and moved to quarantine . So far they haven't been sent back to quarantine, so it looks like a update resolved the problem

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    Today I restored the good files that, BD did a false positive on and moved to quarantine . So far they haven't been sent back to quarantine, so it looks like a update resolved the problem

    I have to apologize leoliver,indeed it was an issue ,i observed it my self with my firewall files that were added at exceptions and they were still scaned.Unfortunatelly i observed that after my post <img class=" />

  • Today I restored the good files that, BD did a false positive on and moved to quarantine . So far they haven't been sent back to quarantine, so it looks like a update resolved the problem

    Please disregard my above message about the problem being resolved . It has not. Tonight I ran a Deep System Scan and the same excepted files,plus more were moved to quarantine. And a drive I excepted was also scanned. That drive contained Acronis True Image , drive image back ups and I'm not sure that having a virus scan on it is good for the .tib file stability .

  • I also am having issues wherein excluded drives and directories are being processed by the manual and scheduled scans.

    I hope this can be given some priority as a number of our clients are having issues.

  • I also am having issues wherein excluded drives and directories are being processed by the manual and scheduled scans.

    I hope this can be given some priority as a number of our clients are having issues.

    I just restored the quarantined files again, and BD sent them back to quarantine in about 30 seconds or less. I was testing to see if the last update fixed this problem , and it looks like it didn't .

    I don't know why the BD experts can't quickly solve this issue ?

  • I am having a simular problem with a False Macro.VBA report, the macro is part of Actinic V9 software so I know it's safe. I have excluded every directory for Actinic but B.D. still scan's it and stops Actinic from opening, the only way I can run Actinic V9 is to disable B.D. Not acceptable...

  • I am having a simular problem with a False Macro.VBA report, the macro is part of Actinic V9 software so I know it's safe. I have excluded every directory for Actinic but B.D. still scan's it and stops Actinic from opening, the only way I can run Actinic V9 is to disable B.D. Not acceptable...

    I thought the problem was solved also until it did the deep scan and boom, the files were either deleted or sent back to quarantine. I don't see why they can't fix this, this isn't the only post about this problem.

  • I have exactly the same problem, particularly with tools necessary for client administration, which BD flags as trojans, etc., but still scans regardless of the exception settings. I have to restore them over and over after shutting off real time scanning. It really gets old.

  • I have the same problem! I want to exclude directories with log files and scans from document scanning software

    (large tiffs and 100000+ log files) and vba scripts blocked by Bitdefender. Bitdefender ignores all exceptions settings.

    I contacted the german support and received the following answer on 14. August 2008:

    "Wir haben alle Informationen die Sie an uns gesendet haben, analysiert und wir

    werden zielgenau die Angelegenheit erledigen.

    Unser Team arbeitet bereits an der Problembehebung,und sobald es verfügbar

    ist, werden wir es durch den automatischen Update einsetzen."

    On the 4th of July (40 days ago) leoliver received the reply

    "The issue that you have reported has been acknowledged by our team and is

    currently being worked on for a fix. As soon as we will have reached a

    solution, you will be notified via email. The fix will be done by means of

    automatic update and won't require any additional action from your part."

    This is no exact translation of the German reply, but has the exactly the same meaning.

    Is it such a monstrous problem to tell a software to ignore a certain path or extension;-)